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Jackson Pov
April dropped Harriet off and and Harriet went inside. "Dada where's jojo?" Harriet asked. I loved that she called jo jojo. "She's at Auntie Mer's" I tell her. "Aw can she come here soon she makes the best mac and cheese!" Harriet says to me. "She'll be back in a few hours, but I make the best dino biggest so why don't we have those instead?" I suggest to her. "I wuv dinos!" She says and follows me into the kitchen. Harpists coloring a picture and I take the biggest out of the oven. I check my phone and see I have a call from Amelia. "Hey Amelia" I say to her. "Jackson come to the Hospital right now! Jo's water just broke!" Amelia says. "WHAT" I say to her. "Yep shes in my car....with drunk Meredith and Maggie in my back seat." Amelia says. "Oh crap! What do I do with Harriet!?" I ask. "I'll check her into daycare when you arrive, you just tell her Jojo is having her sibling so she has to be in daycare." Amelia tells me. I have no idea how Amelia is at all sane right now but I really appreciate it. "Harriet guess what!" I say to her. "Jojo is about to have the baby! So we have to go to the hospital. Amelia will check you into daycare and once Jojo had the baby you can come meet it!" I say to her. I can't believe I'm gonna have a second child. Wow. "Yayayaya! I'm gonna be a big sister!" Harriet says and then I nod. I pick the dino nuggets into a to-go container and Harriet grabs a backpack with coloring books in it for daycare. I pick her up and we go to the car. "Dada?" Harriet asks. "Yes har" I say. "Is Jo gonna be my mommy?" Harriet asks. I don't know what to say. Me and Jo haven't talked about that, and me and April haven't talked about that. I try and ignore the question. "Are you excited to be a big sister?" I ask her. "Yes!" She says excitedly.
We arrive at the hospital and Amelia is at the entrance waiting for me. I hug Harriet goodbye and Amelia tells me what room Jo is in. I immediately run to her room.

Amelia Pov
Jo went into labor at Mer's house. I know how crazy it makes you going into labor, and Mer and Maggie were extremely drunk so I had to be the sane one, even though I was secretly freaking out on the inside. I rush Jo into my car and Maggie and Mer flop into the back. Jo looks so nervous so I continue to reassure her. I know she's going to be an amazing mom but she doesn't believe it. "Jo how did you not realize you were about to go into labor? Did you not feel the contractions?" I ask. "I did! But I had to be out of my apartment by 12 so I wanted to push through them. And I assumed they were Braxton Hicks. OWWWWWW! that was a big one" Jo tells me. "Jo how did you not notice they were real contractions" Maggie asked. "Hey you've never been in labor" Mer snaps back at her. When the 2 of them are drunk it's really funny. Sometimes it's hard for me to watch but I've gotten way better at it and I'm proud of myself for that. I called Jackson and told him I can check Harriet into daycare. This day was a bit too much responsibility for me but you know what who cares. I arrive at the hospital and Jo is obviously in pain. Bailey sees us and is so confused. "What the hell happened" Bailey says. "So she's in labor and those two are drunk" I told her. "Well ok go get Jo up to OB what are you waiting for. I put Jo in a wheelchair because she looks like she's in a lot of pain. "OWWWWW" Jo says. "Amelia how on earth did you BIRTH A BABY" She says while we're on the elevator. "I'm gonna be honest I have no idea" I say to her. "THE KIDS GONNA HATE ME OWWWWW" Jo says pushing through a contraction. "Where almost at the room and then Carina can give you all the drugs you need." I tell her. "NO DRUGS!" She says. "What? That's stupid. Well I mean I would never get any drugs giving birth because, well you know why but you should! Are you crazy?" I say to her. "You and I both know there's a higher chance of something happening to my baby if I get drugs!" Jo says to me. "Right sorry" I say. We get to the room and Jo's contractions are 3 minutes apart. This baby is coming quickly. "AHHH WHERE IS JACKSON!" Jo says. "He's on his way. But right now you have me. Grab my hand, scream, kick, cry, whatever you need I got you." I tell her. "Thank you OWWWW" Jo says. My phone vibrates and it's jackson. "Jackson just texted me and he's here I have to go check Harriet into daycare Jackson will be up in a few minutes." I tell her. "WHAT!" she screams. "A FEE MINUTES! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IN A FEE MINUTES! I CAN HAVE THIS BABY WITHOUT JACKSON! MY BABY CAN DIE. MY BABY CAN LEAVE MY LIKE EVERYONES LEFT ME! MY BABY CAN CRAWL!" Jo screams. "Crawl?" I asked. "DON'T QUESTION IT IM IN LABOR!" She says. "Ok i'll be so fast I promise." I tell her and I run and get Jackson.

Jo Pov
Amelia has been with me for most of this but then she left me to go get Jackson. I think i've decided Amelia is gonna be here with Jackson as my baby comes out. Even though that's probably gonna be in a few minutes. But I'll just tell Amelia to be quick. 2 minutes pass and I see Jackson. "JACKSON HI OWWWW" I say. "Hey" He says and runs to my bed and kisses me. "Oh my god Amelia was right this does help with the pain! Kiss me more!" I tell Jackson and he makes out with me a little too long." Amelia comes up the stairs. "How are we doing?" She asks. "OH GREAT JUST YOU KNOW IN LABOR" I say to her. "HERE AMELIA GRAB MY HAND" I tell her. "WHAT?" she asks. "PLEASS YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR MOST OF IT YOUR STAYING TIL ITS OUT" I tell her. "Can we stop refuting to our baby as 'it'" Jackson asks. "Yea, in about 20 minutes when the baby is out and is a real human in my hands" I say to him. "HOLY CRAP" I shout. "What now!?" He asks. "I'm gonna be a mother. IM GONNA BE A MATHER" I say. "Yes and you're gonna be a great one." He reassured me. "NO IM NOT! IM NOT MOMMY MATERIAL! KIDS DONE LIKE ME." I say. "Jo I see how you are with kids, and Harriet and you're amazing. And it's one of the reasons why I love you" He tells me. He loves me. "You love me?" I ask. "I love you" He tells me. "Well that really works out because I'm in love with you too" I say and he makes out with me. "Still hear guys" Amelia says. "right sorry OWWW" I say to her. Carina comes in and checks my cervix. "Oh boy! This baby is ready to come out! Jo You're gonna need to start pushing." Carina says. "OH GOD AHHHHH" I say. "good keep going" Carina says. "AHHHHHH" I scream and I'm basically breaking Jackson and Amelia's hands. "Almost there's just 2 more pushes!" Carina says. "AHHHHHHHHHH" "Good last one" Carina tells me. "AHHHHHHHHH" Carina gets the baby. "Congratulations it's a girl!" Carina says and Jackson cuts the cord. "A girl!" I say and my eyes full with tears of joy. "A girl" Jackson says. I hold my baby and look into it's eyes. "I will never leave you I promise" I say to her and Jackson hears me and smiles.

this chapter was so long and i'm so sorry but that's for liking this story so much!! I really appreciate it! Keep voting for my chapters!!💓💓

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