Chapter 1 Hidden world

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"Saphira!!!!" First thing in the morning and there goes Eliza.
"What? What happened this time, was there another maggot in you?"
"Ew no, but I can't find my facial cream that hides my scars."
"Try going bare for once haha, people might actually see the real you."
"Now thats just cruel, you know I can't do that because I might be found out."
" I know I'm just messing with you, just stay home for today, I'll go tell your boss that you're sick." She just nodded at me and went back into her room.
Right now Eliza works as a clothing model, but she made an agreement with the company that she will work with them only on her own terms. We live together in huge house that we were able to get and pay for with both of our jobs. I work as a doctor in the near by hospital. I know it's cheating for healing a person with my powers but at least I actually studied to become a doctor. I only use my powers in serious cases but I get a lot of money from being a doctor. I also have a side job of being a supernatural doctor. Yes, a supernatural doctor as in I help injured creatures and or help them stay hidden in the human world.
Hey, I know it seems weird having those as jobs but they have their perks. I learn more about each creature and if there's a cute guy I have a chance with them. I remember I met this one werewolf named Skyler, when he turned into his wolf form his eyes were storm blue and when he was in his human form he was like wow...he was hot. I know I shouldn't get involved with some of my clients but damn he was worth it. Anyways right now there are a group of people who are trying to eliminate us creatures from this world so we are trying to act as human as we can. Just like some humans don't like each other, us creatures don't get along either sometimes. I call ourselves creatures but the correct term would be mythical creatures, same thing but still I hate some of them. There is a Disir that lives with us too, she is my other best friend except she gets on my nerves because she has a major crush on a Dybbuk. A Disir is a spirit who gets attached to homes or man made buildings but mainly homes and she got attached to ours. Her name is Paige Holloway, and the Dybbuk she's into name is Dylan. Even though he is Jewish he claims he isn't because he's a demon. Paige is obviously into the bad ass guys but I don't know she always has to talk about him. Dylan tried to possess me once when I first met him and I froze him with my ice magic. Ever since that day I haven't been a big fan of him.
There is another kind that I'm not too close with, I'm not so much as friends with them but I'm not their enemy either. We are just acquaintances really, after being bit by one of them I kept my distance from them. One vampire from the pure-blood clan attacked me, he goes by the name Orfeo, it means darkness in italian. He stays in the shadows and attacks people only at night. Pure-Blood's can walk at night but this guy tricks people by only hunting at night than going in the morning. The night he attacked me, he was trying to turn me. He didn't think I was one of the supernatural's but until I used shadow magic on him he stopped trying to turn me. So yeah overall I don't like them very much. Oh not to mention their leader is not only the most famous vampire of them all, which would be Dracula.
The lists goes on with all the mythical creatures that exist but I have yet to encounter them all.
"Have you guy's seen Dylan yet?"
"Paige shut up about him, if he wanted to be with you, he would've done so already."
"Saphira don't be sour just because you don't have any guy after you." She made a pouty face at me.
"Both of you stop now, Saphira you have to go to work, I got a call saying there is Wendigo that has gone loose and they need you to find him and teach him to control his urges of turning people and animals into cannibals"
"I thought Wendigo's left this state? I haven't heard of any news of them since I last researched them which was about 20 years ago."
"Apparently this one is a lone wolf, It just found out about its ability. I believe the information we received says its only a teenager."
I nodded at her and left towards the woods, the woods is where most run away creatures go to. It seems stereotypical but it's true. I'm not a fan of cars since it feels constricting, so instead I ride a motorcycle. Its glossy black with an ice blue tint in it in the light. The bike roared through the noon light and I can feel the wind about to break through helmet by the time I got back to the woods the sun began to go down. I stepped off my bike and I can feel and hear the crunch of the leaves at the bottom of my feet. The sun went down and here it came..the Wendigo, a creature, more like an evil spirit that is able to possess humans and turn them into cannibals.
"AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" The start of the bloodcurdling screams of the victims who the Wendigo decided to possess has begun. "Sitque et lux in tenebris." It was a simple spell that means "let there be light in the dark" This spell lets me see in the dark as though it was morning. I went around following the sound of the screams. I then found a blood trail on the had soon lead to a dead body of an older gentleman.
There eating the flesh of the old man was the Wendigo. Tearing open the skin on the body chewing on the flesh hanging on the bones it had ripped out from the body. Blood spraying out through each bite. It had possessed a lady probably in her twenties. Blood drenched her long hair and she had pieces of flesh on her body. She looked up and her eyes were pitch black.
"What am I? How am I able to do this to people? TELL ME HOW TO STOP IT!"
"Just take it easy, breathe slowly and step away from the dead body."
"I'm hungry...I'm so hungry. Please help me, I don't want to harm anyone anymore."
"I will help you and if you are not yet capable of controlling your transformations, I will show you."
"Thats the thing I don't know how to get out of this body, once I'm in a body I have to kill until I can't kill anymore and then I will be released."
"I'm going to do something that might hurt but, it will take you out of that body without hurting it." It looked at me with its pitch black eyes and it closed them giving a sign that it was ready.
I closed my eyes and put my arm out as I began to say the words, "ad quos petiere intus et maledictionem teneberis." I repeated those words again waiting for a sign.
There it was, I saw the form, its human was a he. He was naked and fair skinned with black hair but his eyes shined an electric green. He was quite toned as in he has broad shoulders...chest muscle....abs.
"How old are you exactly?" He looked close to my age considering Im only 18.
"I'm turning 18 next month...but I'm all alone in this wor..." Well there he goes.
He passed out from shock I guess but this is going to be awkward since I have to cover him. since I'm wearing an overly large shirt and a leather jacket, this could only mean one thing...I have to take off my shirt for him and get sick, or I can make him get sick and I can stay healthy. Decisions decisions...I can't decide. There's only one thing to do. I took out my phone and I called Eliza.
"Hello? Eliza, I'm in predicament right now."
"What do you mean? Did you find the Wendigo? Is it still alive?"
"Yes and its a him, and he passed out except he's naked, so its either I take off my shirt and put it on him and make him not get sick but I probably might, or I can keep him naked or not completely naked like he has boxers on but still, or I can stay healthy and keep my clothes on. Which one should I do?"
"DUH! Take your shirt off, you never know what might happen to a sick Wendigo, when you get sick its like a regular human being so it doesn't really matter."
"Geez...fine I will, well I'll see you when I get home."
I hung up and began to take off my shirt. It was cold as hell, I felt a tingle go up my back as I felt the cold leather jacket touch my bare skin. I grabbed my shirt and held the guy up and put it on him. Crap! What am I going to do about his legs? Oh my god this guy owes me big time. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around his waist. I started jumping in place doing random jumping jacks trying to warm up since I'm out in the woods in skinny jeans and a bra.
"This seems like a teen romance haha, a girl and guy out in the woods alone, the girl is shirtless, and the guy is partly naked, my oh my." I need to stop talking to myself seriously the smile on my face hurts since its cold. Anyways I need to get back before I freeze my ass off. I put the guys arm around my shoulder and I kind of dragged him all the way to my bike, I don't want to use magic to do this because its not really an emergency. I put the helmet on the guy and I wrapped his arms around my waist, I turned on the bike and there we were riding in the moonlight.
"Aye what are you doing put your hands back." I felt his hands go on my chest.
"Wait where am I...what am I touching?"
"You're on my bike, and I'm bringing you back to my place and your hands are on my breast. Now that I'm done explaining, can you move your hands back down?"
"Oh yeah I'm sorry." He moved his hands back down to my waist.
"I don't feel too good...oh no."
"Dude don't even think about it, hold it in we are almost home anyways."
"I'll try but I can't make any promises."
