31st October 2022

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"Alex, you really don't need to dress up," Izzy reminded him gently, watching from the comfort of their bed as he fiddled with the golden buttons of the jacket he'd chosen, tensed his jaw and tilted his head to the side. There were a few fluffy hairs curling around his ears and it made her sigh in obvious admiration. "None of the other dads are going to be wearing costumes."

"I kno' tha' Izz," Alex mumbled, lifting his gaze till he met hers in the mirror, "...but I want teh make an effort for me lil' girl."

Izzy smiled and nodded back, knowing it was important for him to make Daisy happy and that he was never one to shy away from a chance to dress up either, enjoyed it far too much not to take the opportunity when it presented itself. He gave a quick pout at himself, clearly pleased with how the deep blue jacket accentuated his frame, the golden shoulder pads sitting perfectly. The trousers he was wearing were tight, drew attention to the curve of his ass and clung to his thighs and if he wasn't just about to take their daughter out to trick or treat and if she didn't have to stay home and watch Teddy, Izzy would've dragged him to bed to show him just how irresistibly gorgeous he was.

"You look so gorgeous..." she told him and Alex turned to face her, pressed his tongue into his cheek as his hand slipped into his pocket, before the pretence fell away and he began grinning back at her with his most charming smile.

He stepped forward, lifted her chin with his index finger and pecked her lips softly, once, twice, three times, until she hummed shakily against his mouth. "Fanks, darlin'..." he whispered. Slowly, he swept her curls from the side of her face and she closed her eyes at his touch.

"Where's me babeh girl then?" he asked, dark eyes sparkling with excitement as he straightened his back again. "Sheh readeh?"

They heard her before they saw her, the pitter-patter of her feet down the hallway from her room to theirs before she appeared in the doorway, stopping for a second to beam at Alex, her cheeks adorably flushed a similar shade of pink to that of her costume.

The dress she was wearing was flowy, bejewelled with golden gemstones and on top of her hair which was dark and curly just like her mother's, sat a sparkling golden tiara. She spun excitedly around in her skirt, the pink and white material flying out behind her and Alex scrunched his nose up in laughter. She giggled back at him and Alex sunk instantly to one knee to meet her, holding his arms out as she hurried towards him.

Izzy's heart swelled at the vision that was Alex's smile, the complete delight stretching into his lips at seeing Daisy in her princess attire to match his prince's outfit and the way he pulled her into his embrace, his large hands sprawled out on her back. "'ey, lil' angel..." Alex cooed, rubbing his thumb over her shoulder softly.

"Actually," she laughed defiantly as he pulled back to listen to her, brows raised in expectation. "I'm a princess..."

"Oh, sorreh sweet'eart," he mumbled and stroked his hand affectionately down the front of her costume. "Yeh look fantastic. The most beau'iful princess in the whole universe."

She tilted her head at him, then threw her arms around Alex's shoulders and gave a tight squeeze, always full of affection for him, lapped up his continual compliments gratefully.

Izzy smiled when her daughter looked towards her over Alex's shoulder for confirmation too. "You look lovely, flower," she hummed, the nickname second nature for how small, delicate and precious she looked. She never got bored of admiring and watching their interactions, both the miniature version of herself who matched his heart and determination and the man she loved made her melt with the way they cared for each other.

"D'yeh like me outfit, Daiseh?" Alex asked her, tickling her sides with his fingertips, laughing when she squirmed and laughed joyously into his shoulder. "Do I make a good prince?"

She lifted her head and squinted at him in deep thought. "You need a crown!" she suddenly exclaimed.

"A crown!" he agreed, his voice deep despite the added excitement. "You're right, sweet'eart, of course I need a crown! Luckeh tha' I got one, eh?" He nodded towards his wife.

Izzy picked up the golden, plastic crown from the bed where Alex had eagerly unpackaged his parcel and she held it out in front of her for Daisy to take it, her daughter's mouth forming an excitable, surprised 'o' shape as she hurried across the room. "Wow. It's so sparkly, mummeh!"

"Do you want to put it on daddy's head?" she asked, laughing when Alex stroked his soft hair back and pursed his lips together in preparation for his coronation.

Daisy nodded eagerly and took the crown. She held it in her small hands as if it was the most precious thing she'd ever held, clearly scared she'd drop and break it, taking small steps back to a besotted Alex who dipped his head when she came close. She reached onto her tiptoes shakily and placed the crown on top of his fluffy hair and Alex made sure it was secured before he lifted his head and gave both of them a regal-like smile, but with charisma and self-aware cheek in the twitch of his lips that was uniquely him.

Daisy covered her mouth with her hand and gasped. "You're so pretty, Daddeh!" she whispered.

Alex blushed visibly, turning to Izzy and smiling. She couldn't help but agree.

His hair was a fairytale itself, clean, fluffy and soft, his skin glowy and breathtaking and his face was sculpted perfectly, nose wrinkled, cheekbones high, his jaw sharp as ever. Despite the years passing, despite the strain of raising a family and the way touring the world with his music often tired him, he was still as effortlessly charming as he'd always been and his eyes were deep, chocolatey and warming as they focused on hers, full of love and affection for their little family.

Alex turned back to Daisy pressed kisses to both her cheeks. "Fank yeh, beau'iful... tha's sooch a loveleh fing for yeh teh say."

"Can we go now?" she asked, impatiently tugging on his sleeve.

With a shake of his head, Alex stood and lifted her into his arms. "C'mon then, princess Daiseh," he chuckled. "Let's go get sum candeh!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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