Chapter 4:Settling In

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We got to Stark Tower and I brought my bags in, everyone was doing there own thing. "Morning" I heard Steve say he was sitting on a couch a few feet from were I was standing

"Morning" I said giving him a smile as I saw Morgan run by me. Okay maybe this will be a little harder than I thought but I can do it, I just have to ignore the fact that Tony is my dad and moved on and I need to move on as well

"Wheres my room?" I asked turning towards the bedrooms upstairs

"Up the stairs and take the 3rd left" she said pointing

"Thanks" I said grabbing my bads and leaving the room

I walked until I reached the 3rd door on the left, I opened the door and walked in quickly before shutting the door. I slide down to the ground and just put my head in my hands "Okay Hope you can do this just get up and face your dad" I said hitting my head on the door lightly "Come on you can do it your life is way better without him anyway you didn't need him before and you don't need him now" I tried giving myself a little peptalk to get ready to face my new life

I stood up and looked around the room, there was a bed in the middle with a nightstand. There was a small closet and bathroom, it had minimul furniture but it put the room together nicely. I opened up my bags and looked at everything, I started putting stuff on the self and on the nightstand. I wanted to put the picture of dad and mom on the nightstand but I knew if anyone saw it they would ask questions

So I put it in the nightstand drawer that way its still close to me and I can look at it any time I want. I put the cloths in the closet and there were also many other cloths already hanging up. I looked through them and some were pretty cute and in the back of the closet was a suit just like moms and it was amazing

Once everything was out and where I wanted it I felt like I needed to go talk with people to get to know them, so I walked out of my room and back down into the living room where now a few more people were sitting and talking

I sat down next to mom and gave her a smile "All settled in?" Clint asked

"Yeah" I said nodding my head and giving him a smile

"Good" I heard someone say behind me, I turned around and saw Tony walking towards us "We are throwing a welcome party tonight so be ready"

"Okay" I said before turning back looking at the others

"So is Nat your real mom?" Clint asked awkwardly

"Yes and no" I said to him I got some confused looks from everyone "Nat isn't my biological mom but she is the one who raised me and I see her as my mom" I grabbed her hand and gave her a smile and she gave me one back

"Oh" is all Clint could say he was stunned like everyone else trying to take in the information

It was silent for a few seconds "So I know you can hack but how good of a fighter are you?" Steve asked causing me to look at him

"Well I have been trained in practically everything since I could walk" I gave him a smile and he returned it

"So I think we should get ready for this party" I said getting up and giving them all one last smile before I walked up the stairs and into my room

I walked into my room and went to my closet, I looked through it and found a dress. It was a baby blue color, lace sleeves, and a cut out in the middle

I did some light makeup and threw my black hair in a ponytale, I waited in my room until I could hear noise and thats when I made my entrance

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I did some light makeup and threw my black hair in a ponytale, I waited in my room until I could hear noise and thats when I made my entrance. I was walking down the stairs when everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me "What I'm not that special" I said causing some of them to laugh

"Your Nat's daughter of course your special" Steve said bringing me over a glass of wine, he gave me the glass

"Thank you" I said taking it from him and taking a sip "This is my favorite how did you know?" I asked looking intrigued at him

"Your mom told me" he said giving me a smile

I gave him one back "Of course she did" I said now a grin on my face instead of the smile. I looked over my shoulder and saw her smile and hold her glass up in the air cheering me on, I rolled my eyes and turned back to Steve

"You want to sit and talk" I said walking over to the bar, Steve following me

"So what you want to talk about?" he asked looking at me

"I don't know" I said laughing a little bit and tilting my head to the side while strugging my shoulders

"Okay how about do you like it here?" he asked

I looked down at my drink and I could feel something in inside of me twist and turn, truth is no I'm not I'm not wanting to be here at all but I need to be "yeah I do like its nice here and big with many things to do" I said but I just don't like the secret I'm keeping and seeing my sister everyday also isn't helping

"How long have you been here?" I asked looking back up at him

"Since I woke up from the Ice" he said looking down at his drink now

"So we both have baggage that we carry around" I said putting my hand on his shoulder causing him to look up at me

"You know has anyone told you that your eyes look like Morgan's" he said giving me a smile

I didn't return it I just sat in shock "W-W-What" I said feeling myself get dragged into some sort of panic attack

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