Seventeen||Alternative Universe Special At The End

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-Short Announcement 

There's a dare for Fleetfoot that includes Rapidfire, so at the end the storyline will be alerted a bit because it's in the alternative universe. I'll also be adding the dare for the alternative universe into the actual alternative universe book, which should come out later today if I can, so stay tuned for that. Okay, thanks for reading this short announcement, back to the story! 

-Long Chapter Warning. ⚠️ 

Also this chapter is going to be really long, so you might want to get some snacks and some water so you have enough energy to make it to the end. 

Rainbow Dash: Looks like I've got a really *NOPE* dare

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Rainbow Dash: Looks like I've got a really *NOPE* dare.

Spitfire: Watch your language, child.


Rainbow Dash: AHhahahahahha...don't call me a child.

Spitfire: Your thirteen, you shouldn't know the S word.

Rainbow Dash: Right, it's totally not like I don't hear you're drunk *NOPE* swear all the time.

Misty Fly: Oh snap!

Spitfire: I think she's referring to you getting drunk at 4:00 in the morning, Misty Fly.

Misty Fly: I thought we agreed to not bring that up again...

Spitfire: *chuckles* Yes, I know dear...

(9:00 AM)

Spitfire: You know, this just might be the most peaceful day at the Wonderbolts Academy we've ever had.

Blaze: Yeah, because for once you're not yelling at us.

Spitfire: Yelling is my peaceful note, but this is peaceful as well.


Spitfire: I spoke too soon.

Soarin: Uh...

Blaze: Oh snap, Soarin, what did you do?

Rainbow Dash: *shouts in Swahili*

Silver Zoom: RUN CLIPPER, RUN!

Sky Stinger: Something tells me Clipper has finally dropped all the S he's been giving around lately.

High Winds: *grabs popcorn* Well this should be fun to watch!

Surprise: Movie time, movie time, movie time!

Fleetfoot: What in the name of-

Soarin: AHHHHHH!! *gets a kick from Dash that sends him spinning around on his hindquarters*

Rainbow Dash: RUKA!

Soarin: ANDRHH!

Misty Fly & Spitfire: What the hell?!

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