Chapter 40:Honeymoon

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Sorry but I just realized I didn't update chapter 34 so if you would like to go back and read it, I think you guys would like it
Pietro and I both slept the whole way to Bora Bora being tired and all, I had a feeling we wouldn't be having much sleep in these 3 weeks. When we landed Pietro carried me bridal style into our temporary home

It had only been half of our honeymoon and I was loving it, having alone time is something I never thought I would miss when we go back to the tower. It was late afternoon when I got a call from mom "Hey" I said picking up the phone soaking up the hot sun rays I was enjoying

"Hope I'm sorry to do this but heads up when you come back we need to start getting ready for a mission" she said and I could tell she was sad to have to tell me this while I'm on my honeymoon but you can't really tell the villians no attacking earth today now can you

"Mom thats fine we'll be back by the end of the week" I said standing up and walking into the little house

"Okay hon see you soon" mom said ending the call

"Pietro I have news" I said putting my phone in my pocket

"What" he said coming around the corner in his swimsuit

"We need to be back at the tower in 4 days" I said looking into his eyes and biting my lip nervously

"What" he said in shock

"Mission" I said putting my hand on my growing bumb

I am now 4 months pregnant and getting bigger and bigger everyday, depending on what I wear you wouldn't be able to tell I was pregnant. We found out we are having a son and so far we can't decide on a name but I like Henry but Pietro doesn't

"Okay I guess we can't really stop missions" he said walking over to me and putting his hands on my baby bumb

"Right but lets enjoy these last 4 days together alone" I said standing on my tippy toes and kissing Pietro

"Deal" he said he picked me up and carried me to the deck and pushed me into the salty ocean

"I'm going to get you back for this" I said once I surfaced from under the water

"I'd like to see you try" Pietro said crossing his arms and looking down at me

"How about this" I said raising my arms in the air and summoning water and picking it up and dropping it on top of Pietro "I told you I'd get you back" I said with a grin on my face

"Ugh" he said jumping into the ocean next to me and surfacing behind me "Boo" he whispered into my ear

"I hate you" I said splashing water at him

"You love me" he said kissing me

"Your right I do" I said kissing me while keeping us afloat of the water

"I'm so happy to call you my wife" he said kissing my cheek

"And I'm happy to call you my husband" I said smiling and looking into his eyes

"Okay I'm getting tired holding us up lets get out" I said pulling away and swimming to the steps to get on the dock

Pietro followed me and got out behind me wrapping a towel around me and hugging me from behind "I guess we should make sure we make the most of the next 4 days before going back to a crazy house" I said looking up and making a kissy face towards Pietro

"I agree" he said bending down and kissing me

The next 4 days went by in a blur so fast, I wasn't ready to go back home. I wanted to be here with Pietro alone forever, just like dad said he sent his private jet. It wasn't big but big enough for a few people to fly at a time

When we got back I was swarmed into a hug, everyone was surrounding me with smiles on their faces. "Happy your back" mom said giving me a smile

"Yeah wish I could say the same" I said smirking at her

"Ow" mom said putting her hand over her heart like I just shot her

"Relax I just wish I had a little more time" I said coming over and having a one on one hug with mom

"I know but we need you" dad said pulling me out of moms hug and into his own hug

"Yeah you guys can't do anything without me" I said laughing hugging dad back

"Oh whatever" he said pushing me away and lightly hitting my arm

"Ow" I said taking a page out of moms book and putting my hand over my heart

"Your fine" dad said walking away towards a computer probably to go do more science work

"Okay now I'm going to sleep" I said grabbing my bag and dragging it behind me and up the stairs to Pietro and I's room jet lag is no joke apparently

I threw my bag by my desk and flopped down on my bed closing my eyes hoping to get a goodnights sleep, I had a weird dream. This was something I've never been through but it felt so real, I was with people I had no clue who they were but they were nice and friendly

I felt safe but lonely and sad like I was missing something important in my life, like I left my whole life somewhere that I wasn't. I had a new family it felt like and I didn't like it at all

This is all a dream right, this isn't real. I'm pregant with my baby boy and married to Pietro they are my family, I could never replace them. I started trying to wake up but I felt stuck

I started stiring in my sleep trying to wake up, I wanted to be in Pietros arms in our bed. I finally got my eyes open and I sat up looking around my room for Pietro and he was laying down next to me asleep

I curled up next to him and fell right back to sleep safe in his arms

Hello I am colabing with @michalarae on Like Fire and Ice.  It is under her account but I am tagged in every episode, it is a love hate kinda story and will have many turns in the near future.


Sweet, Charming, Kind, Caring, Funny, Gentle...

Loki is everything Elidi's mother told her a frost giant could NEVER be. She was sent to Asgard by the orders of the fire giant king, Surtur, to assassinate Laufey's Son. At first, she thought it would be easy. Kill him and get out of Asgard before Ragnarok, but love always complicates things...

Should she follow orders like a good fire giant soldier and daughter?


Should she follow her heart to a love she's always longed for with Loki?


"Kill him tonight, or you are no daughter of mine." She grabbed the back of my neck, forcing me to look in her eyes. "You kill him tonight, Elidi, or I will, and you'll be banished from Muspelheim for the rest of eternity."


"Eli, No!" I heard Loki's voice shaking as he wept over my head in his lap. "Please Eli, I can't lose you, I love you!"

"I love you too. Eternally." I used all my strength in the moment, trying to will the words to come out louder, but they were still a mere whisper.

"Eli." His lips crashed onto mine upside down, all the passion of our time apart conveyed in one kiss. It filled me like lifeblood, and my eyes fluttered open.

"I'm fine, Loki. Promise." I started to sit up with his assistance and turned around to see those familiar green eyes boring into my very soul, filled with love and tenderness.

"But... how did you?" He asked, his hand running along my cheek gently, tenderly.

"I told you," I said, dropping the magical disguise I had clung to for oh so long and allowing the orange-red tones spread over my flesh, revealing the hot, blazing blue fire within my eyes and the flicker of light in my long red hair. "You could never hurt me."


Like Fire and Ice is a twisting, turning, Loki-centered novel of enemies to lovers in a Marvel AU! Read on if you dare!

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