Chapter 7 ~ Freeze

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Marie paced at the top of the cliff, biting her thumb nail, she wasn't able to see or hear Daniel and Jessica anymore, but the ropes were still tense when she felt them, which made her believe they were ok at least.

"Well well well." Marie's heart dropped to her stomach as she turned, spotting Mike, Denis and Andy walking up. "Look what we have here."

"Where's LaRusso." Mike asked, getting straight to the point.

"I don't know." Marie lied, her heart racing. Mike looked around before spotting the ropes, a sick grin growing on his face. He walked to the cliff side, peering down before nodding.

"Pull the ropes."

Marie jumped into action, moving in front of the ropes quickly. "Get out of here, he isn't competing." Marie's voice was low and laced with venom as she glared at the two boys in front of her.

Dennis practically burst out laughing, Andy laughing as well. "You think you're gonna stop us, sweetheart?" Marie moved into a fighting position, holding up her hands as she nodded.

"Get her." Andy lunged forwards, earning a kick right to his chest, which knocked him back only a bit. He threw a strike that Marie easily blocked, stepping back to throw a sidekick which knocked him on the ground.

Dennis moved towards her as well, making her stumble back a bit before kicking, only resulting in Dennis catching her foot. Dennis smirked before Marie jumped up and struck him in the face, making him shout in pain.

As Maire landed on the ground, she realized that she was right at the edge of the cliff. As she felt herself fall back a bit, she also felt a pull on her shirt. She looked up, finding Mike holding her out by the collar of her shirt.

"Pull the ropes." Marie immediately tried struggling against Mike's grip as Dennis and Andy pulled the ropes up.

"Ah ah ah, redhead. I wouldn't do that if I was you." Mike taunted. "Who knows, maybe the fabric will rip, and I might drop you."

Marie froze with wide eyes. Would he actually drop her? Whatever that answer was, Marie didn't want to find out. "LaRusso! How you doing? Heads up, Danny-boy." Andy threw down a small rope, not big enough to carry the two up, but just enough to send down the All Valley Tournament application. "Here's something you forgot."

"Hey, this isn't a joke anymore." Daniel shouted up, making Mike nod.

"I know!" He shouted back.

"So let the ropes down!"

"First sign the application." Mike taunted. Marie had never felt more threatened, with her life in on hand and Daniel's in another.

"Screw you, man!" Daniel shouted.

"See, I think you got it backwards, buddy-boy. I'm not the one who's screwed here. Now I figure the tide's gonna come in about five minutes. Hope you brought a life raft." Mike replied. "Or I could always drop your girl down with you."

"You're dead. You want me to sign it? Fine, I'll sign it. We'll get in the ring and we'll see who's laughing then. We'll see who's smiling. You're gonna be dead meat." Marie felt Mike pulled her away from the cliff side, still keeping a steady grip on her collar. "Here. I signed it! You want it? You work for it. You pull us up!"

Mike released Marie, pushing her into the ground as he, Dennis and Andy released the ropes, sending them down to Jessica and Daniel. Marie was shaking uncontrollably, fear and adrenaline was the only thing in her veins at this point.

"Come on, get us out of here!" Daniel shouted after a few moments. It was very clear he was pissed, and Marie didn't blame him as Mike, Dennis and Andy began pulling the two up.

"You're one heavy wimp, Daniel!" Mike taunted as the three pulled them up. When they were just about out, the three stopped pulling, confusing Daniel.

"Come on, don't stop. Keep pulling!" Daniel exclaimed.

"What are you doing? Pull us up!" Jessica objected as well.

"Leave him there. Get the application." Mike order, making Daniel pull it back.

"No, you get the application when I get up there." His attention turned to Marie, who was sitting still on the grass, almost like a statue. "Are you alright, Marie?"

Marie could barely even nod in response, feeling so shaken that she froze, unable to act. "All right, here. Just hold us." Daniel finally caved, seeing as the others wouldn't.

"Go get it." Dennis walked over, leaving Mike and Andy to hold the ropes as he snatched it from Daniels hand, bringing it back to Mike. Mike observed it before nodding, staring daggers at Daniel.

"Don't even think about backing out, man...because then I'll really be really pissed. And this, well, this'll all seem like a happy memory...compared to what I'd do to you. And what we'd all do to her." Mikes glare shifted from both Daniel to Marie, before pulling Jessica and Daniel up just enough so they wouldn't fall, beginning to walk away.

"Come on! Pull us up!" Jessica shouted, catching their attention.

"What, Tarzan." Andy taunted from afar.

"Pull us up!" Mike walked over, standing in front of the two.

"What will you give me?" Mike asked, making Daniel glare at him.

"I gave you the application."

"Yeah, the stakes just went up. Give me the tree." Marie pulled herself out of her freeze as soon as she heard the tree being out in danger, but she was still unable to move.

"Daniel, don't!" She objected quickly, but it was too late. Daniel had already made up his mind.

"All right. Just hold us. Don't let go." Daniel unhooked the bag from around his shoulder, passing it up to Mike. "Here. Now please be careful with it. Please, be careful."

"I will be." Mike signaled for Dennis and Andy to finish pulling Jessica and Daniel up, who didn't move to stand as they laid on their stomachs in the grass.

"What are you gonna do with it?" Daniel asked, panicked.

"I'm gonna plant it down there!" Mike made the motion as if he was going to throw the tree back into the ravin.

"No, don't, please." Marie shrieked, still finding herself unable to stand.

"All right, enough. Give me it." Daniel demanded.

"You want it?" Mike taunted, throwing the tree around in his hand.

"Just don't throw it over." Marie begged, watching Mike carefully. "Be careful with it, please."

"Daniel," Mike began, making sure Daniel was staring him right in the eyes. "Make a wish."

Without hesitation, Mike snapped the tree almost completely in half over his knee, causing Marie to cry out as she covered her mouth. "No!"

As Mike, Dennis and Andy walked away laughing, the three that were left remained frozen on the cliff, looking at the tree in disbelief and shock.

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