13 - Dear window,

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"You have a few minutes before class ends, the project is due this evening so use your time wisely."

Today was the deadline for the final Geography project for the term. Chaewon could careless about this and just ditch the whole thing, she does have another extremely important thing waiting for her in the afternoon. But after that night, the scene just never seemed to leave her alone, those phrases, with that sweet soft tone still lingers in her mind. She didn't have a choice but to face her, maybe just to hear that voice again would make the rest of it go away?

The sun was shining, slipping through the gaps in between the leaves before it's lightest ray permeates her brunette hair. Minju was enjoying her time by gazing out into the fields, not noticing someone had already approached her and joined her in doing so. The chair was dragged through the aisle slowly, placing it down across from Minju while keeping an eye on the outdoors.

"Oh, sorry.. I.. didn't see you there."

"That's fine.. so did you finish the project?"

"I've already handed it in."

The conversation went on, even though Minju had noticed Chaewon's presence, she still chose to continue to gaze outside. And on the other side of the table, the other also had already made herself home and leaned against the windowsill fixing her eyes onto the dancing trees.

"That's great! Also, I have a practice match today.. wanna come watch?"

Minju had read the notice board this morning, originally she was planning to watch for afar like always from the window in the library. But how could she resist this? She's getting asked by the Kim Chaewon herself.. there is no turning back from here. The only possible answer that she could say was,


"And for compensation for doing the project for me I'll give you the front seats!"

At this point Chaewon's heart was already bouncing just by talking about her match, since it's going to be the first match of the season, she figured anyone she knew she is going to invite.

As for Minju, she was even more exited than Chaewon even, she had never been to a sports event before so she had no idea how intense it was going to be, or how to even react at different situations. The only thing she knew was that this is really the only chance to get closer to Chaewon. And this is probably going to be the last time.

"Be at the bleachers at about half 2? I wanna show you someone too.. don't worry you don't have to do the talking though. You'll see why."

After Chaewon had finished her sentence, she felt something hitting the back of her head, it was her other friends making funny gestures towards how them both were talking and how Chaewon is inviting someone else other than her usuals to her match.

Chaewon picked up the scrunched up piece of paper, and with a silent but heavy throw send the paper flying across the room. It was lucky that her friends saw it coming and dodged it well. But still, that throw was obvious enough for the teacher to noticed.

"Stop the silliness! Also Kim Minju please follow me, this is regarding your higher course."

Minju was startled since she just remembered that this was going to happen today. She didn't say anything but gestured that she understood and started packing up her equipments.

"See you there, alright? Come cheer for me hehe."

Chaewon left a glance of sparkling eyes and a soft smile before she continued to locate another random nature to look at outside, leaving Minju completely again baffled and lost to Chaewon.

The books were shoved roughly into the gaps between her backpack, it was a struggle but Minju managed to do it quicker than she thought, not looking back to check her desk, something vibrant accidentally fell out from in between the papers of her spare notebook.

It didn't stand out to Chaewon much, in fact she caught sight of it right before it flew out of the window even. With her sharp eyes she reached beyond the window frame, leaving her seat a small vibrant flower was caught.

"That was close.. wait a minute.."

Chaewon sighed in relief then continued to relax back onto her chair, inspecting this mysterious thing she just caught.

It was flattened and dried out by the paper, leaving only its pigmented colors behind. The bright pink gradients to a snow white tip, and to anyone they could definitely see clearly that this flower was once wavy, with its curves already pressed together into some layers. It wasn't hard to guess, this is definitely a part of a snapdragon, the one that Chaewon gave to the person she always read their diary to be exact.

"I'm an idiot.."

Since her partner had already left for something, Chaewon had no purpose of sitting where she was. Her eyes were sinking into emptiness, she could feel defeat up in her arms, lifting the heavy chair back to her own seat, she hides the petal into her own notebook.

Chaewon thought again and again of how she missed this point. Now everything is clearer than glass to her, she wondered if Minju had figured it out too, but that wouldn't be possible.. she never spoke a word about this.

While she was collecting the evidence together inside her head, a background noise was pissing her off pretty well. It wasn't long before Chaewon couldn't stand her friends teasing her anymore, but fortunately the classroom was filled with chatter, so her small complaints didn't stand out too much.

"Ooohh Chaewon's inviting a girl to her matchh, my fucking ass, I'll superglue your seats if you don't stop."

Chaewon turned around one last time and made her call. That was a great silencer for everyone around her, they really went quiet for a second afterwards, boosting Chaewon's satisfaction scale a little more.

She wanted everything to look normal, like she didn't just figured out every digits of pi or discovered the meaning of life itself. Even though her speech was the same, her mind is completely elsewhere. It felt like she had already left this body and went to mars to do intense self training to become smarter.
How did I not figured this out sooner? Then I could've had a crush on Minju sooner..


Sorry I've been gone T^T
I've got something figured out now really writing this kinda stuff is not my thing but yet here I am...


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