Chapter 11: Small Talk

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Unbelievable!! How dare my sister and Edward walk away without me! I'm very positive Bella convinced Edward to just continue walking without waiting for me. Yes I understand that Bella is Edward's world and Edward is basically hers. But they're both in my world yet, I'm somehow invisible to them. I would know if Edward would be sorry because, he would look back at me with a sympathic smile since he read my mind. I guess just not today then. Yeah, that's totally cool of you Edwardo.

I practically had to chase after them after Gym class and by the time I finally caught up to them my ride was gone! The rest of the Cullens offered to drive me home but, I refused knowing that they'll just beat Edward up for it later. My only other option was to find one of Bella's friends. The whole bad thing about it was that all of them had already left besides Mike Newton. When I had found him he had just exited the Gym with his backpack slung across his shoulder. Sure, I knew Jessica would probably hate me if I mingled with Mike but who says that I'm actually gonna hang out with him.

"Hey Alyssa, What's up?" Mike asks me and we walk side by side. I could tell Mike was definetely confused as to why I was near him. I hardly ever talked to him or anyone for that matter. "I, uh, I need a ride home Mike. Cullen and Bella left without me and everyone's already left. Would you mind?" At first he seemed startled but then smiled a genuine smile that I usually don't see on him.

"No I wouldn't mind Alyssa." We walked all the way to the parking lot and soon found Mike's Suburban in the slightly empty lot. I got in the passenger seat and got as comfortable as possible. Mike soon drove off after I told him my address and tried to make small talk.

"So, Alyssa what kind of music do you listen to?"

"Mostly 80's and 90's."

He nodded and continued driving.

"What was it like in Arizona?"

"Nice. Mostly dry and hot to the point where you couldn't even go outside!" I laughed at the memories.

Mike laughs too in response and for some reason I'm not as uncomfortable around him any more.

"What's it like being the youngest in junior year? I obviously can't tell you what it's like since I'm just two years older than you, right?"

"It's actually really scary but, I know I only moved up a grade because I was smarter. And yes Mike, you're two years older than me."

We talked for awhile asking questions about each other and now I felt like I understood Mike more. When he finally pulled up to my house I said my goodbyes, I walked up to the door with a smile on my face.

Another short chapter please forgive me. Also I'm glad I finally updated this book. I couldn't take it anymore just staring at it. lol

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