Chapter 2: A letter

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    It had been a week since the "Edward incident", as I like to call it, but school has been pretty boring. Edward was a no show for the whole week, Bella has started to make dinner every night now and let me just say her cooking is way better than my mother's, Rose wouldn't talk to me when I messaged her she would always put the message on read and never respond. I was invited with Bella to go to La Push Ocean Park in two weeks by one of her friends named Mike, he seemed like a good guy but he was trying a bit to hard to get my sister's attention. Of course, I agreed to go to the beach with my so called "friends", it would be a bit nice to try and make friends that actually liked me for me. I did with Charlie's and my  parents permission, started my driver's training. I so couldn't wait till I had my driver's license so I could be free from Bella and her truck. During the week Bella had told me she wanted to confront Edward for the way he acted torwards us, but I just told her that she's probably over reacting and he's actually really nice. Of course she didn't listen to me, why well because she's Bella. Even though this past week has been rough for both Bells and I, we still push forward and just try to get though it.
     It's now Monday morning, me and Bells were in the parking lot being greeted by people we didn't know the names of. I did try to shrug off the fact that we might be being watched and it creeped me out. Today I noticed my sister was actually smiling, and that was a rarity for me to see. I was taken aback by it not raining, which was odd for me because I was told that it rains a lot here in Forks. Me and Bella parted ways again which still is a bummer because we don't have classes together. I was walking torwards my locker when I noticed all of the Cullens standing there with Rose. I needed to go over there, but I didn't want to because one, Edward was a complete no show for a week and had ignored me and my sister at all times. Second, was because the person I've been trying to get in contact with for a whole darn week has ignored me, and that really got under my skin. It took all my courage just to walk over there without tripping on my own feet. Once I got to my locker they all seemed to stiffen at the sight of me 'They don't hate you, they just don't want to be around you. No don't think like that'. I opened my locker and grabbed most of my stuff that I needed, and I put some of the stuff that was in my back-pack away. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I felt all of their gazes on me, as I struggled with my stupid back-pack. I would bet on all my money that my face was the color of a tomato.
    Four of them left leaving one behind, I assumed it was Rosalie because I don't know but, I would assume it was her. "It's Alyssa right ," said a velvety voice. I knew who this person was and I wanted to yell at him for the way he's been acting, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. "It is but only my friends call me Lyssa," I said to Edward. I looked up from my dreadfull back-pack to see Edward staring at me. "I'm Edward," said Edward. I didn't want to come off rude or anything but I just had to ask.
"Why are you now talking to me, you didn't seem like talking to me or Bella last week?"
"I'm sorry about that I didn't know you girls were hurt by my actions."
    "No you shouldn't be the one to apologize, I should. I didn't mean to be rude it's just I've had a very stressful week and so I took all my anger out on you, so I'm sorry," I said apologizing. I suddenly felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder and it was absolutely an amazing feeling. Edward just smiled at me and started to walk with me to my first class which I didn't know we had together. "Should I call you Lyssa now or-," Edward started but I cut him off. "You can call me Lyssa if you want I was just giving you a hard time about it earlier," I admitted. Edward just nodded his head and kept walking with me. "So what do you think of Forks so far," Edward questioned with curiousity showing in his eyes? "It's great so far, it's definetly different from the sunshine of Phoenix, but it's something I could get used to," I said. "What made you decide you wanted to live here," Edward asked? "I actually just wanted to come with my sister since I've never traveled before and I thought it would be fun, since I could see that my mother was unhappy that she couldn't travel with my father, Bella thought it would be a good idea for us to come see her father," I said talking fast, but Edward seemed to know what I said. "What do you mean by her father, don't you guys share the same parents," Edward asked concerned at this point? "We share the same mother but not father, I wasn't told the whole story but what I do know is that after my mom divorced Bella's father Charlie she remarried my father Phil Dwyer and then had me a year later after Bella turned one," I said trying to remember the story correctly.
       (A/N: I know that's not what really happened but I had to figure out how I was going to add Alyssa into the story for it to make some sense. But what did happen was that Renee did remarry and married Phil. Also there will a surprise in the upcoming paragraphs. No looking ahead!!)
