just a camping trip

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"I can't wait to go on a camping trip with you guys!", Karl said on a discord call.

They have been planning this for a long time now. How did they even come up with that idea? It was probably Sapnap, he has been talking about going camping a lot. He said that he used to go camping with his old friends and that it was pretty fun.

George was currently sitting in the living room with Dream. A few weeks ago, he flew over to Florida to stay three weeks at his place and it fit pretty well that Sapnap now came up with that idea. It'd be him, George, Dream, Karl and Quackity. They were all very excited and they planned everything. There couldn't be a thing that could go wrong.

Oh, if they'd only have knew.


"What kind of things do I even need to take with me on a camping trip?", George sighed and looked down on his backpack.

Blonde hair appeared in his field of view and he tensed slightly.

"Clothes, a toothbrush, towels... you know, the usual things", Dream shrugged and stepped back.

"Did you even start packing?", the brunette crossed his arms and faced the taller boy in front of him.

"I'll do that tomorrow", he shrugged again.

"To be honest, I'm too lazy to do that right now", he let himself fall down on George's bed and sighed.

"Are you tired?", George folded one of his T-shirts and put it in his bag.

"Kinda", Dream yawned and closed his eyes.

"Don't you dare and fall asleep on my bed right now", the boy at the edge of the bed said.

"What you gonna do about it, huh?", you could see Dream starting to smirk.

George didn't answer him, he just rolled his eyes and finished packing.

"Alright", he said and put his bag down.

"Now, get out of my bed".

Dream didn't answer. Did he really fall asleep? George sighed and walked around his bed to look at the resting face.

Yes, he was asleep.

The british boy bit his lip and carefully shoved Dream back a little bit. He slowly got into the bed as well and tried to get under the blanket without waking the other boy up. Luckily, he managed to not wake him up. He turned his back to Dream, turned off the lights and cuddled himself up under the blanket.

Suddenly, he felt two strong arms softly tying to find their way around his torso.

George squeaked quietly and covered his mouth immediately. He started blushing. Dream has been doing this for days now. Always finding a way to touch him at some time and it drove George crazy. It drove the butterflies in his stomach crazy. He always had a thing for the tall, blonde guy but he never really admitted it. It'd probably just destroy their friendship anyway and of course he didn't want that. So he kept hiding his feelings, which was getting way harder since Dream started doing things like that.

He felt Dream's thumb running softly over his stomach. George sighed and leaned back against the blonde's chest. He slowly fell asleep as well. 


Dream was the first one to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he saw brown hair. Was that Patches? Since when is Patches that big? Then, he realized. He smirked at the small boy in front of him. Drool was running down his mouth and he was curled up like a ball.

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