1K 15 9

Y/N: Your Name
Y/L: Your Last Name
H/L: Hair Length
H/C: Hair Color
A/N: Author Note
F/C: Favorite Color
E/C: Eye Color
Y/M: Your Mom
Y/D: Your Dad
POV: Point of view

Sexuality: gay

Age: 16

Quirk: mind reader:
You can read other people's thoughts, but you can NEVER hit the off switch. You can never stop reading people's minds. However, headphones or earplugs help you concentrate.

Um so I am aware that this story will majorly suck. I'm counting on it. But hey, it's my first fanfic, and I'm really proud of this, so please be gentle on me, ok?

The Gay Hero That Dissapeared (UA x Depressed Gay Reader)Where stories live. Discover now