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I gotta say, those demon ladies could move fast.

They may have looked like old women, but they moved like lightning. I wondered if that was a benefit of being an immortal demon.

Anyway, they charged us, teeth and talons flying. The one named Alecto sprang toward Jason, who ducked and kicked her in the knee. Tisiphone headed for Leo and the other girl. Harper I think? No wait, Piper. Yeah, she went for them, teeth bared like a pit bull.

Guess who that left.

Megaera, me, and Hazel.

The Vengeful one eyed us with a hungry look. I knew what was on the menu.

An order of student soufflé for one please.

She ran at us, her mouth stretched into an ugly grin the size of a pool noodle. She could have swallowed me and Hazel in one gulp, and a few of the stone benches for a good measure.

Don't look her in the eyes. Focus on something else. A deep, brassy voice whispered to me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw... no one.

Who was that?

I had no idea, but decided to go with what they had said. I didn't look her in the eye, but instead chose a different body part.

I ended up looking at her neck. It was a vulnerable spot, the only thing that wasn't protected. An idea flashed quickly through my mind.

Before I could doubt myself, I sprinted forward.

She slowed a bit when she saw me coming, but didn't stop. I was taller then her by a foot, and had no trouble jabbing my elbow into her throat.

"ARRRGGGHHH!" She stopped her pursuit and dropped to her knees, choking. I kicked her in the back and she screeched again.

"FRANK!" Hazel yelled. I spun around and saw her backing up toward the fountain, Alecto, advancing fast.

I went to run to her, but something grabbed me by the throat.


Insert choice curse words here.

She grabbed me and squeezed hard. I gasped for air, her sharp talons digging into my skin. Black spots bloomed messily, spattering my vision like paint. I was loosing my breath fast. Out of the corner of my eye, Alecto leapt onto Hazel, talons first.


The fighting paused. All those present turned to stare at the fountain. Megaera even stopped choking me, but still held me by my neck.

A dripping wet Alecto glared at someone on the other side of the fountain, beyond my range of sight. Oddly enough, she was soaked, but Hazel was perfectly dry.

Huh. Weird.

"WHO DARES TO TRY AND DROWN ME?!" Alecto roared angrily. Her sisters hissed like snakes.

"I dare." A guy about my age stepped out from behind the fountain. His dark messy hair, sea-green eyes, and tall stature would have been right at home in a skatepark. What didn't match was his confused but thoughtful expression, like he was trying to figure out what was happening.

That made two of us.

"Yeah, uh, so sorry to interrupt... what ever this is," he gestured around. "But who are you?"

Alecto drew herself up to her full height. "I am Alecto, the Angry One."

Tisiphone glared at the guy. "I am Tisiphone, the Blood Avenger."

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