Chapter 5: Mr. Cullen

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I walked to my first class of the day which was Spanish. When I looked at the clock on the wall it had read 8:45am, I speed-walk so I could get to Spanish on time. I finally get to class and notice that only half of the students are here, so I guessed everyone was waiting till last minute. "Bienvenida, senorita Dwyer. Gracias por acompanarnos," said Mrs. Ross (welcome miss Dwyer thank you for joining us). "De nada y lo siento, llego tarde," I said (you're welcome and sorry I'm late). I walked to my seat before Mrs. Ross could say anything else. I noticed most of the people that were here seemed shock I could speak such fluent spanish. Well that's what you get when you live in Arizona for 16 years of your life. About 5 minutes later the bell rang signalling that class has started and students started to flood into the classroom their faces mostly holding bored expressions. 'I wish this day would go  just a bit faster so I-' I was cut off by my thoughts when someone I had never seen before walked through the doors of the classroom.

He seemed to be as tall as Rose, had brown hair, golden eyes like the Cullens, pale skin, he had perfectly toned muscles, and he wore a simple grey t-shirt with a pair of jeans. 'He must be a vampire but what is he doing here? Do the Cullens now about this. Edward you better explain to me who this is,' I thought to myself hoping Eward could here me from wherever he was. "Mr. Cullen how nice of you to join us. Welcome to Forks High School, you can take your seat next to Miss Dwyer," said Mrs. Ross. I raise my hand for "Mr. Cullen" so he would know where I was. When he caught my eye he seemed to light up with excitement. Great! Did you hear the sarcasim in my voice? 'Edward you did not tell me you had another vampire in your coven . Edward just talk to me when class ends so I can be filled in on your little seceret,' I thought. Once he sat down in the seat next to me, I could feel the cold radiating off of him. Yep, he's definetly a vampire. Class soon began, and I could feel his gaze on me. I now knew how Bella felt when Edward would stare at her. I seemed to have the urge to cover my face with my hair so I couldn't see his angelic face. The rest of the morning seemed to fly by very quickly.

Later it was lunch time and I was walking over to sit by Bells when I saw "Mr. Cullen" talking to the Cullens in a very hushed tone. I never really figured out his name since he never talked to me, he kind of just kept to himself like the Cullens natuarally do. But something about him seemed off to me, Bella didn't even know he was here so maybe the Cullens didn't want him to be caught up in their family drama for the whole town to gossip about. I walked over to my usual table and sat down with my "friends", hoping they wouldn't notice me. I did though out of the corner of my eye see him starring at me, 'What's with him and starring at me. Edward save me or someone else from your family just please make the starring stop,' I thought looking at Edward. He just smiled a mischevious smirk and then said something to the vampire. Ugh!! Mind readers can be very annoying. When I peeked over my shoulder, Alice was gesturing me to come over to their table and sit down with them. I quietly excuse myself from the table I was at, and walked over to my friends trying to surpress a smile. "Why do you want me over here when I could be by my sister," I said to my friends not happy about this at all, as I sat down. "Ouch that hurt Lyssa," said Emmett. "Shut it Buffet Boy," I said. "Alyssa we wanted to introduce you to Alec, an aqquaintance from Italy," said Alice speaking up after me and Emmett's little bickering.

So that was his name! All of a sudden Alice and the others left me with Alec so we could "get to know each other". Why did I chose to be their friends? I guess I'll never know. "They are quite the company," said the most angelic voice of Alec. I stayed silent for a moment thinking over my words carefully before I spoke. "Yes they are. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm friends with them," I said. I knew they could hear me and it satisfied me. He lightly chuckles before speaking again. "So you know what the Cullens are, yet it amazes me on why you don't run away screaming," He said to me. "I would never run away screaming from my friends. I care about them way to much to do that. And so I'm assuming you're like my friends as well?," I said turning to look at Alec. Alec just smiled at me and nodded his head. "Alice said you're from Italy. What's it like there," I asked? I rested my head on my hands so I could listen to Alec. "It's quite big actually from where I'm from the only hard part is, is that's sunny all the time so I usually have to stay inside or where a cape," Alec said to me not really breaking eye contact. "Why did you come here to Forks? I can tell you feel at unease here," I said pointing to the students around us in the giant cafeteria. "Do you have a different diet from the Cullens," I ask curiousity getting the better of me? I knew what the other diet was, but it made me want to barf just thinking about it. "I came here on a task for my master but, I thought it would be a good idea to get away from that diet because I was getting sick of it. It's hard to get used to at first but it satisfies my hunger. I did but now it's changed," Alec said to me with complete ease.

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