~Time skip to after school~
   The day had gone by a lot faster then it normally did. Edward and Bella I guess you could say were off to a good start with their friendship. And speaking of friendship I made up with Rose, she had told me that she wanted to talk but she had family matters to deal with. So I just forgave her even if she was already forgiven because I was just mad that she wouldn't talk to me. During lunch time today, snow had started to fall and it was the most amazing sight since I had never seen snow before. And if I recall correctly Eric one of Bella's friends had started the snowball war, and of course I joined because why not. During that snowball fight I was going to target someone, and when my eyes landed on Mike (one of Bella's other friends), I threw the ball. Once the snowball hit my target I knew I was dead, so I ran away as far as possible from Mike. I did notice that all of the Cullens had come out with everyone to join in this amazing afternon. It was nice for me to know that I'm friends with at least half of the Cullens. 'I want to go over there but I don't want to intrude on their family fun', I thought to myself. Edward seemed to notice me just standing there watching them, and then motioned for me to come join him and his family. Some of the students stopped what they were doing just to watch me go over to the Cullens. I finally got to meet the rest of them, Alice was actually very nice and let me just say she has a good sense of fashion, Jasper was cool although he kept his distance I still thought we would be good friends, and Emmett  he seemed to be the type to want to challenge you in everything, and I know for a fact I would never beat him.
      I was disrupted from my thoughts when I heard the front door open and then shut. I walked downstairs to see Charlie getting home from work. "Charlie your home," I shout from the bottom of the stairs! I seemed to have scared him because he jumped when he heard me shout. I probably never told you this but me and Charlie get along great even though I'm his ex-wife's daughter to her new husband. "I sure am kiddo and I have a surprise for you from your mother," Charlie said with a smile on his face. "I do? I thought mom wasn't one for surprises oh wait, that's Bella nevermind what I just said," I told Charlie. Charlie just laughed and handed me a sealed envelope written in my mother's decent hand-writing. "Oh and make sure to call your mother after this," Charlie said to me. "Ok I will," I said as I walked upstairs to me and Bella's room. When I walked into my shared room Bella was just sitting on her bed e-mailing mom on her laptop. I opened the letter and it read:
There is something I have to tell you, but please don't get mad at me or your father.
We didn't know when the right time to tell you was. We were going to wait until you turned 17,
but I guess since I thought it was the right time to do it now, I would do it. I'm just going to spit it
out on paper, but you're Adopted. You see when you were only a few months old, when Phil and I saw
you, you were just the most adorable baby. The nurse at the hospital said that your real parents didn't want
to keep you, so she asked us if we wanted to take you in since no one  at the hospital had the
guts to bring you to the adoption center. Of course we agreed to take you, because we didn't want you to suffer being
in the system. Bella found out after she turned 17, so don't go and yell at Bella. But just so you know
we love you just as if you were one of our own, and we understand if you don't want to talk to us, we
know you'll need your space. But when your ready to talk just call and we'll answer. Love you! -Mom
   That one word in that letter stood out to me the most. I am adopted and I now just find this out, why didn't Renee just tell me sooner. Why didn't Bella tell me this sooner. A bunch of things were going through my head all at once, and I didn't want to think this happened, Yeah, maybe this was all just a terrible dream I was having, and I would wake up in my bed and saying it was just a dream. I pinched my self just to make sure, "ow," nope I wasn't dreaming at all. I dropped the letter and fell to my knees and cried, as realization came rushing back to me. I'm adopted, and my real parents didn't want me. "Dad Alyssa's crying," Bella's muffeled voice shouted to Charlie! I heard loud thuds coming from the stairs as I cried my heart out. The bedroom door slammed open as Charlie came in, and embraced me. I saw him reach for the letter from my mother and then drop it almost immediately after he skimmed through it. "It's alright Alyssa everythings going to be ok," Charlie said trying to reasure me. It worked but I still cried and all I could muffle out was, "Th-they didn't w-wan-t m-me." I did eventually stop crying, and I did end up calling my mother, because I had a lot of questions, but that still didn't get me to stop questioning who my parents really were. But I was definetly going to find out, no matter what it takes, no matter what the cost was. I was going to find out even if it would be the death of me.    


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