Moving in

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the end of the third trimester
Jackson Pov
"Jackson I swear to God I'm gonna pop soon" Jo says coming down the stairs holding her baby belly and I laugh at her. "Jackson I'm serious! The Due date is in 2 weeks!" She says. She walks over to me and I'm sitting on the couch. She cuddles up and starts making out with me. "I'm loving your pregnancy hormones" I say while kissing me. "Me too" She says and takes off my jacket. "Wait Jackson" She says to me. "What?" I ask. "What time am I supposed to be moved out of my apartment by?" She asks. "12" I say and look at the time. "Oh crap" We both day. It's 11 o clock and We're at my house. "Go grab all the boxes and I'll start the car" I say to her. She goes and grabs all the empty boxes and I help her put them in the car. "I swear I never was running late to things until I started hanging out with you" I say to her. "I have that effect on people" She says and we laugh. We arrive at the apartment at about 11:15 and Jo runs up the stairs. "Jo be careful please" I say because I don't want her falling and hurting her or the lil guy. "I know" She says an goes inside to pack up all her things. I grab all the boxes from the car and bring them up. She starts to pack up all her clothes and I do the little things like a few things in the kitchen. By now it's 11:30 and I can tell Jo is getting nervous. "Hey jo are you ok?" I ask. "Yea, it's just- I don't wanna like- I just am scared I won't leave in time" She says, I don't believe that's the reason why she's so anxious but I role with it. I walk up to her and I grab the outside or her hands and hold them tight, I always do that when she's anxious and it calms her down for a little bit.

     Jo Pov
  I woke up this morning with a contraction. I just assumed it was Braxton Hicks so I tried to ignore them even though they hurt really bad. Me and Jackson were packing up the loft. I wan kinda sad. It's one of the only places I was able to call home since my car. But every time I walked into the loft I usually got reminded of Alex so this was good. Plus I'm with Jackson now. And I love Jackson. Wait no I don't love him. I keep on thinking I love him. But I  can't love him. Right? I mean I've never felt the way I feel with him with anyone else but that isn't love right? Oh crap. It's love.
   As we were packing I felt more contractions way more often. It's too early. These cannot be contractions I keep telling myself. I start getting so anxious but Jackson notices. I like that he's always been able to tell if something was wrong, and always there to offer help. He came over and help my hands. He always did that when I'm anxious. It always calmed me down for a bit. Every time he does that I feel so loved, and safe. We just stay there, in silence, enjoying each other's presence and it calms me down every time. Once I'm calm I look up at his gorgeous eyes and nod. He lets go of my hands and continues packing my stuff away. I felt kinda bad after because I didn't tell him the real reason I'm anxious. I'll just tell him if my water breaks. (even though I'm a doctor and know that's a horrible idea)
It's 11:45 and everything is packed up. Jackson and I go into the loft one last time and just look around. His hand is behind my back and I let out a sigh. "You gonna be alright" Jackson asks. "Yea" I nod. "I have a new home now" I say and look up at him. I lean in and give him a small kiss.
  When we arrive at what is now our home I unpack all of my stuff. I still had a few contractions and they hurt really bad but I had to push through. This baby is NOT coming out today. "Jackson. Mer texted me asking to come over, Amelia is there with Maggie and they're drinking. Well obviously I won't, and Amelia won't either but we can watch them and have fun" I say to him. "You can go, but Har is getting dropped off at 8 and is staying with us for a few days while April and Jackson visit April's parents, so I'll stay" He tells me. "Ok!" I say and give him a kiss goodbye. I grab my keys and drive to Mer's.
    On my way to Mer's I had another contraction. I pulled over and let it pass. I had 5 more minutes until Mer's house so I had to push through. It's just Braxton Hicks. It's just Braxton Hicks I keep telling myself over and over again.
   I arrive at Mer's and Amelia opens the door. "Maggie's already drunk and Mer is almost there, It's very entertaining I must say so come on in" Amelia says to me and I laugh. "WILSON!" Maggie says drunkenly and I greet her and Meredith. "Hey Jo how was leaving the loft. Are you alright" Mer asks. "I'm great" I say. "I have so many great memories of you me and Alex in that place! Oh remember when you were depressed! I came over and told you about when I drowned." Mer said and she was definitely very drunk at this point. Amelia gives me a look like crap Mer might've pushed too far but I tell Amelia that it's ok.
   A few moments later Maggie trips over one of Bailey's trains and it makes me and Amelia laugh so hazard. I suddenly feel something warm beneath me and think I peed my pants. I push myself up and realize my water broke. Welp. Not Braxton Hicks. "Oh crap!" I say. "What?" Amelia asks. "So um, my water just broke." I say surprisingly very calmly. "WHAT! Maggie get paper towels and clean up the floor" Mer says to Maggie. "On it" Maggie says. "Guys paper towels aren't gonna do anything Jo is in labor!" Amelia yells at them. "Right" Maggie says and puts the paper towels down. "wait YOU'RE IN LABOR" Mer says. "Well obviously my water just kinda broke-" I say sarcastically. So how Amelia is the only sane one right now. "Ok everyone get in my car right now!" Amelia says and Maggie and Mer run to the car. "Amelia please call Jackson. Please call him." I beg. "I can't do this with out him. This baby isn't supposed to come out yet! Please call him" I say and I start freaking out. I begin to sob. "Amelia what am i gonna do?" I say sobbing. "I'm not a parent" I continue and start hyperventilating. "Jo! Jo! Listen to my voice. You have to calm down or your baby will go into distress! Please breath. In out" Amelia says to me trying to calm me down but I'm still freaking out. I cant have a baby. I'm not ready. It's gonna hate me. What if I'm an awful parent. What if I'm so bad at parenting that Jackson leaves me just like everyone else does. "Jo grab my hand and walk to the car with me. I just called Jackson he's on his way to the hospital. I also called Carina and she has a room prepped for you." Amelia says to me and we walk to the car. "You're having a baby" Maggie says to me from the backseat. "I'm having a baby" I say freaking out.

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