Chapter 20:Mission

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Hope's point of view:
They strapped me down on a table and tortured me again but this time was different I saw a camera and they did things that were worse this time making me scream in pain. Normally I would just cry for them to stop but I think they wanted a reaction from me and thats what they got

I've lost track of how many days I've been here at first it was easy but now all the days blur together, I can only tell if it is night or day based on when I am fed and tortured. I have no windows or light, the only light I get is from the little crack under the door and even then I can barely see

They started doing worse things that just torturing me, they have tried wiping my mind a few times but I always remember. They get mad and torture me again. But I know they are getting close because everytime they try, I can feel my mind slowly slipping away as the process keeps going and soon I won't be able to fight them and my mind will give in and then I don't know what will come

If I'm not in control of my own mind, will I be able to stop myself from doing something I don't want to? for now I sure as hell could fight like hell to keep Hydra away as long as possible so mom and the Avengers could find me

Nat's point of view:
It has been almost two month and we still haven't found anything. Nobody has really slept since Hope was taken, Steve is beating himself up more than any of us. He thinks its his fault, if he would have just walked with Hope home she would still be with us

Tony is always in his lab trying to find her but every lead he gets leads us nowhere and its always a dead end with nothing to go off of "Tony anything new" I asked walking into his lab

He didn't even look at me or say anything all he did was shake his head in disappoinment, I let out a sigh thats the same answer I get almost everyday. "Not even--" but I was cut off by the mission alarm going off around the entire building "Great just what we need" I said throwing my hands up in the air and walking out of the lab going to put my suit on

I was putting my belt on and met everyone in the living room "I know this is bad timing but focus and get this mission done as fast as possible" Steve said picking his shield up and putting it on his back walking out of the living room and towards the quinnjet

I flew with Clint to the middle of the city where the attack was happening but the sight I saw when we got there was awful. There was choas everywhere and people running for their lives, buildings were on the ground in rubble and right in the middle was a single person

The person had a mask on and I couldn't see their face but they had their hands in the air and they were transporting from place to place. It was the weirdest thing one second they were in one place and the next they were somewhere else totally different

"Avengers get ready" Cap said grabbing his shield and waiting by the hanger door waiting for it to open so he could jump off and fight

Hope's point of view:
I really lost count after a month but the mind trick finally worked because soon I could't control my body or mind and I did everything they wanted me to, I killed people for them. Hurt people and tore families apart and I couldn't do anything to stop myself from doing it

It was like I was there but not in control, I could see everything I was doing but I couldn't control what I was doing. It hurt no matter how hard I tried to fight hydras control it never worked. I am and now will be always under their control

My latest mission was to go downtown and just cause choas, one I didn't want to do that but when do I ever want to do anything they tell me to do, and two why am I being sent to cause choas and nothing else

Clint's point of view:
What the team and I say in downtown was nothing we have ever seen before it was worse than Loki, probably the worse thing New York has ever seen and right in the center was one human being. The person looked small but not to small probably an average hight for a female

I could tell by her curves and long hair in a braid that the mystery person was a female, "Avengers get ready" Steve said. He was already waiting by the door getting ready to jump out of the quinnjet and go fight this mystery woman

I thought this scene was weird like it was a distraction or something to get our eyes off the ball, to get something we have and someone needs

Hope's point of view:
I was causing chaos when the Avengers showed up just like hydra wanted me to do, my mission was to distract the Avengers so someone could break into Stark Tower and steal some information, I was meerly the distraction

Once the Avengers stepped off the plane they started fighting me, we were fighting one on one until I had knocked all of them to the floor and now I was standing infront of them all waiting for a move

"Guys we have an issue" Iron Man said looking away from me and at the rest of the group

"Oh yeah and whats that, that we are having our asses beat by a little girl" Hawkeye said in a sarcastic tone looking quickly at Tony before looking back at me. A grin moved through my lips and onto my face but they couldn't see that

"Hydra broke into the tower this was a distraction" Iron Man said standing up in his iron suit, I could hear the metal clashing as he stood up

Hello I am colabing with @michalarae on Like Fire and Ice.  It is under her account but I am tagged in every episode, it is a love hate kinda story and will have many turns in the near future.


Sweet, Charming, Kind, Caring, Funny, Gentle...

Loki is everything Elidi's mother told her a frost giant could NEVER be. She was sent to Asgard by the orders of the fire giant king, Surtur, to assassinate Laufey's Son. At first, she thought it would be easy. Kill him and get out of Asgard before Ragnarok, but love always complicates things...

Should she follow orders like a good fire giant soldier and daughter?


Should she follow her heart to a love she's always longed for with Loki?


"Kill him tonight, or you are no daughter of mine." She grabbed the back of my neck, forcing me to look in her eyes. "You kill him tonight, Elidi, or I will, and you'll be banished from Muspelheim for the rest of eternity."


"Eli, No!" I heard Loki's voice shaking as he wept over my head in his lap. "Please Eli, I can't lose you, I love you!"

"I love you too. Eternally." I used all my strength in the moment, trying to will the words to come out louder, but they were still a mere whisper.

"Eli." His lips crashed onto mine upside down, all the passion of our time apart conveyed in one kiss. It filled me like lifeblood, and my eyes fluttered open.

"I'm fine, Loki. Promise." I started to sit up with his assistance and turned around to see those familiar green eyes boring into my very soul, filled with love and tenderness.

"But... how did you?" He asked, his hand running along my cheek gently, tenderly.

"I told you," I said, dropping the magical disguise I had clung to for oh so long and allowing the orange-red tones spread over my flesh, revealing the hot, blazing blue fire within my eyes and the flicker of light in my long red hair. "You could never hurt me."


Like Fire and Ice is a twisting, turning, Loki-centered novel of enemies to lovers in a Marvel AU! Read on if you dare!

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