a painting of her

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Not so explicit smut as it used to be but I hope you still like it

George has been sitting on his sofa for hours now, scrolling through many hashtags that were possibly connected to the topic "paintings".

If it wouldn't have been for his crazy ex-girlfriend then he would still be together with his Lisa. It was probably ridiculous what he was doing right now and she would probably notice it within seconds but he still wanted to give it a try.

He knows her pretty well and so he does know that she likes paintings just as much as she likes him. And because of that, George wanted to get a painting of her. He'd try to pretend that he drew it but the girl would probably notice not even after a few seconds. The brunet was bad at drawing, just as bad as keeping people who like him.

His finger stopped in an instant as he saw a picture on Instagram, in it a beautiful painting of a moon over a green-ish lake. George tapped on the profile and seeing the many followers did make him want that person to draw Lisa even more but at the same time, it'd probably be way harder to get their attention and time.

Meanwhile, Dream was cleaning his brushes in the sink. There was soft music humming in the background as he put the last brush away to dry and he dried his hands afterwards, only to take his vibrating phone into them a few seconds later.

Someone had spammed him on Instagram. The blond was about to block that person but when he saw the profile picture, he hesitated.

It was a picture of a brunet, his face was only half to be seen but that was enough for Dream to tell that he was indeed very pretty. His thumb clicked on the profile with wariness, his eyebrows pinched together a few seconds after he scrolled down to the end of the profile. There was never a photo of him really looking into the camera but the blond saw potential in him, seeing just his side profile was making him inscrutable interested in that person.

Dream clicks back on the chat and scans over the many texts 'George' has sent him:

Hey, this is George

I saw your paintings and I really like your work :) Would you draw something for me too, I'd obviously pay you

Just tell me how much, I'll pay for it

Ok maybe I won't pay it if it'll cost a million dollars but

you know what I mean

Dream huffs. He actually just draws for the fun and education since he is attending an art university but for some reason, he can't say no to that boy. In the very depths of his mind, he hopes that George wants Dream to draw him but it's still up to the stranger what he wants the blond to draw. But the hope makes Dream text back:

Hello George! I'm Dream :) I'm glad that you like my paintings and since I have time this week, I'm free to draw whatever you want me to.

The answer comes back within seconds:

That's great! What about the payments? How much do you want me to pay?

Dream starts to think about how much his time is worth. His time and his talent. But when he really thinks about it, he can't find a good number to settle down to, he actually just wants to get to know George better.

Let's meet up at first and talk about the painting in your head. We'll talk about the payment later :)

He's thinking about whether he is being very unprofessional or not but the agreement of the brunet makes him forget about that thought instantly. Both boys agree on a day, time, and place and Dream finds himself scrolling through the Instagram page of George many times, studying his features and his semblance on every picture until he falls asleep on the couch.

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