Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Min Y/N, I'm already 23 this year, I just had my birthday last month which was October. So it's another day and a another boring day in my life. I went down and headed towards the kitchen to take a look at some food that i could eat for breakfast, and guess what?, i just saw canned foods and many snacks to. I was about to open the fridge when someone shouted my name.

??? POV

???: Yah, my little sister what's for breakfast have you cooked?

Y/N: I still haven't cooked something yet, yet i still don't know what to cook can you suggest Yoongi-oppa?

Suga: Uhmmm..?, i dont know neither, maybe pan---

Suga got cutted when Y/N spoke

Y/N: Ahhhh!, great idea PANCAKES.., arraseo i'll cook, then i'll call you oppa when it's done sit in the living room first and do whatever you want..

I said with an excitement tone enough to make Yoongi-oppa smile at me

Suga: Okay!, i'll wait, ohhh i'll call the other members to come here, is that fine for you, Y/n-ssi?, besides i know you like JIMIN???

He said with a teasing tone enough to make me look at him with a disgusted look

Y/N: Aishhhh, waeeee??!, Oppa you keep teasing me with that Jimin, i do-don't like him though...

I said pouting, Yoongi then laughed at me then i suddenly got confused why he laughed at me, did i said sonething wrong??

Suga: Tssss, stop joking around lil sis i know you

He said teasing again, as i was about to go to him and kick him in the ass but as he runned fast to the living room, and here i am catching that brother of mine, aishhhh

End of Yoongi's POV

Author's POV

(Author: If you're wandering why, where are Y/N's parents at, they are in New York for a business trip)

Y/N: Hey author what do you think are you doing here huh?

(Author: I'm the author here so what is your problem, or else i'll kick your ass!)

Y/N: ok ok fine tchhhh, but please don't kick me.


30 mins later You started cooking then when You were done cooking pancakes you called over your annoying brother who is cold but has also a soft side (uwuu), then you guys started eating.

After 10 mins of eating you cleaned the plates and washed them, then once you were done washing some dishes you headed straight to your bedroom but someone called your name, that was Yoongi again

Yoongi's POV

As Y/N was about to go to her room I called her and she turned around and looked at me with a questioning face

Me: Y/N!!!, didn't i told you earlier, the others are going here?

Y/N: Yeahhh??.., so what do you want me to do??, Yoongi-Oppa??

Me: Dress up, prepare, Jimin and the others are coming, don't put too much make up, Jimin will not be happy

I said teasingly, she gave me a disgusted face and said

Y/N: What the---- why am i gonna wear make up, i mean they are just coming here why would i do such a thing??, Oppa, very funny jokes to say....

She said while walking towards her room while stomping her feet,how cute I said as i talked with myself

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