
My phone chimed. Once, twice, three times. I ignored it and grabbed my books for second period, Greek Mythology. I grabbed my textbook and binder and shut my locker.

The hallways weren't as crowded as Jupiter Academy. Then again, this school was a way different from my pervious one. The teachers, the classes, the girls.

"Welcome, welcome, to second period!" Vice Principle Brunner commanded attention at the front of the room from his wheelchair. He smiled warmly as more students filed in. "Ah, Percy, how did the tour go?"

"Good, thanks." A kid with black hair answered as he sat down. He must have been new, like me. "Are you our teacher for this class?"

Mr. Iron nodded. "I am. I have taught every student who has graduated from here about the gods and heroes. From Lady Artemis, to Lord Zeuce, every Half-Blood High Illuminati have learned of the Olympians and their myths."

A girl with blonde curls walked in and took a seat at the front. Percy waved to her, and she waved back, albeit a bit hesitantly.

Mr. Iron held up a clipboard as the bell rang for class to start.

"Class has begun, if you will all kindly take your seats."

People shuffled about, but for the most part, everyone listened.

"I will begin with role call. I'm sure you all know how it works by now."

"Silena Beauregard?"


"Charles Beckendorf?"


"Luke Castellan?"


"Annabeth Chase?"

"Here." The girl with blonde hair answered.

"Jason Grace?"

"Here." I answered.

"Percy Jackson?"

The guy with black hair raised his hand. "Here."

"Clarisse LaRue?"


"Piper McClean?"

"Here." Came the answer from behind me.

It's the girl from first period. I thought as I glanced at her.

"Calypso Ogygia?"


"Leo Valdez?"

Silence. "Leo Valdez?"

Again, silence.

Piper raised her hand. "He said his second period was English. Would you like me to go get him?" Mr. Brunner nodded amiably. "That would be nice, thank you." Piper stood and left the room. On her way out, she glanced at me, and immediately turned a light pink. I could feel my own face heating up as she stepped out and closed the door.

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