Chapter 3: Apologies and Thank You's

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I woke up the next morning, my face still wet from the tears I had shed the night before. After I had went to bed I had just cried more because, I just couldn't believe it. Bella had tried to calm me down or had told me that she was sorry for not telling me, but that just made it worse. Sooner of later Bella gave up on helping me calm down because she needed rest herself. At some point though I did fall asleep, but the odd thing that happened was that someone was singing me to sleep, I knew it couldn't have been Bella or Charlie so who was it? I got up out of bed to see Bella groan as she looked out the window. I smiled as I saw the snow on the ground, "I wish it would snow more often," I said out loud to no one in particular. "Oh good your awake I was hoping on not waking you up since I remember the last time that happened," Bells said reminding me one of my favorite memories. "Hey Bells did Charlie leave yet," I ask? "Yeah he left a few minutes ago. Why do you ask?," Bells said seeming cautious about my question. "Just curious. I just wanted to apologize to the both of you for the way I acted last night, so I'm sorry," I said to my sister. "No you don't have to apologize it should be me who should apologize to you," said Bella. "Too bad I'm not letting you. By the way I call shower first," I said grabbing my outfit that I had laid out before bed and heading to the bathroom before Bella could get there.
Once I was in the shower I let the warm water just wash all of my sadness away. Today I was wearing my long-sleeved camo shirt with some black leggings, with my white converse. I did my hair in a high ponytail. I went down stairs and got myself some breakfest, I had a bowl of cereal and orange juice like Bells. What don't judge I have the same likes as Bella. After I finished my breakfest with Bella we headed into her truck and started our way to school.
"Why do you look so anxious Bells," I asked my sister whose face had a bunch of emotions written all over it. "Is it weird that I'm excited about school," Bella questioned me? I knew what she was hinting at because it was obvious in her voice. "You mean is it weird your excited to see Edward Cullen your mysterious lover boy," I said teasing my sister. "W-what? I mean," Bells said but obviously giving up, " is it that obvious?" "Its very obvious," I said. "Ugh," Bella said super annoyed. When I was looking out at the parking I saw Edward standing next to his silver volvo talking to his family 4 cars away from were Bella parked. I of course just smiled and waved at my new friend. Edward so kindly smiled and waved back. I left the conversation alone as we parked at the school, Bells seemed very eager to get out of the car and I wouldn't blame her if I was in her situation I guess. I got out of the truck as well and moved over to Bella, she was at the corner of the truck so I stood next to her. Suddenly I heard this high-pitched screeching sound and when I turned around Tyler and his dark blue van was coming over to me and Bella. I stood there in horror as it came closer as me and Bella were closer to death. Within miliseconds I was pulled out of the way and so was Bells, when I looked to see who was holding us the familiar face of Edward Cullen came into view. As his arms were held around me and Bella and the other right were the van would have crushed us. I was so thankful Bella's and my life were spared, so we could go on with our lives. "Bella? Alyssa? Are you both alright?," asked Edward as his face was still in pure horror. "I'm fine," said Bella in a raspy voice. Edward looked to me next waiting for my answer. "I'm fine," I said in my own raspy voice.
My head was throbbing at this point, and I felt the most awful feeling in my left arm. "Be careful," Edward warned as both of us struggled. "I think you both hit your head pretty hard." I nod my head slightly trying to be as careful as possible because of the pain in my head. "Ow," I heard Bella say surprised. "That's what I thought," Edward said surprisingly surpressing a laugh. "Thanks," I whispered over to Edward. He nods his head in response. "How in the . . .," Bells said trailing off, "How did you get over here so fast?" "I was standing right next to you and Alyssa, Bella," Edward said in a serious voice that I knew if I crossed the line I wouldn't want to get on his bad side. Bella turned to sit up, and I did the same Edward let go of us so we could. It now dawned on me that Bella's question got me thinking Edward was wrong because I saw him standing 4 cars down talking to his family. Edward got up, Bella tried to do the same but he just told her to stay down. I heard a lot of shouting but I couldn't make any of what they were saying, I was in too much pain to even grasp the fact that I am alive. And I was alive because of my friend, Edward had pulled both me and my sister away. He saved my life, I pretty much owed him. I heard some of Bella's and Edward's conversation and I just happened to interupt. "I saw you, you were by your car with your family," I said before I was swallowed by darkness.

