The fighting festival

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Drole pov

After gloxinia was done explaining i split everyone into teams of two. After I had done that the first match had begun. "Hey do you mind if I sit on your shoulder?" Gloxinia asked. I turned my head away and replied with " sure I don't mind" I blushed slightly as he positioned himself on my shoulder.

Gloxinia pov

As the fighting dragged on it got more and more exciting. But....I let my guard down while I gazed in awe at the man's power. I didn't consider the possibility that he was aiming it at us. When the flaming ball was coming our way drole put his body in front of mine so he would take the brunt of the attack. Just then meliodas started attacking us. " I'll heal you soon hang in there drole!" I shouted as I doged meliodas's attacks. Damn I can't heal him like this! I hate seeing him hurt.

I healed drole eventually and then the fighting dragged on for a long time with us giving and taking blows from one another. That is until the rest of the commandments showed up. Once they showed up I healed drole and we left it to the rest of them to finish meliodas off. " once this is over I'm done with the ten commandments" I whispered to drole. He nodded slowly wich i knew ment he agreed with me. We might be able to live a more normal life when we quit. Tho we'll have zeldris and the rest of the demons on our trails. What a pain, we should've just died a long time ago. It wasn't long before estarossa killed meliodas. After that all the ten commandments scattered once again.
"We've gotta find a place to stay. It's getting kinda dark" I said and drole agreed. I flew ahead and scouted the area. I found a cave and we decided to stay there

Time skip. 2 months later

After gathering some food i found i was heading back to the cave As I flew back to drole I came across the "boar hat" it was apparently a tavern. I decided to take a look inside to see if I could get some information. I walked in and straight away I regretted it. Shoot I walked into some people I didn't want to see today. "Is that  king gloxinia?!" I heard the current fairy King shout. Damn I've already drawn attention to myself?! This can't get much worse can it. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?! The fairy King exclaimed. " uh well I gotta go..." I said trying not to start a fight. Man I just want to leave I don't want to start a fight. I'm so tired of fighting I wish that damn war never happened. I would've never even been here right now. " HOLD IT! You didn't awnser my question!" I sighed and decided to explain "both me and drole left the ten commandments I'm tired of fighting for people I don't give a shit about. I'd rather not fight at all to be honest. Its a real pain and I'm tired of people pursuing us... of course that doesn't really matter anymore because once we disobey what zeldris tells us to do WE'RE GOING TO BE HUNTED DOWN!" I exclaimed angrily. The fairy King and a few others just stared at me with blank expressions on their faces. " there i said it i surrender. And ill be on my way now if you don't mind" I said agitated. I started towards the door and stopped upon hearing a familiar voice " hold on gloxinia" meliodas said as I turned around. "What now?" I said blankly. " I'm happy to hear you quit" meliodas said as he smiled "so what?" I said sarcastically " well now that your not in lead with the ten commandments anymore do you want to tag along with the seven deadly sins?" Meliodas asked. I could tell he wasn't lying he was telling the truth....but then why was he asking me this?  "What" I laughed a bit at the offer "quit pulling my leg. There's no way you'd let us travel with you besides what about us trying to kill you? Who knows maybe I'm lying" I said blankly " your not I can tell" meliodas said in response. "Fine it's better than living in a cave, what do I have to loose" I gunted as I said that. "CAPTAIN!" The fairy King yelled out. " what can I say hee hee" meliodas said cheerfully. He's still the same as ever. " I'll go get drole" I said as I walked out the tavern door.

I flew for a little while until I made it back to the cave we had been living in "hey drole we're going to travel with meliodas...I guess" I said blankly " why?" I heard him ask " because he offered and lets be honest its better than a cave. But let's get going now because its getting dark" I replied " sure" he grunted.

Once we got back to the tavern merlin gave drole some pills that make him shrink so he can actually be in the tavern. Oh this is amazing I never knew little drole would be so amazing. I thought briefly. "Okay food is done" meliodas yelled as he set it on the table we were sitting at. Elizabeth, the giant girl and the fairy King just stared at the food in disgust. I dbout its that bad. I thought as I took a slice of the pie meliodas made. " what an odd thing to eat for dinner" I took a cautious bite of the food and instantly regretted it. ITS TERRIBLE! I ran outside and sat there for a moment. "I'm never eating his cooking again! NEVER!" I yelled to myself. Drole soon came outside " you alright?" He asked " yes its just really really bad" I replied disgusted. " yeah I'm not eating it" drole admitted " its been 3,000 years and he still sucks at cooking. How is that even possible I don't know" I said exasperated. Me and drole sat there talking for a little while before going back inside. " hey gloxinia, drole your going to have to share a room because we only have 1 extra one sorry" meliodas said as we walked inside. "Okay" I said slowly as I looked away blushing. I don't know what to say but I'm so happy I can barely contain myself! " I don't really care either way" drole admitted. "Good then ill be going, im gonna get some sack time" meliodas said "okay" I said as I walked up to the room. There was a hamoc and a bed in the room. I let drole have the bed and I took the hamoc. I could get used to this. I thought as I drifted to sleep.

Sorry if it was bad but I should be out with another chapter pretty soon I hoped you liked it.

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