Chapter 14: Impossible

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I was up early again but still tired. It was Friday. My favorite day of the week. Not only because it was the last day of the school-week but also because I don't have homework! It's like the best thing I could ask for. Bella was still sleeping when I left my bedroom but I knew she wouldn't be for much longer. Charlie was cooking himself some breakfast when I came in. "Mornin' kiddo." He said to me with a smile.

I smiled back, "Good morning Charlie. Whatcha cooking?" My stomach had growled at the smell of the food. Definitely eggs. "Scrambled eggs. You want some?" I nodded and he grabbed another plate from the cabinet. I loved Charlie. He was like my dad even though we weren't related. Having Charlie though was better than nothing. Sure, I loved Renée and Phil but knowing the truth now, it was still hard.

We ate our food in silence until I could hear rustling from upstairs. Bella was awake. Hopefully she wouldn't leave without me again. Maybe today would be different also. Surely, Edward can't continue to ignore me or had he chosen Bella over me. Of course though, I knew Bella is his mate or his singer as Carlisle had put it when he explained it to me. So there would always be a part of him that will choose my sister over me. I hardly understood what Bella feels around him because Alec is hardly around.

I only see him every so often in my dreams. I'll get a call here and there but it's just not the same. Edward lives in Forks and Alec lives all the way in Italy. So I understand, why I don't see him. I mean he's busy . . . being a vampire. I let out a sigh right as Bella skipped down the stairs. "You're cheerful this morning," Charlie said after our moments of silently eating.

"It's Friday." Bella said with a shrug. I got up and placed my empty plate in the sink. I went to my room and grabbed my backpack knowing Bella will be ready to leave in any minute. Knowing her now, she's waiting on Edward. I gave Charlie a good bye hug and wished him a good day to which, he smiled.

Edward was already at the house because I could hear the engine of his Volvo. Bella was out the door and I was right behind her. As soon as she hopped into the passenger seat and the door closed, they sped off.

I threw my hands up in frustration and groaned. "Thanks a lot, Bella. You took my best friend from me," I mumbled. "Well, you know what, Bella? I can freaking walk to school! See you there, traitors!" I shouted after them.

. . .

When I finally got to school, half the school day was gone and my stomach was killing me. As were my legs. I offiially wanted to move to the rez. Maybe go live with Jacob. I need to see him and my other two idiot friends anyway. Billy would probably be happy to see me. I missed him a lot too.

I went into the front office to tell the lady that I wasn't absent, just really late. I was definitely going to have Charlie help me get my liscence. Since, Bella is probably going to be riding with Edward for a long time might as well make use of her truck.

When I finally sat down at the cafeteria with the rest of the Cullens, they look at me with sympathy. Jasper was the same though. "Can you guys please not look at me like that? I don't need your sympathy," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. My anger was very clear towards my sister and Edward. Of course a feeling of ease came over me and I glared daggers at Jasper.

"That's not fair Jasper. The whole mood control thing isn't fair." I pouted. "We just love you Lyssa. Edward should be ashamed of himself for how he's been treating you." Alice said as she linked arms with Jasper. "You sound like Esme." I said with a light laugh. I loved Esme like she was my second mother. Emmett and Rosalie glared at Edward who was probably sitting at a different table with Bella.

"If you want I can talk to him about this morning." Alice said and I groaned. I was pretty sure he already read her thoughts and just chose to ignore them. "Of course you had a vision about that." I groaned and leaned back into my chair. I ate my lunch quickly and stole some food off the other's plates. "You know I can't control them, Lyssa." Alice said.

"I'm leaving with Alice after lunch." Edward's voice filled in my ear and I knew my face was completely shocked. I looked behind me to see Edward talking to Bella. He was so far away. So how in the world did I hear him say that. "Where are you and Edward going?" My words came out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Out of my peripheral vision I could see Edward turn his head to look at me. Alice looked surprise as did the others. They were vampires so of course they would listen in on their conversation. But for me to even hear that was inhumanly possible. But knowing my friends were vampires, anything was possible.

"W-we're going hu-hunting." Alice replied. I knew what hunting met. I wonder if Bella did? "H-how d-did you hear that?" Rosalie questions. I didn't think she could stutter.

"I have no idea, Rose."

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