Bitter sweet

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Umm before we start I wanted to say that Alex goes by they/them so if I use she/her I apologize! Anyway onto the chapter :).

Narrator POV:
Fundy had just gotten out of the shower and was now getting ready. He had huge plans for today. Last night he was up all night making reservations or whatever to places and he planed to bring 5up, Alice, Alex, and Sam for quality time!

Once he was all ready he went up to 5ups room. He hesitated before knocking. He heard a muffled 'come in' from inside. As those words were said fundy entered. He just stood at the doorway as 5up turned around in his turntable gaming chair. Catching a glimpse of his screen, Fundy could tell 5up was streaming.

Fundy stumbled over what words to say before he got it all together. "I have plans today for you, Alice, Alex, Sam and I all to go on a quality time trip. I wanted to know if you want to come? If so we leave in about," fundy stoped and look at his watch, "about 3-4 hours" he finished. 5up nodded his head, "alright,  I'll go. I'll make sure to be ready by then." He said. Fundy just smiled and left closing the door.

Next was Alice's room. He hadn't actually gone or seen any of 5ups roommates rooms, surprisingly. Once Fundy was infront of her room he knocked. He waited a few seconds before the handle started moving. Soon after Alice appeared. "Oh. Hey Fundy, what do you need?" She mumbled loud enough to hear. "um, I set up a quality time day today and I made big plans for you, Alex, Sam, 5up and I to all go out together. I was wondering if you wanted to go?" Fundy explained. "Oh, alright that's sounds good to me!" She then turned back. "Are you guys available to go out with Fundy, 5up, and I for some quality time later?" She yelled back at someone. Silence follow but then a smile appeared on Alice's face. She turned back to me. "Alex and sam are good to go! What time exactly?" She asked. "Around 12 ish? So 3 hours." He stated. Alice nodded and closed her door.

Fundy let go of his breath he didn't know he was holding. Walking down the staries, he began to feel the heat. He started sweating and his vision become blurry. Once at the bottom of the stairs he stumbled towards his room. Sitting down at his desk he grabbed fundy grabbed his ice cold water and drank it. His vision clear up and he had a thought.

Why not join 5ups VC if he's in one, Fundy thought. As he got to his pc he turned it on and got into discord. Lucky for him 5up was in a call. Along with Scott, jimmy, grain, Joel, and mumbo. Fundy debated on joining or not but eventually he did.

The loud, Ding, when someone joins a discord call rang throughout the call and soon everybody notice he joined. "Hi Fundy" Scott's greeted him before everyone else joined in aswell. Fundy smiled.

Fundy's POV:
"Hello!" I greeted them just as they greeted me. "what are you guys playing?" I asked as I opened 5up's stream. "We're playing uno, well at least Mumbo, jimmy, Scott, and I are. Grain and Joel just joined cause they were bored I guess." 5up replied. Hearing giggles from Grain and Joel Confirmed 5ups statement.

"jimmy you're so bad at this game!" Grain made fun of him. "No I'm not!" Jimmy denied it. Soon after jimmy lost and all of us couldn't stop laughing. The whole VC was filled with laughter the whole time, but soon the stream ended. I said my goodbyes to the group before leaving.

Leaning back in my chair I sighed. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Till someone barged into my room. It made me almost jump out of my own skin. Instead I fell out of my chair. Laughter could be heard behind me. I groan holding one hand to my head. I look at the person standing in the doorway. It was Alex.

"Pffft, you are pathetic" they laughed. Obviously I took it as a joke but was it really a joke? Probably. I sat up. "What do you need Alex?" I asked. They had to calm down just a bit from laughing before they could speak. "W- we're playing b- board games in my room," Alex laughed, "wanna come join?" They asked still holding back laughter. After I nodded, they roared with laughter again as they left

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