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Being married to Jimin.. well, nothing much changed in his life. Everyday, he wakes up to the two most beautiful faces. His husband and his son.

He still wakes up a little early everyday, taking his time to look at his precious loves. God really took his time when he was handcrafting these twos.

Jimin, his angel number one. Soft eyes, chubby cheeks, pouty lips and long eyelashes. He could easily outdo any model in the industry with his bare face only. He have quite different type of clothes in his closet but Yoongi thinks Jimin look the best when he wear his oversized t-shirt and waddle around all the house with Haru attached to his hips. What a beautiful sight.

Now, Haru, his angel number two. With his big doe eyes and prettiest smile there's no doubt he's an angel. But at night, he can be a devil too. Yoongi is on the night duty to take care of the baby. Since, Jimin is the one who takes care of him during the day when he's gone to office , Yoongi thinks it'd be fair for him to be the one to wake up at odd hours at night.

Haru has cockblocked his parents quite a lot actually. Jimin always respond with a great laughter to that. But even after all that Yoongi doesn't have the heart to hate his angel or even get annoyed by him. That's the special power his two angels hold.

" Morning Mr Min." It's a fixed phrase that Yoongi uses every morning. Putting extra emphasis on the word 'Mr Min' to remind Jimin of how he's officially his.

He wraps his arms around Jimin in a back hug. His face nuzzling on Jimin's crook of neck. He inhales Jimin's sweet scent that's now a mix of a their scents after their mating. As his daily routine he kisses the top of his mating mark on Jimin's pearly white skin.
" Morning to you too, dear husband." Jimin replies in a sarcastic tone. He'd never get bored of Yoongi calling him 'Mr Min' anytime soon.

Yoongi drops a sweet kiss on his neck on hearing the word 'husband'. When Jimin turns around to look at him face to face, he tries to go in for a kiss but was stopped right there by Jimin himself.

" Eww, go brush your teeth first." He pushes Yoongi away, continuing with his morning routine.
For the whole time while he was making coffee for himself, Yoongi continued to look at him with sad eyes. Like a dejected puppy staring at his owner.

" Atleast a peck ?'' He points at his lips. Making Jimin see how lonely they look.
" No, go take a bath first." Before Yoongi could use another of his trick he's being pushed into the bathroom by Jimin against his will.

Jimin smiles from ear to ear at Yoongi's childish act. He's about to go back into the kitchen when Yoongi grabs his wrist from inside the bathroom.
" Let's save some water." With that being said, he's being pulled inside by Yoongi. Yeah, they're just saving water by showering together, nothing else.


" Peek-a-boo." Jimin shows his face from behind his hands, making Haru giggle for the 100th time that day with the same trick. It's amusing how you can easily make a baby smile by using the same trick, over and over again.

Yoongi captures the moment quietly with his camera. His storage is at its worst because of how many pictures he click on a daily basis. But he's not complaining, he'll buy 10 more phones just for the pictures of his babies.

" Hey, let me play with my son too." Yoongi pushes Jimin a little to the side, so he can be the one sitting in front of Haru.
On seeing his dad approach him, Haru says something in his baby language. Leaning his body a little forward to fall into Yoongi's arms.

" Daddy's boy." Falling back to lay on the soft rug, he snuggles Haru closer into his chest. The father and son duo fills the house with their joyous giggles.

" How can you forget me ?" Jimin huffs at both of them. His arms crossed to his chest and cheeks puffed up showing his fake annoyance.

" Who said we forgot you ?" Yoongi places Haru on top of his chest using his left hand to support the baby from falling off and pulls Jimin with the other hand to lay next to him.
" We can never forget you." He presses a kiss on Jimin's forhead and then proceeds to do the same with Haru.

" You're my sun and Haru is my moon. My life would be incomplete without any of you two." He looks at Jimin like he's the one who hanged all the stars in the sky.
For Yoongi, Jimin is really the one who hung the stars of happiness and love in his empty dark sky.

" Hyung ! We're married. You don't need to be so cheesy to impress me." Jimin gave him a little hit on the chest, but kudos to Yoongi for being able to make Jimin blush with such an overused line.
" Of course we're married but that doesn't mean I'll stop being cheesy. It means you have to hear double the amount of my corny jokes."

" Haru ah, let's get you out of here or else your dad will spoil you too." Jimin jokes, trying to get Haru out of Yoongi's hold, to which Yoongi only tightens his grip on Haru.
" No. Haru will stay here. I'm gonna prepare him well for his future relationship." He tries his best to not let Jimin take Haru away. So, Jimin has to use the ultimate weapon. He tickled Yoongi, until he was breathless and his hold on Haru loosened a bit.

" Haru, let's run." He grips him in his arms and started running across the living room before Yoongi even had the chance to stand up and chase them.
" Yah ! Min Jimin! That was cheating." He sounds like an annoyed child.
" Catch us if you can, hyung." Jimin pokes his tongue out as Yoongi, Haru tries to copy what his papa did and pokes his little tongue out just like Jimin.

" Just let me get my hands on you. You'll see what I'm capable of." He poses like a monster, similiar to one in that cartoon that Haru likes to watch. And with that he started to chase them.

Their relationship was a whole rollercoaster ride with lots of ups and down. But at the end of day when he looks at Jimin and Haru, they make it worth the wait.

He'll surely make up for all the years he was supposed to be kissing Jimin. Because, even a million times over, his heart will always choose Jimin.


And that's a wrap 😭 We're finally at the end of the story. Thanks to everyone for sticking around with this story for 3 months. I really loved waking up to your comments and that made me feel so happy and loved. Thank you for being the best readers ever. I'll miss writing this story so much and I'll miss you guys too.🥺❤️
I'll end this story with a beautiful 'epilogue' so look forward for it. 💗

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