24th December 2014

562 11 4

"I'm drivin' 'ome for Christmas,
Oh, I can't wait teh see those faces.
I'm drivin' 'ome for Christmas, yea,
Well I'm movin' down that line.
'nd it's been so long
But I will be there.
I sing this song
Teh pass the time away,
Drivin' in my car,
Drivin' 'ome for Christmas..."

Having zoned out into the light snowy flurry outside the safety of the car, warm and wrapped up in her seat, Izzy felt as if she was inside a snow globe, the music coming from the stereo accompanied by her boyfriend's own drawl, deep yet cheerful, making her feel content, festive and above all in love. She had however grown bored of staring at the car in front of her and glanced over at Alex in the driver's seat, amused as he tapped the steering wheel with his index finger and nodded his head with his performance.

Suddenly aware of her gaze and unable to move because of the stacked up, desperate to get home traffic for Christmas on the motorway, Alex turned and smirked at her. "Wha'?"

"Nothing," she hummed. "Just enjoying this performance."

He chuckled and reached over, lifted her hand from her lap, and pressed his mouth against the flat of her hand then kissed her knuckles and fingers one by one, his eyes locked onto hers.

"You're adorable," Izzy giggled.

"Am not," he replied poutily, eyes wide as he rested her hand against his cheek.

"Yes, you are."

The traffic edged forward slightly and Izzy moved her hand to Alex's shoulder, stroking over his jumper with her thumb. He moved forward eagerly, but she watched his face sink again when they only managed a few metres.

He sighed dramatically and frowned at the snow and raked his hands back through his slicked hair, wanted nothing more than to be with his family, to place the gifts they'd brought under the tree, to show his mum what they'd managed to bake and for Izzy to slot in beside him like she'd been there along, certain she was meant to be there and excited to see everyone else fall in love with her charm and abundant kindness as he had.

"We'll be there soon, gorgeous," she assured him, reading his mind as she shifted in her seat.

"I kno', 's joost fookin' frustratin'... 's ruinin' me Christmas spirit."

Izzy shook her head and reached to smooth the side of his slicked hair around his ear with her thumb. "Do you not feel Christmasy, baby?"

"I'm actualleh feelin' pretteh festive this year," he declared, humming to a few lines of the song before tilting his head towards her and placing his hand on her thigh. "Got me girl wif meh this year, ain't I?" He gave a wink and a laugh.

"Your girl?" she laughed back, felt the eternal heat of his palm soaking through her tights to her skin as his fingers trailed past the hem of her dress, a neediness to touch her that he couldn't ignore.

"Mmm..." he nodded, admiring the glow of her tanned skin and the pretty burgundy dress she was wearing, the intricate way her hair was braided and the small golden flowers and stars she'd clipped into it. "Won yeh over finalleh..."

Izzy laughed, placing her hand over his to stop him from crawling higher and maintained her eye contact with him as fearlessly as she could, though it'd become much harder in the past year, especially when he had a new kind of power over her. "Who says I'm won over?" she teased.

Alex raised his eyebrows and blinked back slowly, lip twitching as he spoke. "Um, wha' happened teh yeh tellin' meh yeh're addicted teh me touch?"

Izzy laughed, her cheeks flushing at the recollection of the words she'd told him a few months ago in bed, words he'd used against her in as many opportunities as he could make them fit. "The Izzy who said that was very much driven by pleasure. She wasn't aware of her own words and the long term consequences they'd have."

"Mmm... but yehr whimpers in bed before weh left were pretteh convincing 'n' all," he smirked. The traffic nudged forward and so did he with ease, keeping his hand firmly on her thigh. "The truth is I've been collectin' evidence tha' yeh're me girl for monfs now, Izz."

She grinned at his playfulness. "Well, I guess I have no choice then," she shrugged. "I'm your girl, Alex Turner."

He smiled with clear satisfaction of winning and dipped his head towards her, his hand moving from her thigh to hold her chin. "Kiss meh, darlin'..."

She leant in despite the restriction of the seatbelt and kissed him, his lips warm against hers, tentative, gentle, his mouth sweet and leaving her desperate to be in his lap, to take more teasing under his control. Alex refused to let go even when they were breathless, kissed the corners of her mouth and went in for another, his hand holding her jaw to keep her there, and the moment was only broken by an angry honk from the car behind him, impatiently waiting for their car to move.

"Alrehyt, alrehyt!" Alex exclaimed as he drew away from Izzy, waving his hand in the rear view mirror with annoyance. "Dun't beh an 'umbug, mate," he muttered, pulling forward into the traffic again. "Joost wanted teh kiss meh girl." 

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