wrong team, right feeling

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The weekend was coming closer every second and so was the football game. Everyone was looking forward to it, to the first game of the year.

Everyone except George.

Usually he'd stand at the side, doing splits and pyramids but this time, he'd need to provide first aid for the football teams and yeah, both football teams. It was weird because why would they care about the opponent team? But his coach insisted for that.

George just hoped that somehow they wouldn't be that brutal that day, maybe they'd feel pity for him. Probably not but a boy can hope.

Soon enough, the day had come.

The brunet was hopping out of the shower and rubbed his hair slightly with a towel in his left hand, his handy in his other. His thumb was swiping over it pretty swiftly and he tried to type a message as quick as possible.

So, you're not coming tonight?

He laid his phone down again, screen showing down.  He wouldn't receive an answer soon anyway.

Suddenly, his phone did buzz. His hand quickly reached forward and turned the phone around, a fond little huff slipping through his lips as he saw that the message obviously wasn't from his boyfriend. It was his coach, telling him that he'd still need to wear the cheerleader uniform tonight. Heat swarm up his neck and he swallowed down the lump in his throat, to not avail.

Usually he wouldn't be so skittish about wearing his uniform but the fact that he'd just stand at the side, patching up the football players made the brit a little bit antsy. At normal games he'd be with his girls, all supporting him and being his friends and he wouldn't dare to glare over to any of the football players who'd sometimes even pipe at them. Some of them were the worst, when some of them were actually the best. Some like his boyfriend, Logan. He was actually the captain of the team and he and George met at a party, made out there and somehow got together afterwards. Such a nice love story and now it's coming to an end.

The brunet sighed and locked his phone with a click.

It wasn't like he actually has feelings for Logan, it was blatantly to him that their relationship wouldn't work out. And the fact that Logan was bisexual and more attracted to girls made it even more plain.

So him not answering to his messages was a great start to make his day bad when it's gonna be even worse.

His eyes were lingering on his reflection and he started to really like the thought of not going to the game tonight. After minutes of just staring at himself, he relents and reached forward to his makeup bag. The sponge was soft on his skin as he spread the thin fondation over his face. Next he put on a little bit of powder, swinging the mascara through his eyelashes afterwards to make them black again. He added a little eyeliner wing this day and as usual ended his make up routine with pale red lipstick.

He was still feeling very antsy about the upcoming hours but the second he looked into the mirror again and saw himself with the make up on, he started to feel his shoulders relax. The brunet looked exceedingly good.

He swiveled around and walked out of the bathroom, quickly got ahold of his uniform and tucked it inside his bag. Still a little bit antsy, he walked downstairs and right away outside, sitting down in his car and stiffing up immediately again. He begrudgingly needed to attend to that game that night, feeling anxious or not. Just a few hours and it'll be over, just a few hours of playing the nurse for some stupid football players.


"Put on the uniform, George", his coach peered inside the lockers room and tossed the boy an adamant look.

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