Chapter 10: Bella and Edward

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The next morning after getting about probably 3 to 4 hours of sleep, which I know isn't exactly healthy, I got up and took a quick 10-15 minute shower before I got dressed. I put on a thin white long sleeve shirt and red velvet long sleeve shirt over top. Black denim jeans and white tennis shoes. I did my hair in an updo bun. I looked out my window and saw that it was unusually foggy, so that meant the Cullens would be at school today. Leaving my room with my backpack in hand, I went to the kitchen to find Bella scrambling to find something. "What in the world are you doing Bella?" I question her. I knew she was probably still mad at me and I was still mad at her. We never had truly argued like that before. It was never a common thing when we lived in Phoenix. Most of the time it was arguments that were playful or had no meaning whatsoever but, this one however was different. I noticed Charlie's stuff was gone so he was at work already.

I wished I could have told him to have a good day but, I could never truly win with time. Time had always escaped my life. One minute I was just a little baby with no one who loved me, and then the next minute I was all grown up and loved by my adoptive mother, father and sister (including my friends of course). Bella was quiet for a moment as was I. I don't know if she wanted to exchange conversation just yet, so I just went to grab an apple from the fridge and walked out the front door. If only I knew that if I had stayed in the kitchen, I would have been able to talk to Bella. As I walked out the front door however I could see a hint of silver out in the fog. It was Edward's Volvo. I smiled. I haven't seen Edward since last night. Though it was as if he read my mind (lol) Edward hopped out of his car and came over to me. We embraced each other for a small hug. I couldn't wait till I saw everyone else. The sound of someone else's footsteps hitting the gravel caught my attention. It was Bella. Our embrace was short but that was okay.

"Do you want to ride with me today?" Edward said amused by Bella's surprise to the question. "Yes, thank you." Bella said trying to be as calm as possible. My friend turned to me awaiting my answer. For a moment I was speechless. Was he really being serious? He knows Bella and I really aren't on talking terms. I nod my head and hop in the back of his Volvo. The ride to school was filled with Edward and Bella talking about Bella always asking him twenty questions. I had almost laughed when Edward started that conversation. Bella was a very persistent human being and it drove me insane. Mostly I was silent the whole ride and I knew Edward wanted to include me but, whenever he looked at me from his rearview mirror I just told him with my thoughts not to. When we got to the school parking lot Edward parked next to Rosalie's glossy red convertible.

I got out of the car first leaving Bella with Edward. Thankfully with my friend's crazy fast driving we were able to make it to school just in time. I saw Jessica waiting under the cafeteria roof's overhang and in her hands, Bella's jacket. Jessica noticed me and lightly smiled but her smile faded when she looked past me. When I turned around to see what she was looking at, I immediately turned back to Jessica. It was, of course, Bella and Edward. And they were coming this way. So I mumbled a quick good-bye to Jessica and sprinted to my first class.

Lunch was normal as always except the fact that Bella was sitting with Edward, which I was okay with. I just didn't want my friend to replace me with my sister. Not that I liked Edward that way. And I don't think I ever could. He's just like a big brother who looks out for me and I'm like a little sister who looks out for him, even if he doesn't want me too. Edward looked my way and smiled at me causing Bella to turn around and look at me. For a mere second I could tell she was quite jealous of my friendship with Edward and that I was closer to him than her. I wanted to tell her that I couldn't help it. I felt drawn to the Cullens just like everyone else was. But in some way they were my family and I loved them very much. Just thinking of the Cullens made my mind go to Alec. I haven't talked to or seen him in awhile and I wondered if he was being distant on purpose. A sudden pang came from my heart. Now I knew how Bella felt when she wasn't around Edward 24/7. Maybe I could try and call him later? But I knew he was probably busy. I could possibly talk to Carlisle about it, since he's been around for a very long time, and might understand. 

As soon as I finished eating my lunch from a table that was more towards the back of the cafeteria I get up to throw my trash away. I head to Biology early and just sat in the classroom waiting for students to file in. At the back of the classroom was an outdated TV and VCR. So I guess today was a movie day. How fun . . .

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