Chapter 12:Becoming An Avenger

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We were in the room sitting around a big table that fit us all and Fury was standing infront of the table looking at us. "So how did it go?" Fury asked like he had no idea but in reality he was watching from behind a screen in the Tower

"Good there were no casualties lucky" Steve said. Steve was sitting on one side of me and mom on the other side of me

"Well thats good and Agent Joanna will make a full recovery" Fury said making me smile I'm glad to hear she will be alright

We talked for a while about how the mission went and what the next move was but for now Fury told us to go back to our rooms and have a goodnights rest

We all walked out of the debriefing room and into the living room. We walked over to the couch non of us could sleep right now, we were all still moving and just got out of the mission debriefing so our minds were still jumping and going crazy ready to do anything

We all kinda settled into the couchs and just relaxed "Guys I have something to ask?" Tony said standing up and looking between us all

"Go for it" I said putting my hand over my eyes and yawning

"I want to invite you and Peter to join the Avengers" he said excited

I sat up in shock and looked at him did he just ask me what I think he asked me "Are you serious?" I asked shocked for clarification

He just nodded "I don't know about Peter but I'd love to join the Avengers" I said giving mom a smile. She raised her eyebrows and smiled in shock

"Same" Peter said smiling at me

"Great we will have a party tomorrow night to celebrate you both joining the team now I'm off" Tony said giving us all a smile and walking up the stairs to his room

"I'm going to bed too goodnight everyone" I said standing up and walking up the stairs into my room. I put some shorts and a t-shirt on quickly and laid down on my bed. As soon as I laid down my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep

When I woke up mom was shaking me lightly, I could see the sun coming through the curtains and hitting the edge of the bed. "What" I said my voice scratchy and dry from the night

"I need to train and your helping me" she said grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the bed and down the hall to the training room

I was half asleep trying to keep up with her and when we got to the training room she let go of my hand and went to the corner to do something and honestly I was still asleep and didn't care

I laid down on the floor and closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep but that didn't work. Mom grabbed my wrist again and dragged me off the floor and now I was standing giving her an evil glare "Fine" I said throwing my head back in defeat and grabbing the staph from her rolling my eyes

We moved to the middle of the floor and got ready to fight each other, we were hitting each other staphs against each other but we weren't hitting each other. We were fighting and mom got the upper hand she threw my staph across the room and now I am defenseless

She was still coming at me so I rolled out of the way and stood up trying to find the best way to get to my staph to make the fight fair again, but she was blocking me everywhere I looked except one. I thought of a plan in my mind and then I did it

I waited for mom to come a little closer and then I rolled between her legs and did a backflip over to the staph and picked it up. I moved back into the middle of the room and prepared for another attack but when I looked around I couldn't see mom

I felt something under my legs and I hit the floor, mom was now standing over me with a smirk on her face. "Your off today" she said giving me her hand to help me up

"No you don't say" I said scarcastic fulling my voice "I'm tired I've been awake for like 30 minutes" I give her an evil glare

She just laughed "Well maybe go to bed earlier" she said smiling from ear to ear

"You think your funny" I said turning around and walking out of the training room

"Hey where you going" mom shouted after me

"Back to bed" I said putting my middle finger in the air and at her. I could hear her laughing

I was going to go back to bed but I looked at the clock and it was getting late I didn't realise it but mom and I were training for a few hours. In the mirror I noticed a bruise formind on my butt were I fell, I grabbed my cloths and hopped in the shower letting the warm water hit my body

I washed my hair and stood under the water for the longest of time it felt like an eternity, I got out of the shower and everything was steamed up. The mirrors and phone were covered in a white misty fog

I wiped a little bit of the steam off the mirror and looked at my reflection, my wet hair dripping down onto the floor. I dried off and just threw on a simple sweatshirt with sweatpants I will be changing later

I walked out of the bathroom the cold air hitting me like a brick wall, I threw my phone on the bed and walked over to my little vanity that has my brush and I brushed my hair out. I was starting to get ready for this party

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