25th February 2015

600 12 1

It had been half an hour now, half an hour of silence, frustration and huffing loudly enough for the other to hear from opposite ends of the echoey room, the cardboard boxes that took up space on the hardwood floor like an elaborate assault course of landmines separating them should either of them choose to give in.

With her back turned and legs crossed, Izzy had spent a majority of that time slotting their joint record collection onto the huge cabinet they'd chosen, carefully dusting off each cover, humming the tunes softly as she skimmed her thumb over tracks that Alex often played. There was nothing spinning on the record player and the silence was melancholic. She thought about picking something she knew he loved just to hear his deep drawl as he sang along under his breath, hoped it'd ease the tension and act as a bridge for her apology, but knew he'd want to pick the first record of the new house, knew it was the thing he had been most excited for since they'd woken early on moving day.

Alex had distracted himself from the argument by building a coffee table at the opposite end of the living room, but he knew to a certain extent that it was his fault for snapping over a tiny inconvenience, that he was taking the general stress of the day out on her and that her arguing back at him was justified. He didn't intend for it to be an explosive row and was restless at the silence that followed it, but he needed her help anyway working out the next step in the useless instruction manual so swallowed his pride and sauntered through the maze of half-unpacked boxes.

Izzy heard him coming before she saw him and held her breath as he came close, their emotional outburst at each other still weighing heavy on her heart. With a record still in her hand, she closed her eyes as he sunk down to his knees behind her, the spice of his slightly faded cologne soothing her and making he heart pound all at once.

After a moment of contemplation, listening to her staggered breath, Alex tentatively lifted his hand and stroked her hair down her back so that he could smooth his thumb over her shoulder where the jumper exposed the delicate freckles that dotted her tanned skin.

"Are yeh still mad at meh, love?" he whispered, quiet, frightened. He cleared his throat, surprised by the huskiness in his voice.

Izzy chewed down on her lip. She wasn't mad anymore, just longed for it to be forgotten, to feel the calm they were so accustomed to around each other again but was afraid of the devastated expression she knew she'd be able to read should she turn to look at him, worried the hurt in his eyes would shatter her heart into pieces. She huffed and craned her neck back and tiled her body to the side to look at him for the first time since they'd walked away. His eyes were dark and clearly apologetic, his bottom lip protruding in the exaggeratedly pouty way it did and there was an abundance of softness in his demeanour despite the frustration he'd exuded half an hour earlier.

"Of course not..." she hummed, reaching to run one hand instinctively back through the side of his hair. Slick strands had fallen into his eyes so she smoothed them back too, relieved to just be touching him again, pleased when the tension was visibly eased in his body, his head tilting into her palm. "I'm not mad."

"I'm sorreh, darlin'..." he drawled softly, his accent thicker as he leaned forward to knock his nose against her cheek. "I kno' I'm a fookin' idiot, yeh didn't deserve aneh of tha'..."

"I'm sorry too, Alex." Despite his own impatience and outburst having catalysed the argument, Izzy felt guilty too, because irrelevant frustrations and unnecessary comments had bubbled to the surface and he didn't deserve that either.

"I dunno why I even fookin' snapped-" he whined, his jaw taught.

"We're both just a bit stressed..." Izzy nodded, putting down the record on top of the pile and shuffling closer to him so that she could take his hands in hers, smoothing her thumbs over his knuckles as they sat on the floor of their new home. "Big day."

"'aven't slept vereh mooch..." Alex agreed with a slow nod, sighing. "Lots of 'eaveh boxes... exhaustin'."

"It's alright, gorgeous," she promised reassuringly. "It's okay."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Zara fookin' said weh'd argue more when weh started livin' togefer 'n' I gave 'er all this shite back 'bout 'ow weh 'ardleh ever argue... I said 'not meh and me Izzeh, 's not gunna 'appen teh us'... but now 'ere weh are... one fookin' day in..." He sniffed.

Izzy squeezed his hands in hers, waited for him to lift his head and look at her. His eyes were slightly watery and it only prompted the same effect on her, so she blinked the sudden emotions away seeing him so pained, and leant in. "Let's prove her wrong then, Alexander..."

Alex smirked, his heart pounding at the tranquil and comforting blue of her eyes, then took hold of her chin, drank in her gentle giggles as he pressed his mouth to hers, the kiss warm and eager but full of apology, his lips slightly chapped.

They both hummed shakily, the sleep and emotion clouding their minds and rendering them both desperate for each other's closeness and warmth.

He took his time, cradled her face in his hand, brushing his lips against hers as long as he could before their tongues met, wanted to prove his devotion in every tiny movement and only pulled away when he was completely breathless, pecking her lips gently as he drew away, smoothing his thumb down her chin.

"I appreciate yeh endlessleh, Isabella..." he whispered, knocking the tip of his nose against hers. "Yeh kno' tha'.

She nodded back, knew she'd never had to question it.

"Weh're alrehyt, yeh?"

"Of course we are," she sighed, watched the corners of his lips pull upwards again. "Alex, I love you."

"I love yeh," he hummed in relief. With a smile, Alex leant over to pick up the record she had previously had in her hand, the one on top of the pile. "Well, this one seems like a perfect fookin' choice..."

Alex rose to his feet with a slightly unbalanced wobble then gently nudged a box against the wall with his foot, making space. He set the record down on the turntable delicately, waited for it to crackle then extended his hand down to Izzy to pull her up.

"What's happening?" she asked, tilting her head and blinking up at him.

"First record of the 'ouse..." Alexander mumbled, pointing to the record player. "C'mon..."

Izzy laughed, shaking her head, the curls bouncing around her shoulders as she placed her hand into his and allowed him to pulled her up, the pair of them moving until he'd found a spot amongst the mess that he deemed perfect.

"First dance of the 'ouse..." he mumbled, holding her small figure against his, their chests pressed together, hearts thudding in sync. "Indulge meh, darlin'."

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