PSA: The PJO Show

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I never thought I would do this.

Can I just say, I am so disappointed in this fandom.

I've always thought that the PJO/HOO/TOA fandom was a good one. We prided ourselves on diversity and inclusivity, and we try to be welcoming. And yet, that all went out the window when the casting for the PJO show was announced.

I know I'm very late to this drama, but Leah Sava Jeffries is still being harassed and bullied online. Even though the show has been out for months, and the casting clearly isn't going to change, people are still hating on her.

Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves, hating on a kid. She's 14 years old. She doesn't deserve any of the hate. Leah had no control over the casting. She's an actress trying to do her job.

I'm not saying that the entire fandom is hating on her. I've seen a good number of people supporting Leah and the rest of the cast. (And that's great. Keep it up guys). But there are still people making racist comments and being outright cruel to a girl who has done nothing wrong. Her TikTok account has been deleted at least once due to the hate and negativity. You all are old enough to know better. Y'all are grown, you can act like it.

Annabeth Chase, at her core, is a character whose intelligence and abilities have been underestimated or doubted due to stereotypes. Just because Leah doesn't look like a fictional character does not mean she can't play Annabeth.

Annabeth Chase is one of my favorite fictional characters for many reasons. When I was younger, I loved that there was a smart, strong female character who looked like me. And now, another girl can feel that same joy of watching a girl who looks like her be strong and smart and brave.

If you don't agree with the casting, then keep it to yourself. There is literally no reason for you to bully a child.

Season 2 of the show will come out sometime in 2026 or so. For the love of God, just let the kids do their jobs.

That's all I have to say.

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