I pressed on the gas and sped all the way home. Thank god it was dark otherwise people would have just seen me in a bra. As we rode in the moonlight, I could feel the wind cutting my skin, it was so cold it felt as though I was being cut by ice.
When we got back to the house, I unlocked the door and the Wendigo ran inside probably looking for the bathroom.
"Eliza, Paige, can you guys look out for the Wendigo for a bit, I'm going to go take a hot shower."
"Hold on, what if he tries to possess one of us, what would we do then?" Eliza looked at me in a scared look.
"First of all, a Wendigo is an evil spirit but obviously this one is different since it has a human form, and Paige is a spirit already so it can't do anything to her. Second of all you are a zombie, they only go after humans. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go now." Eliza looked at me with a half convinced face.
I went up the long dark wooden staircase holding onto the swirly rail. When I got to my room, I turned on the shower watching how the water began to fall in the black bathtub. Sometimes I use magic for personal use such as for relaxation. "Blue petalis et tepido nix." Blue petals started floating from thin air, and snow started gently flowing down from the ceiling. The snow isn't cold its warm snow. The scenery of snow and the color blue is calming for me it helps me calm down. I took off what was left of the clothes I had on and went into the shower. I felt the hot water touch my skin, it didn't burn me but it was hot enough to give me the tingly sensation throughout my body. I put my face in the water and I can feel each stream of water going down my body from head to toe. My dark brown hair reached all the way down my lower back. It went from beach waves to pin straight.
When I got out of the shower, I felt the warmth of the beautiful snowfall. Each flake of snow touched my skin and melted. It was small shocks of heat which felt good. I wrapped myself in a pre heated towel. As I was combing out my hair, I heard a loud thud.
"SAPHIRA!!!" Well so much for relaxation. I ran down stairs in just my towel, my long hair still dripping with water. I felt the coldness of the house again, it felt shocking to me since I was just in the heat.
"What is it, what happe..." I looked down and the Wendigo was throwing up the flesh it had eaten from the body. It didn't all make it into the toilet, the floors were covered in blood. It was a disgusting sight.
"Now thats just nasty." I just looked at him puking out flesh.
"Saphira I'm not cleaning this up, I'm out." I saw Eliza start walking into the other room
"Same...." Paige then disappeared, but knowing her she probably just reappeared to where Eliza went.
"Okay first after you're done throwing up whatever you just ate, tell me your name so then I can stop calling you Wendigo because you aren't exactly one. Then I'm going to clean this stuff up while you go and take a shower. After that we are going to have a long conversation...also I need to get dressed since you know I'm still in a towel."
"Okay...I think I'm done, and where's the shower?" I pointed towards the other downstairs bathroom and the closet where all the extra clothes are.
"Everything you need will be in those two places." I watched as he went on got clothes and walked into the bathroom.
"Caro et sanguis,claudere ad inferiorem." I closed my eyes as I said those words a couple of times. I opened my eyes and everything in the bathroom was clean. That spell brings the things from the dead back into the other world in this situation it would be bringing the blood and flesh back to the other world. I started walking past the bathroom from where he was taking a shower. When I walked by there was a draft from the room and I smelled the scent of shampoo from the bathroom. For some reason I felt this strange burn from within. It felt like a lust to want to go inside, I don't know why but I have to.
I slowly opened the door and and each inch that moved I felt the burn grown stronger in me. I looked up and there he was. Water was dripping down his body while a towel was wrapped around his waist. I could see the veins on his arm popping out, his body was steaming from the hot water. When I saw his eyes, they turned blue. I felt strangely attracted to him but...its not a true feeling. Is he an Incubus? It can't be though because he's also a Wendigo. I started walking to him but not with my own free will, it was like I was under a spell. I ran my hands down from his neck down to his stomach. I gotten closer to his lips about to touch his. I felt his arms slowly reach around my waist as I began to move closer to him. I felt the warmth of his body start to warm me up even more. I'm under his spell.

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