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Nandini came out of her classroom, after giving exam. She feel uneasy, so run to washroom and vomit full. Washed her face and held her head which spinning.

"Nandu where and all we searching...... nandiniiiiii." Pihu shouted seeing Nandini going to fall.

Mukthi who came behind, saw it and run to unconscious state of Nandini.

"Mukthi she not getting up. Let's take her to hospital. Call Manik." Both loft Nandini and took her to hospital.

"This Bhai not picking up the call. Even cabir and arya." Mukthi said irritating and waited for Doctor to come out.

"Leave it. We will inform afterwards." Pihu said, looking at Nandini room.

"Doctor how is she?" Mukthi asked seeing doctor coming out.

"She is fine, can I see her husband?" Doctor said, Mukthi and Pihu glanced at each other.

"Doctor he is not picking up the call. Can you say what's the matter! She is fine right?." Pihu asked in worry.

Doctor smiled and said "She is fine, and inform her husband she is one week pregnant." Mukthi and Pihu had tears hearing it.

"Thankq so much Dr." Pihu said and both run inside to see Nandini slowly opening her eyes.

"Why I am here guys?" Nandini asked holding her stomach unknowingly.

"You are going to be mother soon bhabi." Mukthi said with tears and hugged her tightly. Nandini took time to realise her words, looked at Pihu who nodded with tears. Nandini smiled, and hugged both.

"Ayyappa!! Finally. My baby." Nandini caressed her stomach.

"Did Manik know this?" Nandini asked them, who nodded no.

"He didn't take the call still." Pihu said, Nandini nodded.

"Let's go to home and inform him secretly." Nandini said happily rubbing her stomach, without knowing the unknown storm in her life.

Three went happily to house, to see all Malhotra's, fab3, Ram and Abhi standing. Nandini happily run to Ram who stood back facing him.

"Papa...You here?" Nandini smile went seeing Ram and Abhi angry face.

"Papa Bhai, what happened?..Manik." she called Manik who stood looking down.

"Nandini pack your bag and come with us." Abhi words shock Nandini.

"Why bahi? Why should I come? Whats happening uncle aunty atleast you guys say." Nandini asked Malhotra who stood silent.

"Ma Papa what happening here? Bhia why bhabhi should leave?" Mukthi shouted at them.

"Because I don't want her anymore in my life." Manik words made Nandini numb.

"What?? What did you say?" Nandini walked to him.

"I don't want you anymore in my life Nandini Murthy. I had enough of loving you." Nandini heart broken hearing him, who smirking at her but Nandini saw more then that in his eye.

"Don't lie to me Manik. I know you are not saying this." Nandini said with tears, Manik looked aside with neutral face.

"I am saying true. I had enough of you, and even I lost interest in you, so without drama leave the house and even I don't lo..........

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