~ Epilogue ~

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"Marie! Are you ready?" Marie sighed softly, holding the last box in her arms. She turned to look at her room one last time, the empty walls and bed reminding her it was time.

She smiled. This was a time to be happy, she was advancing in life, this was bound to happy soon. As she walked through her apartment, she smiled at the memories.

Hey, maybe it wasn't the best, and maybe it could've been better, but Reseda was her home. It always would be.

"I'm coming, Mom!" Marie shouted, closing the apartment door behind her. She walked down the metal stairs, around the pool and through the gate, leaving her home for what would be the last time.

Her green car was packed with her things, boxes scattering the seats and floor to make sure everything was secure. Daniel was leaning against the car as Marie packed up the last box, shutting the door. "That's everything." She stated.

"Well, I guess this is it, huh?" Daniel said, making Marie roll her eyes with a smile.

"So dramatic, LaRusso." She spoke, punching his shoulder lightly.

"Oh, baby. I'm gonna miss you! You're so grown up now!" Marie smiled as her mother hugged her.

"I'll visit Mom, I promise." Marie spoke. As her mother let her go, she looked over at Mr Harris. "Take care of her for me, alright?"

"I will Kiddo. I promise." Marie looked over at Mr Miyagi, who was smiling and happy.

"I'd say you're happy to see me go, Mr Miyagi." Marie spoke with a laugh. Mr Miyagi shook his head, still smiling.

"Course not, Marie-san. Miyagi sad to see you go, but know this is good thing. Very proud." Marie stepped forward, wrapping her arms around her teachers shoulders with sad smile.

"Thank you for everything Mr Miyagi. I owe you so much, and I can't even begin to explain how much I appreciate everything you've done for me." Mr Miyagi smiled, hugging Marie back.

"You welcome, Marie-san. Miyagi miss you." As Marie pulled away, she smiled at her teacher.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Mr Miyagi." She turned to Daniel, giving him a sad smile. The two didn't say anything, just pulling each other into a hug. Marie looked up at Daniel, reaching a hand up to thumb over his cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you, Marie with an e." Marie chuckled, shaking her head.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Daniel with an i." Marie pushed herself up on the ball of her feet, pressing her lips against Daniel's. Their kiss lasted a few moments, not as long as either of them had wished, but they knew it was time to go.

Pulling away from Daniel, Marie turned towards everyone. She felt a few tears springing into her eyes, making her laugh sadly. "I've got to get going, I guess." Marie said, wiping her eyes.

"Alright sweetheart. Remember, call me whenever you can and keep up your grades." Marie laughed, smiling at her mother.

"I will, Mom. I will." Marie stood at the drivers side door, taking one last look at her friends and family. "I'll see you all in a few months, I promise."

Marie sat down, starting the car and shutting her door. She rolled down the windows, taking a deep breath before beginning to drive away.

As she drove down the street, she took a look in the rearview mirror, watching her family wave her goodbye. Her eyes drifted to the bonsai sitting beside her in the passenger seat, strapped in for safety.

"What's the sense in sharing, this one and only life? Endin' up, just another lost and lonely wife." Marie smiled to herself as her and Daniel's song played over the radio, filling her with relief. "Oh, young hearts run free. Never be hung up, hung up like my man and me.

Marie knew everything would be ok, and she knew this wasn't the end of her story.

It was only the beginning of a new one.
~ ~ ~ ~

And here we are, the end of Karate Kid. Thank you all for your support and love of these three books! When I started the first book, I would've never imagined I'd get so much love for it, and I thank you all!

Cobra Kai will start up soon, and I'm so excited to introduce my new character! (Marie will be in the story as well)

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