Chapter 9 ~ Jessica and Dancing

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"So, you and Daniel, huh?" Marie leaned against Jessica's wall, talking to her peacefully when she decided to bring Daniel up. "How long has that been going on."

"Well, we first started dating around the beginning of Senior year, took a break and then got back together 4 months later." Maire was suspicious of Jessica, her interest in Daniel making her uncomfortable.

"Hmm. That's nice...." Marie stared daggers at Jessica as she continued to make a few vase's. "He clearly has low standards."

"Excuse me?" Marie hadn't heard exactly what Jessica said, but she got the inkling it wasn't good.

"I said he clearly has low standards. I mean, look at you. You could've saved the tree, yet you were too much of a coward to do anything." Marie's fist's clenched angrily, staring at Jessica.

"Hm, how about the fact that I was almost dropped down the cliff being the reason I froze." Marie spoke, venom lacing her tone. "I'm only going to tell you this once. You come near either Daniel or I, your first Karate lesson will be free."

Marie stormed out of the pottery studio, over to her car to leave. "Bitch."

~ ~ ~ ~

"So your saying that you found a new teacher?" Marie had taken a few days to chill after the altercation with Daniel, finding it better to clear her mind before trying to interact with him again. While it made it a bit easier to talk to him and be with him, Marie still felt like he was hiding something from her.

"The guy who's been training. You met him, remember? Terry Silver." Marie nodded as she walked down the stairs into the dance club.

"Ah." Marie responded with a nod.

"He's teaching me stuff I thought I'd never be able to do." Daniel explained. "He's like Mr Miyagi, but different."

"What do you mean 'different'" Marie asked, slightly weary.

"I'll show you sometime. Come on, let's rock 'n' roll." Marie decided to hold off on the topic for now, wanting to enjoy having fun instead.

As they danced, Marie could've sworn she saw the fun-loving and goofy Reseda boy she fell for. It was nice to see Daniel like that, smiling and goofy again.

"If I don't get something to drink, I'm gonna die." Marie said with a laugh.

"Tell me. I could drink a horse." Daniel replied. As the two made their way to the bar, they were stopped.

"Daniel?" Both Marie and Daniel turned, Daniel's face contorting into a smile.

"Mr. Silver, what are you doing here?" Daniel asked, tilting his head.

"You told me you'd be here, remember?" Suddenly, Marie felt an arm wrap around her waist, making her try and pull away but failing.

"Hold up, sexy lady." A man spoke into her ear, making her lean away in disgust.

"Get off of me." Marie instructed sternly, to no avail. As much as she wanted to hit him, she couldn't until it was necessary.

"I've been watching you and you are hot." Marie glared at him in anger.

"Congrats. Now piss off."

"She's with me, man." Daniel spoke, grabbing Marie's elbow and pulling her towards him.

"Say's who?

"Says me!" Daniel retaliated.

"I'm taking her home." Marie ripped her wrist out of the man's grasp, just as Daniel punched him in the face. Marie's eyes widened, shock sweeping over her features.

"Daniel! What the hell are you doing?" She exclaimed, confused and shocked. Daniel turned back to look at her, but there was something in his eyes that was unfamiliar.

Anger? Revenged? Marie couldn't tell, but she needed to go cool off. Without another comment, Marie ran off and out of the dance club.

~ ~

Maire couldn't help but pace through the living room, biting her thumb nail. "What the hell happened to that boy from Reseda?"

A knock on her door made her immediately open it, bracing her side with her foot. She was tempted to shut the door, and Daniel saw that. "Just give me a minute. Please."

Maire hesitated, but opened the door, letting Daniel inside. "I want to apologise for tonight. It shouldn't have happened."

"You should apologize to the guy whose nose you broke." Marie replied calmly, sitting down on the couch.

"I am. I will. I just... I feel like I'm losing control of everything." Daniel admitting, sitting besides her.

"Daniel, I'm going to be honest with you.
Before, you were quite a hothead, alright? Your temper has never been maintainable, but now I see you're just losing control of your temper." Marie reasoned.

"Not just that, I'm losing control of our relationship and Mr Miyagi's trust. I've lost everything. I don't know what to do. I've wrecked everything with Mr. Miyagi. I know he's written me off. And I can't blame him. I don't blame him." Marie watched Daniel with a frown. "I don't know what the hell I'm going to do."

"First of all, nobody's written you off. Just because I got upset doesn't mean I'm going to leave you. Mr. Miyagi, he loves you. He has faith in you. He told me that." Marie explained.

"Let's see how much faith he has when he hears about what I did tonight." Daniel muttered.

"I think he should hear it from you first."

"It's too late. I blew it. It's blown." Marie put an arm on his shoulder.

"You're gonna blow, unless you do something about it now." Marie warned gently.

"I know, you're right. It's easy to say. It's just, I don't know if I could face him." Daniel replied, shaking his head.

"You'll do fine. You just gotta do it." Marie advised as he stood. Daniel turned to look at the red headed girl on the couch who was looking back at him.

"What am I gonna do once you're gone?" He asked with a sigh, making Marie smile up at him.

"I'll always be a phone call away." Marie replied with a smile.

Daniel smiled as well before sighing again. "Well, wish me luck." He spoke, opening the door.

"Good luck, Daniel-san." Marie teased. You got this."

Daniel gave her one last smile before leaving her apartment, closing the door securely behind him. But as he left, Marie felt a feeling settle in the pit of her stomach, and not a good feeling.

~ ~ ~ ~

Did you guys know Jessica was originally supposed to be a spy for Terry Silver? That's something I'm gonna be including in this, along with the fact that Jessica liked Daniel.

If that makes sense.

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