Chapter 4: Unexpected

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I couldn't believe what I just saw, Edward freaking Cullen was standing in my shared bedroom! "Alyssa did I wake you," Bells said as she turned my way. I slowly agreed with myself that maybe I was just hallucinating, because I see Edward almost everyday. It was either that or he really was standing there. I hid my shocked expression with my poker face and then answered Bella. "No I woke up on my own so your fine Bells," I said motioning to my left arm, "I'm gonna go take some Tylenol for my headache I'll be right back." Bella nods before I walk into the bathroom, and I hope I can go back to sleep after that. I head into the bathroom and grab the Tylenol. After I took my headache killer, I was about to do my business but Edward freaking Cullen was standing right in front of me. "What th-," I whisper shouted before my mouth was covered by his cold hands. "Shh," Edward whispered at me. I wanted to lick his hand so bad but I didn't and I don't know why. Edward then slowly released his hand from my mouth and then whispered, "I won't hurt you, just hear me out?" "What the heck are you doing in my house? How the heck did you get in my house? And what were you doing standing in my room watching us sleep?," I asked whisper-shouting. "I'll answer your questions if you just hear me out," Edward said. "Fine I'll here you out for 5 minutes since I don't want Bella to get suspicious," I said. He nodded and then began.
"All those questions can be answered if you promise not to tell anyone," Edward started, " Here come with me and I'll show you it will be a lot easier. Just close you eyes and hold on tight." I locked the bathroom door before doing as he said, my eyes shut hard as I clung to his back. We were suddenly going very fast and I could fell a cold breeze on my face. All of a sudden we stopped at a house that was very beautiful and open. "Where are we," I asked? "This is my house," Edward said walking up to the front porch. "Umm wouldn't everyone be sleeping or something I mean it's like midnight," I said. "Just come inside and then your questions will be answered," said Edward now walking into the house. I was defeated in this situation because I wanted my questions answered, but I didn't want to go inside so Edward would win. But it was so cold so I just went inside anyway, and claim my defeat. "Ok I came inside now will you answer my questions Edward," I said as I came into the house. But when I looked up Edward was nowhere to be seen. "Ugh," I groan. "In here," said Edward's voice coming from my right. I follow where I heard his voice and then found myself in a living room, only to see the whole Cullen family sitting or standing there. I walk into the room as an awkward silence filled. "Edward can I talk to you for a moment," said Dr. Cullen. They walk out of the room together, leaving me with rest of the family. All of a sudden this woman comes up to me, she had dark brown hair, pale skin like the rest of the family, and the same golden eyes as the family, although she seems to be giving me motherly vibes. Which meant she must be there mother.
"You must be Alyssa. I'm Esme," said Esme holding out her hand. "I am but you can call me Lyssa if you'd like," I said shaking her hand, she just smiled when I told her that. "Please sit down you don't have to stand," said Esme. I nod and take my seat next to Rose. Rose didn't seem very happy at the moment so I just kept quiet till Edward and Dr. Cullen get back. And plus Edward knows I'm on a time crunch here."So will someone tell me what's going on here, and why I'm here," I said getting antsy. "Well if Edward didn't go to your house we wouldn't be having this conversation with the human," said Rose. 'Human what does she mean human isn't she human as well', I thought. Everyone just glared at Rosalie hoping I didn't hear what she said, but I heard it as clear as day. Edward and his father have come back at this point, both expressionless. "You see Alyssa," started Edward's father, " Our family is different from most families." "What he's trying to get at is that we are completely different from you humans," said Rosalie. I raise an eyebrow at this, since I'm still utterely confused. "We're vampires Lyssa," said Edward.
"Vampires well that's . . . unexpected," I said. They all seem to let out a breath that they were supposedly holding. "So your not gonna freak out and run away," said Emmett in what I'm assuming is in a teasing/sarcastic tone. "Why would I you guys are my friends," I said. All of a sudden Edward and Alice went stiff. "What do you see Alice," asked Jasper? I was confused at this but Edward's father told me he'll tell me about it later.
*Alice's Vision*
It was Alyssa and she was crying, then all of a sudden a vampire comes over to her and starts to sing to her. He had red eyes, brown hair, and had the Volturi symbol on his chest coat. It was Alec. Then suddenly the scene changes to were they're kissing each other. Then it changes again, to where Alyssa had red eyes and shimmering skin. She was running in the forest with Alec and they seemed to have been laughing.
*Vision Ends*
(A/N: I guessed you figured it out now. I hope you all aren't disappointed in my choice)

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