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Thunderlane: *snickers* Well isn't that funny. You get to ask Crash out! 

Soarin: *blushes* No it's not! 

Thunderlane: Yeah it is.

Soarin: How is this funny?! 

Thunderlane: Because you have to ask Crash out on a date! Aren't you a lucky man? *grins*

Soarin: But what if I don't want to? 

Thunderlane: Oh just shut up and ask her out!

Soarin: But...but what do I even say? 

Thunderlane: Just ask her if she wants  to go out for dinner or something! Or offer to take her on a walk around the park! 

Soarin: But she's too cool for me.

Thunderlane: Stop stalling! You're a stallion, for Celestia's sake! Be brave! All the stallions know you have a crush on her.

Soarin: I never told anyone! How'd you know?!

Thunderlane: Hurry up! It's obvious based on the way you look at each other. We see it all the time.

Soarin: *snorts* See what? Pfft, you must be making things up.

Thunderlane: Would you just go over there and ask her out for dinner?  Yo Flying Squirrel! 

Silver Zoom: Ugh, what do you want, Stinky? 

Thunderlane: Come over here, Clipper needs some inspiration.

Silver Zoom: *Walks over* What for?

Thunderlane: Someone dared Soarin to ask Crash out! 

Silver Zoom: Seriously? 

Thunderlane: Yeah, seriously. 

 Silver Zoom: That's great! *looks slyly at Soarin* Stop be such a worry wort. Go on or else I'll shout it across the world. (across the world? *face palm* I meant to write across the hall lmao)

Soarin: *gasps* You wouldn't dare. 

Thunderlane: He would.

Soarin: Lies! He's not that cruel...


Wonderbolts: *suspicious chatter* 

Wave Chill: *claps* He finally said it. *claps again* HE DID IT Y'ALL! HE ASKED A 13 YEAR OLD OUT ON A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soarin: *whispers* I hate you, Flying Squirrel. 

Thunderlane: I told you he would do it.

Ask, Tell, Or Dare The Wonderbolts.Where stories live. Discover now