Relization + broken relationship

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Notes and sh!t at the end!
(Hey! A chapter before this was deleted by accident so let me give you a summary of what it was. Sam had a dream about Alice and Alex, they kissed then Sam woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. Sam gas this recurring dream where she sat at a wood table that's surrounded with wood chairs. There's a small dim light above the area and the rest is pitch black. And it's just the same thing over and over again so it's werid to have someone/something appear in the dream. Fundy woke up and left the cave. He started to try and go back to 5ups place but passed out on the sidewalk. Someone got out of their car to ask if fundy was okay, and that was the last thing fundy heard. 5up woke up to a call. It was from the police station and they said they found fundy. 5up was overjoyed and hurried out the door to pick up fundy. So that leaves it where we are now, a little in the past though! I will rewrite it when I get the chance)

Fundys POV:
I had woken up to bright lights blinding me and talking. I pulled my arm over my eyes and groaned. I rolled over on my side and whatever I was lying on so I didn't have to stare into lights. The movement seemed to alert the people who were talking because it went silent.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I jumped being startled. I turned my head to be greeted with a police officer. I sit up from what looked like a couch. I looked at my surroundings. I'm very confused on where I am and the police offer seemed to notice my confusion.

"You must be confused. The look on your face tells me that." The police officer stated.

Me, being the tried person I am, just nodded instead of speaking. The police officer just hummed. They stood up and turned around and spoke to another police officer by the looks of it.

"Can you go call that 5up guy please and thank you." They asked.

The other person nodded and walked out. The police officer following behind. Wait, 5up!? I don't want to see 5up, not after what happened.. I shouldn't have run away, we're not even together. I don't know why it's such a big deal. Why does it hurt though? I'm being over dramatic.

I was getting lost in thought and didn't even realized the tears that started to trickle down my face. I felt someone's arms wrap around me and pull me into a hug. The person didn't let go till my sobs had stopped.

(I'm gonna be honest with you all. while I was writing this, I had no idea where this was going 🧍)

"Why were you crying?" The person asked me.

The person cupped my checks in an attempt to comfort me some more. The man had black long hair about down to his stomach, his blue eyes were full of sorrow and worry, and he was wearing a plan black long sleeved shirt with some jeans that were over the black shirt. The man was handsome to say the least.

"It's just.. I don't know if I can face 5up after what happened. I shouldn't have run away but at the same time that girl had no reason to kiss him. I feel like he hates me now." I mumbled. My voice  very raspy.

The man nodded. He pulled me back into a hug before he let go and left. I now sat in a room with four other people. The people were talking and just completely ignored my existence. I honestly couldn't care less. It's hard to talk with a dry throat. I just simply laid back down on my back.

It had been an hour of waiting. I was very anxious on waiting for 5up. I was angry with him but at the same time I was angry at myself for the way I'm acting. 'You're not even together, DICKHEAD' I said to myself. My thoughts were invaded by someone tapping my shoulder.

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