Chapter 36:Party

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Sorry but I just realized I didn't publish chapter 34 so if you guys would like to go back and read it, I think you guys would like it
"Pietro" I said looking up at him

"Yeah" he said giving me a smile

"I think we should marry in the next month" I took a deep breath hoping he would agree with me "I feel like something is always happening and I don't want to wait to be married to you" I gave him a smile

"I agree" he said bending down and giving me a kiss and I kissed back

"Good" I said once we pulled away

"Lets go downstairs" Pietro said standing up and grabbing my hand dragging me out of the room and down stairs to everyone

"Hey what we doing" I said moving over and sitting down next to mom

"Shots" Dad said bringing over shot glasses filled with a clear liquid

"Oh" I said him handing me a glass and I looked over at Pietro well I guess they will know I'm pregnant in a few minutes guess hiding it isn't an option anymore

"What are these for?" mom asked looking over at me quickly besides Pietro shes the only one who knows and I wanted to keep it that way for a little bit but I guess not

"Because I wanted a shot do we need any other reason" he said shrugging his shoulders "Now everyone up and drink" he raised his glass in the air and took one big gulp of the alcohol

I raised my glass but didn't drink it "I can't drink this" I said putting it down on the table

"And why not?" Tony asked looking me square in the eye setting his glass down on the table too. Everyone was staring at me now wondering why I turned down the shot. I never turn down a sip of alcohol

"Because I'm pregnant" I said giving them all a smile before they all started cheering in happiness, waving their hands in the air and jumping up and down

"Since when?" dad asked his eyes wide open in shock

"Since this morning" I gave him a smile standing up

"Yay" he said pulling me into a hug

"Congradulations Hope" Steve said pulling me from dad and into his arms

"Thanks Steve" I said giving him a smile and hitting his arm

"I'm so excited to have a little me or little Hope running around this place" Pietro said putting his hands on my shoulders

I turned my head to look up at him and gave him a smile before kissing him quickly "Oh" I said turning back to face everyone "We decided we are going to get married in a month before I get to big and life gets to crazy again"

Everyone gave me a smile "Sounds like a plan hon" mom said giving me a thumbs up and an evil smirk appeared on her face

'uh oh what is she doing' I thought in my head

"Okay" I said opening my eyes a little more kinda afraid of what she is thinking

"Now who wants another shot this time for Hope being pregnant" dad said walking away out of the room briefly before coming back with a bottle of tequila

"Oh boy" I said putting my hand over my eyes

Dad started pouring the liquid into everyones shot glasses "To Hope" he said raising his glass into the air

'To me" I said raising an imaginary glass into the air

"To you" they all said drinking their shots

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