Messing With His Tie.

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Cormac's POV:
Meredith looks over behind my shoulder at Winston and Maggie who were arguing but in a whisper. Meredith raises her eyebrows "what's up Maggie.." he says I smile at her because she looks so cute holding the baby. God I should've never let her walk out of my life not as easy as she did. "What?" Maggie asks playing dumb. "Just tell us what you're trying to... why are you being so secretive?" Meredith replies. Maggie looks at Winston and Winston walks over and sits down on Ellis' chair putting ellis on his lap. "Uh... so.." Winston says. Maggie is playing with her hands which she does when she's nervous. I look at him with a 'what' kind of face. "There's no easy way to say this so... Um I'm going to be a dad." He says looking down at the table not really making eye contact with anyone. I choke a little as he says it. Maggie walks over and stands in between Meredith and I. Meredith Isn't really saying anything she's just looking at me. "Meredith your uh... going to be an aunt again..." she follows. I look at her. "Congratulations." I say she smiles and nods. "Mer." Maggie says concerned. Meredith just looks at her and then hands me the baby and walks out of the room. Maggie just looks at me. "I-I-Uh hold her." I say breaking the silence handing Maggie Kailor.

I walk upstairs and stand outside of Meredith's closed door. "Mer..." I call softly. This situation kind of reminds me of the scene in frozen where the girl sings "do you want to build a snowman?" Standing outside of her sisters room. "Go away." Meredith says. I lean my head against the door. "No." I say firmly. Meredith fiddles with the door knob so I stand up she opens the door not showing herself. "Did you just" She asks. I walk in and look at her she's crying and seems upset. "Yes I did. No. No I'm not leaving and no you're not doing this alone." I say. She doesn't say anything. "Look at me." I say closing the door because I know everyone is at the bottom of the stairs trying to see what's happening. "Rude!" Liam yells. I walk over to the top of the stairs to see them all standing there no one has the baby. "Where the hell is my kid?" I ask as they all run to other rooms. I walk back into Mer's. "Look at me." I repeat. She looks up at me mascara running down her face with her tears. "Mer." I say softly kind of in a sad way. She burst into tears so I wrap my arms around her. "Shhh it's okay... it's okay I have you." I whisper holding her close to me. "Everyone has babies even when they're not trying to and i miscarry them." She says through tears. "I know. I know." I say placing my hand in the back of her head running my hand through her hair. She backs up a little to look at me. "You're okay... I promise you're okay." I say she shakes her head no. I tilt my head making a disappointed and sad face. "I'm not okay." She whispers. I look at her placing my hand on her face. She lets her head lean into my hand more. "Yes you are... I know you want a baby and I know it's hard but Mer, you're okay." I say. She closes her eyes. "I miss you." She says. I smile. "You told me." I reply. "B-babe..." Meredith says soft surprising me. "Hm?" I hum in response she opens her eyes and looks at me. "These past two months have been the worst months of my life..." she says picking her head up. "I can live without you... I can but I don't want to. I want you- I need you because you make me better. You make me smile when I'm crying, you make me happy when I'm sad. Cormac I haven't stopped things about you since we broke up." She says I smile and pull her closer for a hug. "I know... come on let's go back downstairs." I reply.

Meredith's POV:
It's been three days since Maggie told me she was pregnant and since I've seen Cormac. I walk into grey Sloan to see Cormac sitting in the attendings lounge with a girl sitting on his lap messing with his tie. I freeze. Cormac and I aren't dating and haven't been for a while but seeing him another woman hurts. The girl leans in and starts kissing him as I walk in. I don't say anything but I put my stuff in my locker and start to make coffee when Cormac turns his head and sees me. "Mer-" he says I don't turn around "good morning Doctor Hayes." I say and then turn on my heels "and good morning to your friend as well." I continue then grab my coffee and start to walk out. "Wait Meredith!" Cormac says I smile and turn to face him he's now standing with the girl behind him he arms are crossed. "I-I-I'm sorry." He says looking hurt. I look at him in the eyes. "I'm glad you're happy cor, I hope it works out." And then I turn to walk out of the room but he grabs my arm. "Please don't walk away." He says. I smile and move my wrist so I can round his arm some. "Tell the boys I love them and hug the babies for me. I'll see you around." I say with a fake smile. A tear rolls down Cormac's face. As I really walk out of the attendings lounge.

"Are you okay?" Maggie asks me standing at the nurses station as cormac walks over still looking upset. "I'm okay. I'm happy for him. I guess that's what happens with firsts..." I say he looks at me and I make a face that kind of gives a oh well or disappointed look. He looks at me and I can tell he's not happy. "Want a hug? Or to go home and cuddle up in bed by yourself all day?" Maggie asks trying to comfort me. "I never Wanna hear the word cuddle again. I'm fine... I need to cut."

I feel like this is a good place to end. Thank you for reading.

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