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SF: Oh, they gonna hate me for this. But it's a dare... and...well...I guess I'm gonna have to do it. I don't think Clipper is going to be happy though...

SC: Who are you talking to?

SF: No one.

SC: Okay. 

SF: Wait, come with me, I have something to announce...

SC: Why do I sense something bad coming?

SF: Are you ready to lead the team?

SC: Oh, are you putting me on temporary leading?

SF: No, I'm leaving the team. Forever.


SF: You heard me. You're team captain now, or do I have to replace you for Crash?

SC: I'm sorry...I'm shocked...are you sure this is the best thing to do...?

SF: I'm to old for this job.

SC: Spitfire, you're only 24. 

SF: Yeah, and Crash is 13. 

SC: It doesn't make you old though.

SF: CLIPPER! I'm in my 20s! old are you? I think all of the Wonderbolts all very old...maybe we should just finish the Wonderbolts forever.

SC: OMG, who are you and what have you done with the real Spitfire?! Are you seriously judging us by age?! Also, I'm 28.

SF: Oh so you're grandpa age.

SC: What...?

SF: Yeah, you're grandpa. 

(What's wrong with me? LMAO) 

(Time Skip) 

SF: Alright Wonderbolts! I have an announcement to make...

WC: BOOO! We haven't even started training  yet! 

S: Do you want to be put on cleaning duty?

WC: Eww, you have gas to pass.

S: What...never mind.

SF: ATTENTION! I'm leaving the team because I'm surrounded by a bunch of old grannies and old grandpas. Clipper is the official team leader now.

S: Wait, did you just call me a GRANNIE? I'm only 24! 

SF: Grandma age.

SC: I don't know what's wrong with her...she's been like this all morning.

FS: I bet she's drunk or something.

MF: I thought there was a no drinking policy? 

RD: That's for me, idiot.  I'm only 13 years old. 

B: Right, so you aren't allowed to drink yet. I feel so sorry for you.

RD: I wouldn't want to become a crazy idiot anyways. I'm too cool for that.


WC: Shut up, Salsa. We don't need to hear about Spitfire being drunk. Also Spitfire, are you drunk? 

SF: Why in ten years would I be drunk?

WC: You called us grandpas!

FF: And us grandmas! 

SF: Not all of you. Crash is a juvenile.

RD: EXCUSE ME?! You know what? You're right, Volcanic Ash. She is drunk.

Fire Streak: *smirks* See? I told you.

HW: I can't believe Spitfire's been drinking. 

SC: Technically the only one allowed to not drink is Crash.

Lightning Streak: So we can go have a bachelor party?

RD: What's a bachelor party?

SC: Shush child, you don't need to know that. 

RD: Are you drunk too?

SC: What?! Spitfire also called me a grandpa as well! Therefor proves I am not drunk.

TL: No one wants to hear about you being drunk, Clipper. Didn't you hear what Captain said? She's quitting. 

SC: Oh yeah...and that too.

HW: Wait, Spitfire you can't  just quit! You're the best Captain there is!

SF: I have. I will.

MF: Are you being 100% serious, or are you like...baffling us?

SF: I'm deadly serious.

FF: How do we know she ain't pranking us?

SF: I, Spitfire, Captain Of The Cloudsdale Wonderbolts announce my retirement as the Captain Of The Wonderbolts Academy and give full leadership to Clipper. 

WC: Did she just- 

RD: She did.

MF: I never thought I'd live to see this day.

S: I have no words.

LS: Goodbye to a good Captain, hello to a bad Captain.

FS: I miss the good old days already.

B: I'm shook. 

TL: I must be dreaming. 

HW: I'm so shook, I'm shaking. 

SZ; Well isn't this great.

LS: Clipper, since you're the new Captain, can you throw a bachelor party?

SC: WHAT IS IT WITH YOU aND BACHELOR PARTIES?! NOOO! AS my role of Team Captain, my first announcement is no bachelor parties until Crash reaches her 20s. 

SZ: What!! That isn't fair!

RD: Once again, what's a bachelor party?

B: Something very inappropriate and something your young and inexperienced mind doesn't need to know just yet.

FF: Yes, while you're still young safe your youth before it gets corrupted. 

Rainbow Dash: *whispers into Fleetfoot and Blaze's ears, and then lifts a wing for them to peer at*

FF & B: OMG. 

SC: I will let everyone off at 5:00 and we have two hour lunch breaks. 


SC: Seriously?

SZ: I never should have believed you, Spitfire.

MF: Whoa, such a good prank. Yeah.

SF: Alright, fun's over, TIME TO START YOUR TRAINING! 

(I don't even know what this chapter is, lmao. It's such a disaster. The crap I put up with, xD. Hope y'all like this monstrosity, and I'll be creating a story soon explaining why Dash is only 13, lmao. Bye!!)

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