Chapter 10 ~ Cobra Kai Returns

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"Mr Miyagi!" Marie called, slamming her car door shut as she ran up to Mr Miyagi's door. Mr Miyagi opened up immediately, looking at Marie with a confused stare. "Somethings wrong, where's Daniel?"

"Daniel-san go to Terry Silver. What's wrong?" Mr Miyagi asked, making Marie panic more.

"I just have a bad feeling. It could be nothing, but-"

"Hai, Marie-san, Miyagi feel it too." Mr Miyagi stopped her, nodding in agreement. "Come, we go help Daniel-san."

As the two rushed back to the car, Marie could only hope they weren't too late to help Daniel.

~ ~ ~ ~

Marie parked a few feet away from Cobra Kai dojo, the cobra above it staring daggers into her eyes as she exited the car. Maire nor Mr Miyagi even stepped onto the sidewalk before Daniel ran out of the doors, straight into Mr Miyagi.

"Daniel, what's going-" Before Marie could finish, Mike Barnes burst outside, making Marie's eyes widen. Mike lunged to attack Daniel, but Mr Miyagi grabbed his wrist, pinning it behind his back before sending him back inside. "Stay here."

Marie and Mr Miyagi walked inside, and it kept all of Marie's self control to not walk right back out as she spotted a familiar face.

John Kreese, alive and well.

Mike stumbled in front of the two before turning and fixing his gi, Marie staring daggers at him.

"Well, look who's here. The big war hero." Terry taunted Mr Miyagi.

Kreese's gaze moved to Marie, who stared back at him with an unforgiving stare. "Well look what we have here. You look good, red. Angry as ever."

Terry pushed Mike forwards a bit, making Marie step forward. "What are you waiting for?"

Mike stepped forwards, holding his hands up as Marie did the same. Mike threw the first punch that Marie immediately caught, stepping back and flipping him over, causing him to hit the light switch and shut the lights off.

Marie's anger and adrenaline was pumping through Marie's veins as she stood up straight, glaring at Kreese and Terry. Mr Miyagi stepped forwards, making both the men smirk. "Party time." They said in usion, bowing down.

Terry prepared his stance but was stopped by Kreese. "We're old friends." As John Kreese readied his stance, Mr Miyagi stared at him before John Kreese finally threw the first strike.

Marie could barely follow the fight, only knowing that Kreese got his ass kicked. As Mr Miyagi threw Kreese aside, his attention turned to Terry Silver, who was mocking him as he walked over.

As Daniel moved to stand besides Marie, the two watched Mr Miygai and Terry Silver. "Come on, little man. Let's see how good you really are." Marie and Daniel could only watch the two as they fought. One thing Marie realized was Mr Miyagi was absolutely destroying the two.

The fight finally ended as Mr Miyagi threw Terry into a mirror, causing a paint can to fall over, covering him with white paint. As Mr Miyagi walked away, after mocking Terry Silver, joining Marie and Daniel.

"You think this is the end of it, old man?" Terry Silver called as the three made their way to the door, prompting them to stop. "I'm going to open Cobra Kai dojos all over this valley. Hell, I might even teach for free. From now on when people say karate around here...all they'll mean is Cobra Kai karate. John Kreese's karate." Marie simply stared at Terry Silver. "You won't even be a memory."

"Yes, he will. You won't." Daniel turned to Mr Miygai as Terry and Kreese laughed. "Now will you train me?"

"Hai. Now Miyagi train you." As Mr Miygai began to walk out, Marie and Daniel glared at the two laughing men. "Come. Waste time here."

~ ~ ~ ~

The next few weeks were filled with training and a sense of impending doom for both Marie and Daniel. For Daniel, because he was positive he was going to get his ass beaten, and for Marie because she would be leaving Reseda very soon. Her mother and Mr Harris had returned from their cruise a few days after Mr Miygai agreed to train Daniel.

The night before the tournament, Marie laid beside Daniel in his spare room, Mr Miyagi sleeping in his room. Marie's head laid on Daniel's chest, her eyes closed as tried to relax.

"You're tense." Daniel stated, making Marie frown as she opened her eyes.

"I'm just nervous, that's all." Marie replied. "You aren't exactly calm either to be fair."

Daniel smiled down at her, shaking his head. "Remember what you said when I joined the first tournament?" He suddenly asked, catching Marie off guard.

"Yeah, why?" She asked.

"You still mean it, right." Marie sat up immediately, looking at Daniel shocked.

"Of course I do, Daniel." She immediately answered. "Why would you ever think I wouldn't?"

"It's not that." Daniel said with the shake of his head. "I'm just...unsure."

Marie gave him a soft smile, tilting her head. "Of course I still meant what I said, Daniel. And you know what, who cares if you lose?" She asked. "It won't matter in 30 years anyway."

"That's a specific time."

"It doesn't matter, Daniel." Marie cut him off. "But you know what? I bet you'll win."

Daniel smiled at his girlfriend, leaning in and placing his lips on hers. Marie kissed back with a smile, resting her arms around his neck.

Just as Daniel's hands crept up under her shirt, Marie pulled away with a quirked eyebrow. "Nice try. You have a tournament tomorrow."

Daniel smiled as Marie laid down beside him, resting her head on his chest again. "Well, I'll probably end up losing anyway." Daniel replied with a shrug.

"We'll see." Marie hummed. "We'll see."

~ ~ ~ ~

Last few chapters! Whoa!

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