"Miss Dwyer," said a concerned voice? My eyes slowly opened but, I regreted it because of the blinding white light. Once my eyes adjusted I was sudddenly surrounded by various noises. There was beeping coming from my left, people talking on my right, walking noises in the distance. There was so many noises, and then reality sunk in. I had fainted on cold pavement after the accident, I had a broken left arm, and I definitely had a migraine. "Miss Dwyer," the voice said again but with worry evident in the way they spoke? I sat up in what I think is a hospital bed and stretched but soon regreted it. "Yeah," I said in a voice that was clearly weak and raspy. "Oh good your awake," said a voice I had never heard before. I looked to my right to see, a doctor who must be in his late twenties. He was blonde, pale kind of like Edward, and he had dark circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days. "I'm Dr.Cullen," said the man who I now assumed was the Cullens father," How are you feeling?" "My head hurts and so does my arm, and my body feels like . .I don't know how to explain the rest of it. I'm just still in shock that I'm alive right now," I said truthfully to Dr.Cullen. "Hhmm," was his response as he wrote all of this down on the clipboard in his hands. "Well Edward did say you hit your head hard, you did break your left arm," He said, I looked at my arm and sure enough there was a cast on it. " How long will I have to wear this cast for? And thank you for taking care of me Dr.Cullen," I said. "You'll have to wear the cast for at least 3 months," said Dr.Cullen, "Your welcome Miss Dwyer." "Please call me Alyssa or Lyssa," I said. He smiles and then continues on talking to me. "By the way your friends and family are here to see you. You can also leave now if you like, you were very lucky to have survived as is your sister. Also make sure to take some Tylenol for the headache," said the doctor. I smile an stand up, my legs wobble a bit but I'm fine on walking.
I exit the room I was in and walk over to the waiting room area. How did I find my way there? I have no clue. Once I got in there I was spotted by Charlie. I was so glad to see him because he's like a second father to me. He ran over to me and immediately hugged me. Most of the people in the waiting room noticed what was going on and came over to hug me as well. I was so glad to see everyone even if I only new about maybe 5 of the people in the room. Once everyone got there hugs in, I noticed Bella and Edward talking in the distance. Everone left me alone so I could go over to my friend and beloved sister. "In that case . . . I hope you enjoy disappointment." Edward said to Bella before he walked away. Once I finally got over to them Edward was halfway down the hall. Bella hugged me and then went to go join Charlie by the front desk. I started to walk down the hallway too so I could say a few things to Edward.
(A/N: This is not an Edward love story. So enjoy your disapointment then. ;) But I will say this but don't tell no one. I figured out who the love interest will be, but we don't meet him yet till later. So sorry)
  "Edward can you just slow down I would like to talk to you," I said when I got a bit closer to Edward. "What do you need to talk about," said Edward who seemed to have stopped. "I just wanted to thank you. I don't know how you did it, but I owe you big time. And don't go saying that I don't becase I do. You saved me and my sister. I thought that was it for me, and that I would never see the light of day again. I would never see my adoptive mother or father again, not Charlie, not Bella, not even my friends." I said my vision getting blurry. "I would've never experianced things, I-I would've never graduated, I would never get married, or have kids. I wouldn't have anything, I would be nothing if you hadn't saved me or my sister," I said this time fully crying. I felt myself being embraced by a pair of cold arms. "So thank you Edward," I said into his shirt as he embraced me. "Your welcome Lyssa," said Edward with a voice that I couldn't tell the emotion of.
  After I thanked Edward, me, Bella, and Charlie got in the cruiser. It was silent on the ride home, but it was comfortable silence not awkward silence. Which I was thankful for by the way. Once, we entered the house Charlie said, " Um . .you'll need to call Renee" "You told mom," Bells shouted, then she ran upstairs. "Sorry," was all Charlie muttered before Bella's door slammed shut. Of course that made my headache worse, so I said a good night to Charlie and then went to the bathroom. After I did my business, I took some Tylenol before I went to change into my pajamma's. I told Bells to tell mom I'm alright and that I'm going to bed. After I did so, I hopped in bed, and when my head touched the pillow I was out like a light. I woke up at about midnight to see Edward Cullen standing in the room. I was about to say something, but Bella gasped as she woke up and then turned the light on. And then Edward was gone in a flash. Why in the world was Edward Cullen doing in our room?

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