Fundy Visits who?

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This is being edited slowly so you'll probably get frequent updates. There also be a lot of spots untouched as this is an 8000+ WORD CHAPTER! I might end up finding a place to break it into another chapter but I may just leave it as be.

Also, I believe I wrote this back in 2020-2021 so it's when among us was pretty popular. So just a warning that it pops up quite frequently in this chapter.

Narrator POV:

In just a few weeks 5up's friendship with Fundy had grown. It was as if they had been friends since middle school or even longer. To go along with their blooming friendship both guy's channels had grown a large amount. With the close friendship they held after almost every stream the two would text or call each other, chatting the early day away into the late night. Or the opposite, night into day. The friendship seemed unbreakable! But is it? To all, it seemed so.

Three months before the present

The sun shined brightly through 5up's blinds as it crept onto his face. Being blinded by the sudden light, when he opened his eyes he put his arm over them, blocking the sun. The bags under his eyes began to feel as if they carried 10 pounds with every rise of his chest. Slowly as the drowsy feeling of sleep abated he moved his arm down his face before letting it fall to the stomach. Groaning he threw the blankets off his body and swung his legs off the side of the bed. He shivered slightly as the frosty air from his fan bit his exposed skin.

Swiftly standing up, not sitting another moment, he waddled over to the fan and shut it off. With a breath of relief, he walked over to his PC and fell into his chair spinning to face the screen. 5up started it up as Discord automatically opened with a notification. Scott DMed him wishing to call as it was easier than texting. [I'm too lazy to write a texting sequence] Mornings aren't indeed 5up's thing and he normally didn't like to talk till he was more awake but it is easier than using his fingers.

"Hello hello," 5up greeted Scott in a flat rough voice. "Hi! how are you doing today? I know It's early for you, so sorry for that," Scott apologized.
"It's alright Scott. I was coming to my computer anyway" 5up reassured, stretching as he yawned quietly and leaned back in his chair.
"Alright! That's good. Anyway, I was gonna ask you if you wanna join me and a few others in among us?" Scott asked. 5up thought about it for a moment before answering him.
"Sure why not? Can I bring a friend along?" He asked Scott. Scott seemed to be overjoyed, you could tell by his voice.
"Of course! We needed one more person anyway," he answered. "It took quite a while to find someone that was available at this time ha."
"Ha, understand that feeling. Time zones and all that. Alright! Thanks, I'll be there in a few minutes. Bye, Scott!" He said.
"Bye," Scott replied.

The little ding rang in 5up's ear as the call ended. He comfortably stayed leaned back in his gaming chair until he straightened up. He we exhausted from his late gaming session and his bed was very tempting to go back to but he was already awake and had agreed to play. He had second thoughts about playing after he already agreed but it is what it is. Clicking on Fundy's DMs, 5up called him.

"Hi, Fundy!" 5up greeted him with the energy he had suddenly gained after talking to Scott, despite being sleepy. Swiftly he leaned forward as he rested his elbows on my desk.
"Hey, 5up! What do you need?" Fundy asked. "I was wondering if you wanted to play among us with Scott, a few other people, and me?" He requested, opening among us.
"Hmm, sure! I was intending on working on the modded video I was telling you about but I'll do that later," Fundy answered.
5up softly hummed, "Alright! Let's join the VC shall we?" he asked. 
"We shall," Fundy confirmed.

  5up and Fundy joined the call with all the different YouTubers. There was Scott, Dream, Corpse, Poki, Toast, Laserbeam, Lizzie, and Joey. They all greeted each other and started small conversations as they waited for people to join, streams to be set up, and just for the game to commence.

First round
   Once the game started 5up and Scott were the imposters. Fundy followed 5up around and when the lights turn off 5up killed someone near him. Fundy had lost 5up during this time as he went to lights thinking 5up was behind him. So 5up was not caught.
Joey had found the body of Dream, no one was voted out.
   Throughout the whole game, 5up and Scott were winning till Poki accused 5up of being the imposter. Fundy along with Scott protested for 5up. Poki insisted it was 5up and Fundy then but was still a bit suspicious of Scott.
   Fundy got voted out. At the end of the game, the imposters won.

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