Chapter 12: Ignored

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The next morning I got up earlier than I normally would and decided to take a shower. After I got out of the shower and dressed in a green turtleneck and tight skinny jeans, I left my room and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Charlie was in the kitchen getting ready to make breakfast. I noticed a carton of eggs was out. "Fried eggs for breakfast, Charlie?" I ask him and accidently scared him in the process. "You scared me Lyssa. And yes fried eggs for breakfast, you want some?" He said with a chuckle.

Bella still wasn't downstairs yet. But it was like way to early for her. My stomach grumbled and I let out a sheepish smile. "Sure eggs sound delicious." Charlie then continued making breakfast and once it was ready we ate it ate the table. As I ate the scrumptious meal Charlie began talking about the dance on Sunday. "So, Lyssa will you be going to the dance on Saturday since we already did your room?" He then took a sip of orange juice but still looked at me waiting for an answer. "I don't know Charlie. I'm not that much into dancing but, the only dance I'll probably ever go to is prom. If I ever have a date by then." I muttered the last part to myself in hopes that Charlie would at least undestand.

"I see." He drawled out his words and then hummed after words. Soon I heard rustling coming from upstairs and assumed Bella was awake. Bella then came downstairs in a brown turtleneck and skinny jeans. I guess we have the same taste. Great! My sister then got herself a bowl of cereal and breakfast was now silent. Charlie soon got up and grabbed mine and his plate to the sink.

"About this Saturday . . . ," He began before walking over to the faucet. Bella visibly cringed and I crinkled my nose. Bella was definitely in for this one. I knew she already had plans to got to Seattle with Edward on Saturday so, I guess I had to make my own. Maybe I could hangout at the reservation with my three favorite weirdos. But that also ment I would have to call all three of them and there's a chance that if, I call Jacob's phone Billy will answer. I don't mind Billy Black but he seems super skeptical of me and Bella and I sometimes wonder if he knows about the Cullens.

"Yes, Dad?" Bella questions and I almost want to laugh for nor aparent reason. I get up from the dining table and head back into my roomto gather my school stuff. All my stuff was lying around on my desk and they're all so heavy! I hate high school! Once I exit my room I over hear the end of Charlie and Bella's conversation. "Didn't anyone ask you?" He asked hiding his concern.

"It's a girl's choice." Bella responded. "Oh." I heard Charlie say and I could obviously tell he frowned. I soon re-entered the kitchen just in time before Charlie was to leave. He left then with a goodbye wave and I watched as his cruiser pulled out of the driveway and down the street. Bella soon went back upstairs to continue getting ready and then sprinted down the stairs a minute later. I knew why she was in a hurry. Edward.

I wondered if he would be my ride today or ignore me like he did yesterday. Edward's volvo was parked in the same spot Charlie's cruiser was just in. I walked over to the volvo hopping in with no hesitation while I watched Bella hesitate. "Good Morning Edward." I mumbled and then buckled. Before he could respond, Bella hopped in the front. Edward was smiling brightly like he normaly does at the mention of Bella. "Good Morning." He said to Bella. His voice was silky like normal. Of course he says it to Bella and not to me.

I basically ignore there whole conversation on the way to school because I was sick and tired of being ignored.

. . .

School went by pretty quickly but also slow at the same time. Biology was not fun at all. Sure I enjoyed the lectures given but all I could see out of the corner of my eye was Edward and Bella talking nonstop. Gym came after and I couldn't even focus because all I could see was Mike playing badminton practically by himself. It was truly hilarious. After Gym was over Mike talked to me for a little bit and then we went our seperate ways. This time I was able to actually catch-up with Edward and my sister. He kept asking her questions after questions and not once did he even try to talk to me.

We left the school and got to the house pretty quickly. I had sat in the car for hours just zoning out the people in the front while it rained. I enjoyed watching it. It was such a peaceful thing. I watched as Edward reached to open the door handle for Bella but froze there.

"Not good." He muttered but I heard him anyway.

"What is it?" Both Bella and I ask at the same time. Edward's jaw was clenched and it hardly ever was that way unless he was super pissed off.

"Another complication." Edward said glumly. He flung the door open in one swift movement and moved away from Bella. I could see headlights through the rain. And I got out of the car not caring if I got completely drenched. A dark car pulled up to the curb not that far away. I've seen that car before. Edward revved up the engine of the volvo and his tires squealed loudly against the pavement as he drove away within a matter of seconds. I guess someone was grumpy.

"Hey, Bella. Hey, Lyssa." Called the familiar voice of my friend from the little black car. "Jacob?" Bella asked as she squinted through the rain. I didn't even know she got out of the car. Jacob was climbing out of the car with a wide grin on his face. I looked at the passenger seat, and there sitting in it was Billy Black.

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