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Amelia's POV:
It's been two months since Meredith and cormac broke up and she's on her period being a royal bitch. "You need to make up with Cormac I can't deal with your bitchy-ness." I say looking at her as she pours coffee. "Amelia... shut up." She replies. "She's right Mer you were nicer when he was around." Maggie says. I grab the kids bowls of cereal putting them on the table. "Zola, Bailey, Ellis!" Meredith yells. "For people who claim to be my sisters you two fucking suck at it." Meredith says as the kids sit down at the table. "I have to leave because I have an early surgery on a peds case, one of you take them to school please." Meredith says walking out I smile at Maggie "have fun with cormac." I yell "tell him I said hi and that he needs to come sweep you off your feet again." Maggie says sipping her coffee. "Not funny." Meredith yells back at us then the door slams.

Meredith's POV:
I get to grey Sloan and go right to the attendings lounge. I walk in to see Cormac standing with Austin and two infant car seats. I freeze as the i see the car seats but then keep walking. "MerMer." Austin says. "Hey Austin." I say. "Morning Doctor Grey." Cormac says. I smile. "Good morning." Liam walks in and sees me "oh my freaking god can I please have a hug I miss you." He says I smile and chuckle a little "of course, anytime you boys need or want anything I'm here." I say hugging Liam. "I miss you too." I continue. I walk over to my locker to put my bag down and then start to walk out of the room as one of the babies start to cry.

I turn and look at cormac. "Can you help please she's been crying all morning and I don't know what to do." He says I chuckle and pull my hair back, putting it in a low ponytail at the back if my head. I walk over to take the baby out of her seat. "Are- did- did you adopt them or something?" I ask pick up the mixed little girl. She was freaking adorable. "No, uh fostering them..." he says I smile holding her as cormac walks closer to me. "What's her name?" I ask. "Uh Kailor is her name and her brothers name is Laker." He says. I smile holding Kailor. "She's adorable Cor." I say. Liam takes out his phone, I hear the click of a camera. "Liam!" I say not looking up. "Look at her beautiful eyes." I say. "They remind me of yours." Cormac replies. I turn and look at him. "Did you use your baby to flirt?" I ask raising an eyebrow rocking back and forth to soothe the baby. "Did it work?" He asks in return I laugh. "Maybe." I reply. "You got her to sleep... how'd you do that?" He asks I smile. "Mom's can do anything." I say "hm." The boys walk out of the room leaving Cormac, the babies and I in the room alone.

"What kind of name is Kailor?" I ask looking at him he laughs "I don't know I'm fostering her. Her name is Kailor Jordan so I've been calling her Jo.. because I don't like Kailor." He replies "it's- uh odd to say the least." I respond he smiles. "I miss you." I say. Cormac looks surprised. "Oh really?" He teases. "Mhm, I miss you, your hugs, your voice, your hand on my leg when I'm in the car, you." I say he takes a step closer to me. "I miss you too." He replies. I look him in the eye and place my hand on his chest. "Baciami Meredith." He whispers lightly. I smile a little "is that a good idea?" I ask. "I don't care Meredith." He say Kailor starts fussing so I start to rock back and forth again. "Baciami Meredith." Cormac says again. "Cor... she's crying." I say. Cormac looks at me "she's okay." Cormac assures me. He leans down slowly and kisses me. It was the best kiss ever. It was slow and felt caring, it was long until laker started to cry. He slowly pulls away about an inch and then goes right back to my lips. Laker cry's louder as I pull away from him. "Hole her." I say placing Kailor in his arms.

"Hi laker." I say in a baby voice picking him up. Cormac smiles. "So are we just going to ignore the kiss?" Cormac asks. "Yes." I say simply. "What's his middle name?" I continue Cormac rolls his eyes "Laker North. I didn't pick the names." Cormac says I look up at him "obviously." I say he smiles. "How long have you been fostering them for?" I ask "uh two days." He answers. "Oh.. do you even know how to take care of babies?" I question looking back at laker. "No...they cry all damn night." He answers I laugh. "Yeah... that's what they do." I say.

Cormac POV:
"This brings back old memories." I say as I poke around in the abdomen of our patient. Meredith looks up at me and smiles. "Mm that it does." Meredith replies looking back down. "I have to say Doctor Grey, you do a lot of appendectomies." I say, she laughs "I guess I do." Meredith replies. We finish our appendectomy and then both walk to the scrub room. "So what did that kiss mean?" I ask as we both scrub our hands. "You tell me." She responds I chuckle. "I don't know but I do know I need help with the babies." I say she laughs "yeah... you really do." She replies. "Rude."    "Listen you're the one who says you need help, I just agree." She says bumping her hip into mine. "Will you come over tonight. Just to help me with the babies you don't even have to sleep in my room." I ask she looks at me and smiles. "What do you even have for them?" She asks. I stop to think for a minute. "Two pack-n-plays, dippers, wipes, bottles, and clothes." I say. "Oh my god Cor, just bring everyone to my house after work." She says and walks out of the room.

Just an FYI, I got all the names from Pinterest. You might get another update tonight, how do we feel about this? I'm hesitant about the babies but have a plan so just hold on okay? Trust the process!

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