Chapter 25:Wanda No

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"Hope you have nothing to be afraid of" mom said grabbing my hand causing me to open my eyes and look at her

"I know but its all there and I can't get it out of my head" I said looking down at our hands

"It will get better I promise" she said rubbing my hand, I smiled a little knowing mom and dad were in my corner.  I felt Pietro starting to move on the bed so I let go of moms hand and turned to look at him 

"Pietro" I said shaking his leg

"Hhmm" he said putting his hand on his face covering his eyes

I saw dad and mom leave the room, leaving me and Pietro alone.  "I'm sorry this is all my fault" I said helping him sit up

"Hey don't worry about it" he said giving me a smile

"No if I would have rolled back over and went to sleep then we wouldn't be in this mess" I said looking down at my lap

I felt Pietro put his fingers under my chin lifting it up so I'm looking into his eyes and then it happened.  Something I never thought would happen, he kissed me and I kissed him back

We pulled away and looked into each other eyes "Wow" is all I could say I was in shock

"Wasn't to bad right" he said giving me a small smile

"No it was awsome just wasn't especting it" I said giving him another kiss.  I feel safe in his presence, I feel like I can never be hurt when I'm with him

"Do you maybe wanna go out some time with me then" he asked smiling probably hoping I say yes

"Well" I said putting my finger on my chin trying to look like I'm thinking, Pietro looked down almost sad "Of course I will" I said picking his chin up and he got a smile on his face

"how about saturday at 8" he said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room

"Its a date" I said walking out and towards the living room where everyone was sitting around not knowing what to say by the looks of how they were all sitting

I sat down next to Pietro and he was rubbing my hand, "Hope" Wanda said causing us all to look at her "I'm so sorry" she said putting her head down and looking at the floor

"Hey its no ones fault" I said walking over to her and kneeling on the ground lifting her chin up making her look at me

"But--" she started to say but I cut her off

"But nothing I'm here now and thats what matters" I said turning and giving everyone else a smile

"Hope if you can't tell us what happened can Wanda?" Steve asked coming over and helping me off the floor

I looked at Wanda and then back at Steve "Yeah but I can't be here" I said pulling away and walking out of the living room to the training room where I wanted to punch something

I wrapped my hand in tape and started punching the punching bag, I was trying to punch every bad memory I had away.  I punched until I couldn't feel my hands, I looked at them and they were all red and bloody.  "UGH" I said putting my head down and looking at the floor

I was starting to feel the tiredness seeping into my mind but I fought it off I need coffee.  I unwrapped my hands and looked at the bloody mess that was left, I heard mom cough behind me and I turned around and faced her

I could tell she had been crying because her eyes were red and buffy, Wanda must have told them what happened to me or what she saw at least.  "Hope" she said her voice breaking

I shook my head "Don't" I said walking over to her "Just don't" I pulled her into a hug and I felt a few tears fall down my face

"Hope I'm so sorry I had no idea" she said pulling away and wiping my tears away

"How could you" I said giving her a very weak smile

"But I should have noticed sooner, found you sooner" she said looking down at the floor

"Me too" dad said coming into the training room and bringing me into a hug

"Lets get your hands cleaned up" mom said touching my shoulder, just from her touch I jumped a little and I could see the sadness in dad and moms eyes

"Okay" I said walking over and sitting on one of the benchs

Mom brought over a first aid kit and started cleaning my wounds "That stings" I said as she put alcohol on my wounds cleaning them

"Sorry" she said putting the wraps over my knuckles and on my cuts

"Thanks" I said standing up and leaving the training room and going to the living room where I'm sure I'll get a whole bunch of sad stares and comments that I don't want or need to hear right now

Hello everybody I am writing another story if you want to go give it a try, a little description is down below.  I'm currently getting a lot of chapters edited so you won't have to wait long to find out whats happening in the book

Your Tony's sister and nobody knows about you but what happens when you fall in love with Captain America and your big brother doesn't approve

When your whole existence is a secret and nobody knows u you live in the attic of stark tower but what happens when a certain avenger gets curious and finds your room how will it play out and what will Tony do in the end while he is trying to protect you

"Steve" I dropped my head. Remembering Anya is painful I didn't even get 5 minutes with her before Yelena had to take her away from me.

"Stop playing games" he snapped causing me to flinch.

"I'm sorry" I dropped my head to the floor, letting it hang "I lost her" I let slip out of my mouth, breaking into sobs

"You lost who?" Steve asked worried getting down on the floor, looking up into my red, puffy eyes

"Why worry I'm nothing but a pest in your way" I tilted my head to the side looking him straight in the eyes again

"Your not a pest and I will always worry about you no matter what, you are my sister." I could tell he truely meant it again but I couldn't stand this anymore

"No I'm not, I have no family anymore. You left me and you sent me away to a father who cares what I can do and only that so please leave" I pointed to the door letting the venom in my voice lace every word that left my mouth

"NO you need to let it out and talk to me this is what you really need and if you don't believe that now you will someday when this is past and your happy in Steve's arms again" Tony had a smile on his face

"Your dad" I said looking at him narrowing my eyes

"What the hell does that mean?" he asked more confused than ever

"Hey believe what you want but I know the truth and that is your Howard and don't know how to be anything different" I felt something in my heart break more

Continue if you dare in The Secret Sister, now found on my profile page

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