Chaper 6: Scary Stories

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It's now the day me and Bells are going to La push first beach, and I'm super excited. We got to the parking lot of Newton's Olympic Outfitters, and Bella parked inbetween Mike's Suburban and Tyler's Sentra. Once we got out of the truck I saw two girls giving Bells dirty looks and whispering to each other. I glared at them and they quit what they were doing. "You both came," Mike said sounding delighted to see us both. He had a huge smile on his face as he said, " And I said it would be sunny today, didn't I ?" "I told you we were coming," I said to Mike smiling just a bit. "We're just waiting on Lee and Samantha  . . .unless you invited someone," Mike said lookng at Bells and I. "Nope," said Bella. A few minutes later, we were all trying to fit in Mike's Suburban and let's just say I wished I had the window seat like Bella. I wanted to have fresh air because I was being squeezed and I could hardly breathe. As we were driving I could see hints of the green forests that surrounded the roads, I just wish I could have a better view of them. We finally parked and I could breathe again. When I was out of the cramped Surburban, I finally got to take in the beauty of the beach. I wandered away from the group since they seemed to have forgotten about me. It's hard describe but all I could manage to say is, "Wow! It's so beautiful." 
"It sure is," said someone coming up from behind me. I didn't know this voice because I can practically remember what everyone sounds like. The voice was definetly not female, so it must have been a male. 'Duh you idiot,' I thought to myself. I turned around to find the voice of this mysterious person, to see a boy with copper skin, straight black hair, and brown orbs. He seemed pretty tall compared to me he was probably only a few inches taller than me (with me only being 5'2). "You're Alyssa Dwyer, Isabella Swan's sister right," asked the boy? I found it weird that he new our names, but I decided not be rude but polite. "Yep. You can me Lyssa though," I said holding out my hand for him to shake. He happily obliged and shook it with a smille on his face. "I'm Jacob Black. Charlie bought the truck off my dad," said Jacob. 'Okay did I miss something. I don't remember this at all, you know what I'll just go along with it,' I thought.  "Oh yeah I remember that. Bells and Charlie were talking about it," I said. "So what brings you here to the rez," Jacob asked? "I'm just here with my sister and her friends," I said pointing to the people over by the water messing around. "Want to come meet my friends, I promise they won't bite," said Jacob, "Oh and if they say something about a bet ignore it." I raise my eyebrow at his last sentence, but nod my head. "What's this so called bet about Jacob Black," I questioned. "Uh .  .  .my friends will tell you once we get to them. And please call me Jake." "Fine then Jake," I said.

Jake and I walk across the beach to a small group consisting of two teenage boys. They were both fairly tall, one of the boys had long black hair, and the other had short curly black hair. They also had copper skin and brown orbs. When we got over there they were laughing and then both smirked when they saw Jake and I. I kinda got the hint on what the bet was, when I saw Jake's flushed face. "Oh look Jake's back, and he brought a girl. Quil you owe me five dollars," said the boy with long black hair. The boy who sat next to him who I assumed was Quil just frowned and handed the boy a five dollar bill. "Boys," I muttered. "What was that," Asked the Quil kid? "Nothing. And Jake aren't you going to introduce me to your dear friends," I said a bit teasing. "Oh you two are on a nickname basis now," said the boy sitting next to Quil. "Shut up Embry," said Jake. I sit myself down on one of the logs next to Embry, I think was his name. "Are you two going to introduce yourselves or am I going to give you both nicknames that I'll use to call both, and,you'll hate in the future," I said raising my eyebrow. "We'll introduce ourselves if . . you tell us your name and I'd like to hear the nicknames you came up with for us," said the Embry kid holding out his hand. "Okay deal," I said shaking his hand. I know this might sound crazy but I thought I felt tiny sparks when I touched Embry's hand. But I simply shrugged them off. "So what's your name chica," said Quil? "My name is Alyssa but only my friends call me Lyssa," I said matter-of-factly. "Ouch that hurt right here Lyssa," said Embry putting a hand on his heart and with a mocked hurt face. I playfully rolled my eyes at him before continuing. "As for your nicknames, Jacob's is Jakester, your's (pointing to Quil) is Curly, and finally you (pointing at Embry) Mr. Obnoxious."

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