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Spitfire: Why would I do that?

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Spitfire: Why would I do that?

Soarin: Yeah, what does Daisy even know about being a captain?

Rainbow Dash: Daisy- you're rotten to me, but I'm still going to vote for you.

Misty Fly: *whacks Dash* Yeah, thanks-whatever.

Soarin: I'm Co-Captain so I should be the one to get the next position as captain.

Blaze: Have you ever heard of a dare?

Soarin: Grrr.

Sky Stinger: Clipper is just jealous that he doesn't immediately get to control us. 

Soarin: I'm not jealous.


High Winds: Buzz him off, would you?

Sun Chaser: Mhhm. 

High Winds: Great, now we'll have a runaway Clipper on the railroad. 

Lightning Streak: Na, na, na, underground, na na na na, BLAHHE!!!!!!! *gets punched by Fire Streak* WHAT ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?

Fire Streak: You singing voice is stupid.

Lightning Streak: And your face is stupid.

Silver Zoom: And we should let the mares talk this out.

Vapor Trail: You have to do it Spitfire. 

Spitfire: I do?

Vapor Trail: It's a dare. 

Fleetfoot: Yeah, it'th a dare.

Surprise: I personally don't think Daisy should be Captain-she's too irresponsible. 

Wave Chill: No she's not. 

Surprise: She is.

Misty Fly: I'm not. 

Rainbow Dash: I don't even know why we're having this conversation, it's a dare. You have a dare. You do the dare. I thought even you guys could understand that-I thought you were smart enough to understand that.

Spitfire: Did she-

High Winds: Wha-ha-ha. She burned us good. 

Lightning Streak: Dang. 

Fire Streak: OKAY. Ignoring Crash, I don't appreciate being burned by a 13 year old. 

Thunderlane: Bro she's right, a dare's a dare even if we don't like it. 

Spitfire: UGHH. Fine, Daisy, you're Captain! Deal with these lot! I'm outta here!

Misty Fly: You can't leave. *rubs hooves together* You're apart of the session now that you're not CAPTAIN anymore! *evil smile* 

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