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Notes at the end!
(I started to write this at 4am-5am and I have no idea where this story is going so give me a break ✋ I also fractured my wrist-) by the way all the characters that live with 5up are just RANDOM PEOPLE I MADE UP 😭
Anyway, Let's start with 5ups point of view, Shall we?

5ups POV:
I hurried up the stairs. Tears we're spilling down my face, I had tried to compress them but I just could hold it anymore. Once I got to my room I slammed the door shut. I put my forehead against the door and started banging on door out of anger. Who knew you could fuck up this bad 5up!, i yelled at himself.

A few seconds later I had stopped banging on the door. I just sat with my back to the door, legs curled to my chest, and my chin resting on his knees. I just let my tears roll. I had lost consecration on what was going on around me that I didn't hear Sam trying to talk to me through the door.

"5up, are you okay?.." sam spoke softly.

I tried to speck but I couldn't. My voice was caught in my throat. The only sound I could was a "mmmhm".

"May I come in.. please?" Sam asked, their voice almost a whisper.

I nodded my head even if she couldn't see. I stood up and opened the door slowly. When I met sams gaze their eyes widened and she put her hands to their mouth. What's up with her?, I asked myself. Sam suddenly walked up to me and hugged me. I hesitantly hugged her back. We stood like that till they picked me up and placed me gently on my bed. I laid down and just stared at the ceiling. She put my covers on me, gave me a (platonic) forehead kiss, and left closing the door behind her.

My eyes became heavy and I began to close them. I rolled onto my side and hugged the covers. I slowly drifted to sleep.

Sam's POV:
I shut 5ups door and sighed deeply. I can't stand seeing 5up cry. I wonder what happened, I'll ask him later.

I started waking back to my room but then I had hit something or someone. They caught me by the arm and brung me into a sort of hug. I hugged them back before I looked up at them.

"You have to be more careful sam." Alex said giggling.

All I could do was nod. I just kept staring at Alex, looking between their eyes and their lips. I began to blush remembering my dream. I was being hugged by the person I kissed in my dream. They were in my dream, I thought. It was honestly hard to believe, no one has ever been in my dreams before.

My thoughts were cut off by Alex letting go of me and patting me on the head. They took my hand and lead me to their room. Once they let go of my hand they opened their closet and started searching for something. I decided to sit down on their bed.

"Water?" Alice asked handing me a bottle of water from their mini fridge.

"Well, now that you mention it, I am thirsty." I answered shyly as I took the water from their hand.

They nodded. Alice walked to the other side on the bed and sat down. I drank my water then laid down. Alex copied my movements. Alex took the covers and put them over me and them. I turned to look at them. They had a big bright smile on their face. I smiled back at them and then rolled over with my back towards them.

I started to fall asleep. Before I did Alex had grabbed me by the waist and cuddled me. I thought nothing of it really and fell asleep.

Fundys POV:
I woke up to a darkish room. The light from the sun tried to creep through the window but the curtains kept the light from entering.

I pulled the covers off me. I hung both my legs over the side of the bed. I got up and changed Into some nice clothes. I walking into the guest bathroom and brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and now I was ready for the day.

I walked out of my room and saw Sam walking towards me.

"Hi!" I said waving at her.

Sam didn't reply though, she just continued on her way. Werid, I thought. I shrugged and wondered into the kitchen. I didn't feel like making food so I grabbed some bread, toasted it, and then slapped some jam on it. I ate as I walked into the living room where I found alex and Sam watching tv.

"Hey, what are you guys watching?" I asked. No response so I tried to talk to them again.

"Hello, earth to Sam and alex?" Still no response.

"Stop ignoring me.." I mumbled. "Will you guys answer me?" I asked.
"Stop ignoring me! This isn't funny!" I yelled a little bit. Still no response.

I felt hurt but I wasn't gonna let it get them best of me. I just walked off to the front door. I put shoes on and grabbed an extra key to the front door and left for a walk.

I wanted to clear my mind. So as I walked I paid attention to things around me. Like the wind, the trees and how they blew, people interacting with there pets, people socializing and the sounds of birds. It was a peaceful morning to say the least. Nothing could go wrong this morning, i thought to myself.

I passed a library while on my walk and decided to stop there on my way back. So when I came back I entered the library and started looking at books. None of the books really seemed to catch my eye but it was fun to look around and stuff.

Once I was done I walked out of the store and walked back home. I wasn't ready to go back in to be honest. I don't know what I did or why they were ignoring me. But all I know now is that they don't like me..
Welcome to the end of the story! Sorry to make you guys wait so long. I'm quite tired to be honest and school is not helpful. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed! Also here's the pronouns for Alex, Alice and Sam. Alex: they/them Sam:she/they Alice: she/her! I hope this helps. Anyway have a good night or day! I'm going to bed, goodnight!!
(1121 words)

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