Mer? I need some advive!

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About a month later
   Jackson Pov
  Alex still works at the hospital but Jo and I have been able to avoid him, the only time we really talk to him is for a consult or if we're on a case with him. I am thinking about asking Jo to marry me. I mean it's been about 3 years and we really love each other! We literally have kids! I love her so much and wanna spend the rest of my life with her. I even have a ring! I have to talk to Mer though to see if she agrees. Mer knows me and Jo so well that she'll know if it's the right thing to do.
   I decide to pickup my phone and call Mer. "Hey Jackson what's going on?" Meredith asks. "Nothing really but I have to ask you something really really really important so if you can like invite me over that would be greatly appreciated." I say. "Umm sure come in like 20 minutes...will Jo be here too?" she asks. "No just me, ok I have to go Amelia is hungry. Oh by the way I'm being Amelia too" I say and hang up on Meredith.
  "Hey Amelia do you wanna go to Auntie Mer's house?" I ask her and she nods. "Yes! Yes! Yes pwease dada!" She says and I smile. "Ok let's go get you dressed." I say and lift her up and take her to her room. "What do you wanna wear?" I ask her. "Dis pwetty dwess mamo got me!" She says ans I giggle at the way she says dress. "Ok!" I say and get Amelia all dressed up. "Why don't I give you some carrots and then we go?" I say to her. "Ew i don't like carrots!" she says. "Apples?" I suggest and she nods. We go downstairs and I cut apple slices for her. I put them in a tupperware and I walked with Amelia to the car. Harriet was at April's and Jo was at work so I didn't have to worry about Jon finding out or Harriet being nosy and accidentally telling Jo.
   When we arrive at Meredith's and I go to unbuckle Amelia and I realise that all the apples were gone. "Where did the apples go?" I asked her and she pointed to her stomach. "In my tummy!" She said with a smile ans I unbuckled her. I placed her down and grabbed her tiny little hand as we walked towards Mer's door.
   Zola greets us at the door and says hi to us. I can't believe how old Zola is getting. Zola goes away up into her room with fancy led lights like all the cool kids these days and I put Amelia in the play room where Ellis is. Ellis is older than Amelia but Ellis likes to take car of her so I appreciate that. I then walk into the kitchen and see Mer.
   "MER I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION!" I say and Mer looks undated and sips her coffee. "What is it?" she asks. "I wanna ask Jo to Marry me" I blurt out so quickly. "Oh crap" Someone says with a slight laugh. I turn around and see it's Zola. "Zola Language!" Nee says. "Solo you have to promise you won't tell anyone! Please Zola you really can't!" I say really quickly. "Relax, I wasn't gonna tell anyone...but now I get to hear the rest of this story or I will tell someone!" Zola says. "I wish you were a sweet little 5 year old again!" I tease her. "I wish you were not annoying again" She says and we laugh. "Ok Jackson get back to the wanting Jo to Marry you please!" Mer says and I nod. "Ok so I love her, I love her so much. I just, I wanna spend the rest of my life with her! But I'm worried that Jo will freak out! She will be worried I'll leave her. And I'm not gonna to, I never will leave her! But I'm worried that getting married will make her more anxious about me leaving her" I say very quickly. "Yea she's probably gonna freak out." Zola says unfased. "Zola!" Mer says to her. "What mom? It's true. Everyone leaves Jo, she has severe abandonment issues and she has the right to have them. Maybe talk to her about getting married and see what her thought are on it. Then if she seems like she wants to get married, propose. Just make sure you're both ready." Zola says. "Zola that's the smartest thing you've said since you were 7!" I say and am genuinely shocked. "I have my moments." She says with a sarcastic grin. I look over at Mer and her jaw is to the floor. "Zola, when did you become a love expert?" Mer asks and seems so confused. "I'm in middle school mom, I know things" Zola sasses and Mer and I laugh at her. "I can't believe i'm gonna say this but I agree with Zola. This isn't something you can just bring up onto jo, she would be able to handle it but start having slight conversations with her about it." Mer says and I smile. " Wow this went way better than I expect" I say. "Well what did you expect us to say? 'Jo doesn't love you and you two will never work if you were married?" Zola says sarcastically. "Well...kinda" I say slightly ashamed. And Mer laughs at me. "I've never seen you this nervous about a girl before it's so funny" Mer makes fun of me and then I go to get Amelia from the play room. We say goodbye to everyone and drive home.
   I arrive home and I see Jo sitting on the couch. "Hi, where have you been?" She asks and I go up to kiss her on the cheek. "Oh I was just at Mer's house, Amelia wanted to be with Ellis" I say. "Of course she did" Jo laughs and we watch tv with Amelia.

————————————————————————Hey guys i'm really sorry it's taking me long to do updates. It's been a crazy few weeks. Also next week is my birthday so I'm not sure if there will be a part up but i'll try my hardest!

Thoughts on 17x7? I was a MESS! Totally didn't expect that.

Are you excited for you 17x8? I'm excited for Jo, Jackson, and Link playing a drinking game but I'm not excited to see everyone reactions to Deluca.

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