Chapter 7:First Mission

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We ate dinner and played tea party for a little bit before Morgan started yawning and getting tired "Okay lets get you to sleep" I said starting to clean up the mess we made "Go get your PJ's on and I'll clean up the mess" I was almost done and she needed to get her PJ's on

She ran out of the room and into the bathroom were she got changed and came back out "All done" she said jumping up and down

"Good job" I said putting the last tea pot away and walking over to her, "Now what do we need to do before bed?" I asked picking her up

"Go to the bathroom and brush our teeth" she said pointing to the bathroom again. I walked into the bathroom and set her down on the counter grabbing her tooth brush "I do it" she reached for the toothbrush and grabbed it out of my hands

"Okay but then I do it after" I said standing infront of her for about 30 seconds before taking the tooth brush from her "My turn"

"Okay" she said opening her mouth and waiting for me to start

I finished and she went to the bathroom and I tucked her into the bed "Read me a book please" she said handing me a book she had already picked out

"Sure" I said grabbing it from her and laying on the bed next to her, I looked at the book and it was a princess book. "Once upon a time" I started with looking at Morgan as her eyes already started closing slowly "The princess met a very handsome prince they met at a ball where she was the prettiest girl there and he was looking for a wife" I continued to read Cinderella until my eyes started getting heavy

I put the book down and closed my eyes falling asleep next to Morgan in her bed

I could feel myself being shaken lightly waking me up "Huh" I said rubbing my eyes looking up to see the person who was shaking me

"Hun lets get you in your bed" it was mom she must have came to check on me when I didn't come out of Morgans room earlier

I got up and looked at Morgan who was sleeping peacefully under the blankets "Goodnight little sister" I said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

I walked out of the room and saw mom waiting for me "Shes growing on you" she said nudging my shoulder

"Maybe a little" I said smiling looking at the ground still half asleep

"Well I think everyone here likes you" she said giving me a smile

"Well lets hope it stays that way I could still say something dumb and awful to someone by mistake" I say rolling my eyes and looking at the ground

"You won't do that I'll stop you from doing it I promise I want you to have a happy relationship with you know who" she said wiggling her eyebrows at me and pushing me lightly into the wall

Sometimes mom is more like my best friend instead of my mom, she is the other person to my soul who keeps me in line and doesn't let me make stupid mistakes. She can't always stop them but most of the time she does, "Thanks mom" I said giving her a smile

We talked the whole way to my room where she gave me a hug and let me go into my room, I didn't even bother changing into my PJ's. I just moved to the bed and flopped down closing my eyes as soon as I hit the pillow

It had only been a few hours when a loud and annoying alarm was going off through out the whole house, I rubbed my eyes and got out of the bed hearing a whole bunch of noise. I walked outside my room and saw everyone running around fantically getting their mission suits on "Suit up" I heard Tony yell at me from down the hallway

I looked at him and gave him a head nod before turning back into my room and shutting the door. I ran over to my closet before flipping through the cloths to find my mission suit in the back, I grabbed it and quickly threw it on and throwing my hair in a ponytale so it wouldn't be in my face (look at picture up top to see what your suit looks like)

I ran back out to the living room were I saw everyone in there mission suits and getting ready to fight someone or something, "So whats going on" I said sounding tired. I am tired both physically and mentally, I haven't slept the same since coming here I don't know if its stress or the fact I'm living with my dad and he doesn't know it yet but I know I'll need a good nights sleep eventually

"We need to go take down a hydra base" Steve said putting his shield on his back and waiting for the others. He was the only one who was fully ready except me of course, it only takes me 2 minutes to get ready or thats what I tell everyone anyway but in reality it takes me about 5-10 minutes depending on what I need to wear and do

"Oh okay thats it" I said rubbing my eyes and yawning

"Yeah" mom said putting her arm around my shoulders and squeezing me "But don't worry you'll stay by me and I'll protect you" I looked up at her in shock. Did she really just say that 'I'll protect you' my ass I'm the one who always protects us, last time we got in a little trouble I ended up needing to use my gift to save our asses

"Fine then I won't help at all" I said pushing her arm off and giving her a smirk

"Okay team lets go" Tony said walking behind us in his Iron Man suit and walking off to the quinnjet where we all followed. We got on the quinnjet and took off towards the hydra base we need to take down

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