Chapter 2 : The oceans pull

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"Torao!" A boy with a straw hat by the name of Monkey. D. Luffy came running towards the older and more mature Trafalger Law.

"Mugiwara-ya, I'll be leaving soon. We will have to say goodbye as soon as we depart where we have to be." Law stated looking at Luffy run towards him full speed.

Before Law could do anything Luffy had suddenly jumped into the air onto Law.

"We won't be saying goodbye! Well just be saying see you later!" Luffy giggled when Law was smiling a bit thinking of what the comment ment.

"Yeah I guess we will be saying that. Now get off me this is uncomfortable!" Law had moved Luffy away from his face and focused on getting Luffy to let go.

"Hey! Lunch is ready!" The cook on the ship yelled loud enough for everyone on the ship to hear.

"Yosh! Lunch!" Luffy jump off and ran to the dinning room. Law sighed knowing that only food would help in this situation. Law heard a loud wave bit on the ships side before reaching the dinning room. Law walked over to the side of the ship it looked as if the wave had attached itself to the ship. He thought it was just the waves moving a weird way, so he ignored it a walked to the dinning room to see everyone there eating and talking about what they had done that day.

Luffy was stuffing his face with everything that was on the table that he was able to grab. With that ability of his it made it even easier to get everything he wanted. When a green haired swordsman wasn't paying attention yelling at the cook, Luffy had grabbed a large chunk of meat. Law found it repulsive that someone could stuff so much food in his mouth all at once, but then remembered that it was Luffy and that he is just full of things no 'normal' person would ever think of.

"Huh! Where'd all the meat I had go! Luffy!" The swordsman had hit the table and looked at Luffy, no one looked surprised and they all laughed when Luffy did the terrible liar face.

"I have no idea what your talking about Zoro!" Luffy looked away and look a bit of the food from a long nosed man.

"Luffy- no that's mine!" The long nosed man struggled trying to get the food bad from Luffys fork. He failed and didn't get the food before Luffy shoved it in his mouth and ate it. On the other hand Zoro had taken a peace of food from Luffys plate without him ever noticing.

After all the food drama had been taken care of Law went back to standing outside looking at the ocean from a far distance away from the side of the ship. Luffy came out off the dinning room and went over to the side of the ship where Law could see him also looking at the waves.

"Mugiwara-ya, do you enjoy looking at the ocean?" Law asked walking closer to Luffy.

"No not really, most of the time it's really boring and nothing happens." Luffy looked at Law when Law had become close by his side. "Right now I feel like I need to look at the water, like something might happen," Law gave Luffy a strange look.

"Do you feel it to?" Luffy giggled and looked back at the waves moving across the water, some fast some slow. He sat on the railing and continued to view the beautiful ocean. A soft breeze passing by, Law still looking at Luffy was feeling an odd feeling, not something he'd ever felt while being next to the straw hat boy. Law looked down at the ships base at where it had looked as if the water has attached itself to the ship, now it looked like a water hand-like figure! Law grabbed Luffy by his vest and moved him away from the railing.
"What's going on!?" That was the first thing Luffy could think of when Law had such a strange reaction.

"Just get everyone out here to the side of the boat! Maybe they know what's going on." Law quickly ran to every place on the ship he thought the crew might be. Luffy thought it was strange but went and did as he was told.

Everyone had made it to the side of the ship looking at the hand-like figure. It had risen to how it was before.

"That thing is so creepy! What if it goes and grabs us!" Shivers ran through the long nosed man's body.

"Don't say things like that it might get ideas! Usopp you idiot!" A red head female yelled hitting the long nosed man Usopp on the back of the head.

"You really think it can get up here! Water on the ocean here is so scary!" A little reindeer pointed out hiding behind Usopp.

"Let's just slice it, it's not like it can feel anything it's water." Zoro stated pulling out one of his swords.

"That's such a dumb idea, but nothing to different to what you usually say idiot Marimo!" The cook yelled pointing at Zoro.

"Oh and you think you can think of a smarter plan ero-cook!" The two looked at each other with hatred in there eyes.

"Wow wow, Zoro, Sanji, this is not a time to be fighting! Ow!" A large cyborg said putting both his forearms together making a star print show.

"Yohohoho! He's right your guy's fights are cool but right now we have something to worry about!" A skeleton moved both of the men away from each other.

"Brook I thought you would be scared to get in-between them like that." The cyborg said.

"Well I found out there was a way to get them to not attack you by going at it a certain way." Brook said.

Law looked back at the hand, it hadn't moved at all the whole time they had all been there. Luffy jumped up on the rails and looked down at the water,

"You can't get me!" He stuck his tongue out at the water.

Some time later while the crew and Law were discussing about what might the hand do, it grabbed Luffy and covered every part of his body. No one could do anything, if they were to get the water they would end up hurting Luffy in a way. The hand quickly went back into the water going down so face Luffy got knocked out at a faster pace then he would have normally if he had gone a normal speed down.


End of chapter two.

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